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 Dec 2017 ekta
She showed up shinning
Shy southern smile
I knew it was her
From her HP profile
I said, I'm Traveler
But please call me Tim
It's so good to finally meet you
Where on earth have you been
In the fleeting moments that followed
Everything just seem to go full throttle
Then suddenly she was gone
A week filled with fun and song
Dear Poetess
I wish you'd stayed on!
Traveler Tim
Bundled against the evening chill
I stand in the newly fallen snow,
brightness of the moon and stars
make my world a diamond glow.

To love and feel love
my heart picks up pace,
I watch the dancing snowflakes
as they fall upon my face.

looking up at the sky
I smile at the beauty I see,
then let my heart just float
as high as it wants to be.

I hear the sound of crystal bells
they ring so soft and clear,
they’re like the voices of angels
the music seems so near.

Breathing in the cool night air
I hear the song of our hearts,
a melody flowing between us
like the beautiful sounds of Mozart.

I feel the moisture on my face
tasting it’s cool, sweet flavor,
my world becomes a fairyland
a moment I shall savor.

Troubles melt like the snowflakes
that fall upon my face,
with crunching snow beneath my feet
my heart is filled with grace.
 Dec 2017 ekta
I look back
And cringe at my failures
The dreams that broke
And the unfulfilled desires

All so indecisive
Here lies my mind,
To give up on my dreams
Leave all the wishes behind

The pendulum of the clock
However, tells me another story
Don't stop, no matter what
And you sure,  will have your glory

Like a long-lost teacher
Time tells me - keep up with the fight,
One day You'll be among the stars
Believe me, You'll be shining bright!!
 Dec 2017 ekta
you don't know me
not who I truly am,
not who I am on the inside;
not the other part of me.
you don't know me,
you haven't seen me,
not that hidden, secret part of me,
not that place inside me,
that place in the shadows,
this place that is concealed,
from the eyes of others.
you don't know me,
not yet,
maybe not ever,
but at least you got to meet,
the bright, cheerful side of me,
the side that is always,
trying to be happy and at
her best for the sake of all.
we all have our secrets
some are dark,
a few darker than others,
but we have our bright secrets too,
those that shine bright like the sun.
for now, let us focus on these bright secrets,
for our dark ones may be sad,
and they might darken our day,
because there will be a day,
when we can let our dark secrets show,
but for now,
                                         You don't know me.
 Dec 2017 ekta
 Dec 2017 ekta
 Dec 2017 ekta
Dead lover
 Dec 2017 ekta
Dead lover
I loved him,
He was of someone else...


Suddenly one day,
He completed all my poems..
I love you mine.
 Dec 2017 ekta
Jon Sawyer
Poetry is for those who write it,
not for those who read it.
28 December 2017 - How I feel about poetry.

Short edit: I've invoked a bit of controversy over this poem, and that is a good thing in the grand scheme of things. I just wanted to clarify an important point, however. This poem is not intended convey that poetry is not at all for the reader. I only mean to express that the writer is in the unique position of having written the poem, but there are many readers. I tend to write poetry for myself, but I'm happy if readers share in my poetry.
Beautiful yet fragile
All you do
Is fly

Like everything that
To die

Just so you know
It's a lie

When they say
Everyone likes you

When you fly around
Some they runaway

It's not true that
Everyone loves you

Its not your beauty that counts
It's what you do
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