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  Jun 2015 Doris Cayea Brown
Take my hand, and lead me to no ordinary place.
A view behind the scenes, of what lies upon you face.
I’ll seek out every though, to view it in your mind.
A revelation of desire, dreams that you design.
Pleasure perceived is decadence, not in parts conceived, but whole.
Fantasies beyond measure, totally self-controlled.
A fearsome delight comes over me, rattles me to the core.
If they become reality… What quenches the need for more?
I love the summer, I love the warm wind.
I love the smell of the barbeque,
and grabbing a cold beer from the ice filled bin.

Laying in the hammock with a few good books,
While the sun shines on me, helping me tan my looks.
The swimming pool is ice cold on a hot summers day.
The soothing feel of the water helps take the stress away.

Hamburgers, fries, hot dogs, and cola;
This American night cannot get any better.
Family and friends, sharing endless laughs,
Having too much fun, as the time starts to quickly pass.

Ending the night with a late night bonfire,
Watching the smoke rise hire and hire.
Finishing off with magical, jaw dropping fireworks.
Gazing in the sky with amazement, this is life's best perk.
Positive poem today!

If you like, then please share! Its much appreciated!

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We don't see how much we are blessed
Until we see another in distress
I sat down next to this man on the train
Dark shades at 8 pm
Walker on his right hand
He was a blind man
Sitting next to his wife who was able to see with both eyes
Two different visions but one sight
Two different worlds collide
He held her hand with love
Far from a strong grip,
he didn't depend on her to see
When they spoke his words hit deep
He's a visionary that can't see
He whispered in her ears
Then she blushed and smiled
That's what she wants to hear....
Asked him to explain this love to me
He said words can describe
This woman right here is my beautiful wife
Indeed beautiful she is
As he sat there and described her physical appearance to me
As if he can see
The color of her eyes how they were as blue as the sky,
the way she did her hair in a ponytail,
The way her nose is shaped outwardly
And how her lips are the size of his index and ******* combined
He kept on
On The way her head tilts when he rambles bout her beauty
On how one eyes is smaller than the other when she laughs
The way she flicks her hair when she's mad
Then said but that's not love my son
I described her to you because I've touched her, felt her
You see my son I love her
My greatest gift was to be blind
Because I know her
See beyond the physical
I know her
I can dream up the perfect woman and she probably won't even come close to her
I can tell her emotions when she speaks
I don't need to see her cry
I understand when she's sick
I know how she feels by the fragrance of her skin
I just don't hear her I listen too
Her heart beat when I'm close
Her heart beat when I'm gone
That there my son is love
I don't need vision
This right here is my beautiful wife
"This stop is 191 st street" the conductor announced
He stood and she followed
He held her hand with love
Far from a strong grip, he didn't depend on her to see
All day in mind the story resides
How much I wish I was blind
I found not caring is the best way to hide one's self,
The problem with me is,
I care to much!!!
Yet maby Its just the world that cares to little...

To much caring can never be a bad thing...

Just who I am...
A different man..
We look upon each other
Drawing in the attraction
Wondering what’s beyond the skin
Inadequacy is sometimes found
Once we’ve pierced the heart within…

What if what makes us who we are
A total package if you prefer
Gives away our true kind
Decreasing  the images’ worth
Creating a change of mind…

A peek inside the soul
Could be all we need to see
Sealing the fate of charm
A face that’s average to the eye
Has the heart to unravel and disarm…

If you look at all the masterpieces artists have created
Whether paint or pen, marble or clay,
Or perhaps the dust from the ground
We see many imperfections
But overall beauty may astound
how someone can be attractive one minute and when they open their mouth to speak their heart/mind they turn into a monster...
As a child we seek to fill our minds
With taste and sight and touch combined
Each day that passes brings change
Our lives we want to rearrange
Youngsters wish to increase age
Elders want to turn back the page
We live, we learn, we grow, we die
Our life is but a blink of God’s eye
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