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Egeria Litha Nov 2016
How many times have you almost died?
More than 20 but still I have no idea what comes after this life
Didn't get close enough to enact
The DMT chemicals in my brain
But I have experienced my essence
Out of this body
And in a different plane
So that could almost be the same thing...
Anyone who has severe food allergies can relate to this.
Egeria Litha Nov 2016
If my sexuality consistently gets used
Against me
Then it becomes my weapon
The wisdom that a man's greatest weakness
Is simultaneously his greatest strength
Becomes realized
Reflected in domesticated animals
We give up our instincts
In an environment where the wild
Doesn't belong
After years of suffering
I grab my wand for the first time
Although lifetimes ago I may have done so
This time matters the most
Because it is happening now
I grab my wand and wave it through the air
the journey to learn how to use my Magick power
Enemies draw closer
Only to get blasted down by light
Aum harnessed from my throat
I will use fire to protect my life
Hovering owls in the night
All according to plan
Magic birds witness
The transpiring of balance
Coming to this planet in need of healing
Divine feminine we are here
Mary Magdelene is near
Absolutely have no fear
Lilith is on the sidelines
Visiting dark beings
In human minds
Kali is by her side
Tongue hanging out
***** for fresh heads in her multiple hands
Yemaya stirs in the ocean
She howls, "Just leave me alone!"
As Bolon Ik traverses time away from her twin flame for longer than she can bear
Exposed in a terrifying way
But men cannot Divert their eyes
As The most beautiful women
Turns some into stone,
Others to salt,
And only the righteous of souls -
Deliverance as The Call To Rise
Egeria Litha Nov 2016
In the United States
some men whisper to themselves in sleep
dreams of divine masculine
they seek support from the Ultimate Father
and hear of things from long ago
that feel so relevant
of ceremony to become a man
Offer tobacco to the raging fire
Shamans and tribal leaders throw rocks in its mouth
4 blocks to 6 blocks as we honor the 4 directions
Deer antlers present in geometry
everything has its place and function
And as the the rocks glow
they all sing prayers using sacred vowels and tones
from another point in time
reviving ancient memory
and they sang until every man knew the words
to the song, to the people, and to the great mystery
a lifestyle repressed but yearning to thrive
Egeria Litha Aug 2016
Someday, when I have a significant amount
Of money which means enough to leave the scene
Wherever I am easily
And without further strife
I will be a ***** stand my ground
And tell people off when they cross me
Egeria Litha Aug 2016
frozen body parts give me away
An inference to take in
That I don't want to advance
A touch that ends in stale mate

I have a lock on my book
Makes it harder to read
For others who don't know the password
inside there is delicate and scandalous Information
The book of a wise woman
Who deserves to read this knowledge?

It feels like if we had *** then afterwards
You would be more willing to open your heart
Let vulnerability hang out
Intermittently like a cough or sneeze
An indication that something inside you
Is moving
Life bubbling to the surface
And then I would know there is more to you
Than the next distraction
Alcohol, drugs,
a passing conversation, loud music
Holding me only for a little while
Sums up your intimacy level
By the second time you told me,
"I like you because you're easy to talk to!"
That's when I knew it was time to end this
  Aug 2016 Egeria Litha
Anne Sexton
You said the anger would come back
just as the love did.

I have a black look I do not
like. It is a mask I try on.
I migrate toward it and its frog
sits on my lips and defecates.
It is old. It is also a pauper.
I have tried to keep it on a diet.
I give it no unction.

There is a good look that I wear
like a blood clot. I have
sewn it over my left breast.
I have made a vocation of it.
Lust has taken plant in it
and I have placed you and your
child at its milk tip.

Oh the blackness is murderous
and the milk tip is brimming
and each machine is working
and I will kiss you when
I cut up one dozen new men
and you will die somewhat,
again and again.
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