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Time is fleeting
Mistakes repeating
With days you want to erase
Memories abound
Sight and sound
Every look upon one's face
Details we forget
Recollections of regret
We master the art of pride
A painted smile
Fades after awhile
Tears bursting from inside
Arms embrace
Words soothing grace
Holds us another day
Time is fleeting
Emotions repeating
It’s always been that way
  Jun 2015 Doris Cayea Brown
Under the grieving moon
we whispered secrets long kept.
Beneath the roaring waves
that drowned us as...
we quietly wept.

We spoke in hushed tones
of promises made to last.
Our cracked voices
melded with the echoes of a time...
of a fond memory in the past.

Water in our mouths
with words we jousted and lunged.
Heard only as hapless gurgles
and inaudible whimpers.
Unparried speculations
unsheathed and then plunged.

We cupped our wounds and retreated
knowing that we each drew blood.
We kissed with our eyes,
broke down walls
and welcomed the flood.

We wiped our cheeks
now smeared hot with tears.
Where did we err?
Who do we blame...
for dishevelled years?

We would never know...
but we must learn.
Time had shown us our mistakes
but our hearts had taught us
eternal love that burns.
the sun rises on the dew of the night gone by
warming the damp ground: steam flying high
a bold orange ray beams through the trees
quietly waking the world; no rustling of leaves
the fog clears as the sun rises above the trees
drying up the ground; a gentle breeze on fallen leaves
midday arrives; the sun at its peak of day
its rays so bright; no clouds in its way
clouds move softly to block out the sun
dropping light rain on a day not long ago begun
the sky begins to lighten; the storm has blown away
in the sky a rainbow; sends a promise of a new day
the sun sets in the west; bold color radiates the sky
changing hues as the day says goodbye
at dusk, the stars come out to play
lighting the night sky as the sun did the day
i don't wanna dance
my feet can't find the beat
i don't wanna sing
the melody's no longer sweet
fear outweighs the future
my eyes see only bleak
i cannot play the game of life
if i only find defeat
show me there's a different end
as i get down on my knees
i say a prayer, but not in vain
cleanse my soul of this disease
take my heart and make it thine
and fill it with thy love
for only you can save me now
my God, my Father above
I broke up with her
It wasn't easy but I did it
You was the one I loved from the go
It was just hard to tell the difference
And you said nothing about it
She loved me as much as I love you
This I say not to make you guilty
I just want you to see the depth of my sacrifice
She drinks a lot, but you don't-she even smokes
She has no passion for my art and poetry
Yet all you asked for was my next piece
And my next and I gave it to you as you pleased
She might have your eyes but she ain't you Lizz
She might have that graceful walk
Yet you're so special just the way you talk
I broke up with her and I'm sorry it was Easter
I had to do it even if she's your twin sister
I just hope your sympathy for her isn't more than our love
For It's all I'm counting on right now, It's all I have
it isn't the rain that drowns me
or the waves crashing on the shore
if i find the answer to this puzzle
i'll only want to know more

i'm reaching up, though slowly sinking
into depths of much confusion
if i find the answer to this puzzle
it may only be illusion

breath is suddenly taken from me
emotions stealing the air
if i find the answer to this puzzle
the truth might be unfair

a numbness over takes me
i'm covered with no way out
if i find the answer to this puzzle
would i then be free of doubt?

the freedom of knowing
is not means to an end
only to find the answer to this puzzle
is a reason to begin again
there's a fire burning without flame or char
it roars deep inside without echo or sound
it boils the blood; heats up the senses
but yet no blister or scar be found...

it rages like a blaze across dry grass
smoldering to embers that glow
leaving behind not ashes or soot
but unleashed desires to know
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