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Egeria Litha Feb 2015
Circular Parameter
around my body
Golden ring
Getting in my vortex
Quite literally
Esther Hicks
Would like my tricks
Because it offers
A practice that preaches
The sacred teachings
Of the Law of Attraction
Dancing in my hoop
Causes momentum
Of the greatest
joy in the action
Of light

I'll probably hula hoop
All the days of my life
Egeria Litha Feb 2015
Adverse current
And drifted out to sea
Refusing restriction
Determined to be me
Mothers and Fathers
Can Be
Disturbing shadows
Reversed archetypes
With a fallen crown
Come on wise one
Quit beating on the
Same drum
Of a familiar string
Continuously negative thoughts
Keeping you where
You don't want to be
If you can't think about
Physically leave
Use a different drum
To maintain the beat
Of that high flying disk
Egeria Litha Jan 2015
I'm submitting a poem to Readers Digest magazine and it has to be 15 lines or fewer. Scanning through my poems, I found 3 that I would like to enter but I can only choose one. My options are 8:11, What Comes Out at Night, and Judgement Speaks. If you could go through those poems and tell me which you like that would be great.
Much love and keep writing,
Egeria Litha
Egeria Litha Jan 2015
I don't enjoy writing sad poems anymore. But this could fall under the rug of existentially detached. Have you ever felt disconnected from the game and the system? Have you ever just existed without a purpose? Or an idea to pledge your ideals? Have you ever woken up with nothing to belong to? No obligation to seek you out or you call towards? Have you ever done nothing for days and nights? Have you ever been frustrated by the cards you've been dealing out on the table... grimacing at what you see? Have you ever been blank, open, honest, and empty all at the same time? Have you given up on something that you love and something that you hate, leaving you in a limbo of the middle state? Have you ever waited for an oracle or a miracle because your inner guidance system is not speaking loud enough? Have you ever continually related to others through their shadow sides? Free and aimless observing everyone else participate in the world. Yearning for my light to shine.
Egeria Litha Jan 2015
Armpits hate aluminum

and vaginas loathe razors

body parts voice themselves

through physical sensations

lymph nodes form pea *****

crying to sweat

vaginas irritated screaming

ingrown hairs and sores

Why can’t we be accepted as we are?

Avoid deodorant

and guarantee that someone

will say,


shave your ***** region

because every girl does it

without asking questions

groom for your man

do him a favor

wild and natural

under the assumption

that it must be tamed

so many women

never ******

but as long as the man

gets his fix

then the job is done

If a girl has ever stuffed her bra

with toilet paper

to make her chest fill out

some deep part of her

will understand what I’m writing about

Ladies... please as a collective,
wash your brain from brain wash
Many women have wrote about the ideal body image, make-up, and more obvious examples of societal brainwash. But there are some trends within women especially in America that most women overlook. Do you know ***** hair is vital for hygiene and most deodorants carry awful substances that cause cancer? Also, most men have no idea how to pleasure and from what I've seen a lot of women don't care about that. Not cool
Egeria Litha Jan 2015
You can find me underwater
You can find me in the mountains
You can find me if you seek me out
Just feel around

Being pulled in two directions
looking for that true connection
a hand to hold, a mouth to kiss
Just feel me out

I met a boy named Joshua
in the forest of Ocala
he took my suitcase
off my hands
and he led me home

and he led me home...
This is how the story
u n f o l d s
with his voice,
with his voice
c u t t i n g
through the wind
like a singing bowl

The scene was over
but alignment was waiting
could have been anywhere
but you would have found me

So we locked arms
and traveled the country
Got mistaken for a couple
of thieves
She almost died
but was saved by angel
and caught a ride
to Boulder instead

People aren't always meant
to stay together
there are seasons of
but you keep
keep spinning back
into my vortex
and I can't help but notice

You can find me underwater
You can me find me in the mountains
You can find me if you seek me out
Just feel around
My ex lover and I wrote this. Its a song but its also poetry. Enjoy my love story.
Egeria Litha Jan 2015
I hate putting my hands
In soil
Dirt under finger nails
And the substance
Feels just like clay
And I hate clay
Because I dressed
The corpse of my
Best friend
For her funeral
And she felt like that
I touched her and
She was made of clay
Moldable and rotting
As I brushed make up
On her cheeks
And so I can't touch the
Dirt because I know what
Corpses feel like
This is a story the old Crone
Told to me overlooking the
Garden on her balcony
I could only help but wonder
Why she couldn't accept the
life/death/life cycle....
The Crone hates the dirt
Because she was afraid to die
True story
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