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 Jul 2015 Doofinity
Earl Jane

                                                If you are a tree,

Bombarded by extreme winds,

                                            In the amidst of a typhoon,

                                                      ­                     I'll sacrifice to be your roots,
                                                          ­       To diminish your agony,

OH, I cannot manage seeing you suffer!

                             In carrying on in a big tragedy,
                                                        ­       With utmost throe alone ,

Let me be torn and broken into fragments,
                 And be cut in combating and holding for you,

That's how much I love and care,

                                          I wish you only knew...

                       © Earl Jane
                         ♥ E.J.C.S.
 Jul 2015 Doofinity
Jathan Hall
Please allow me to slip into something a little more comfortable
Something like, your mind
I'm stimulated by your kind
Because thought processes excite me
Deep and Wet with the waters of critical analytical thinking
Flowing like the rivers of time
Can I gently caress your intellect?
 Jul 2015 Doofinity
Otherly One
this girl
was a quiet one

bashful reticent
with very loud thoughts

she could feel all the colors
from an HSP to all the other Highly Sensitive People (no, it's not a disorder)
Each quark
A quirk
In a cosmologically-
Inspired orchestra

Each theory
A verse
In a star-
Driven poem

The study of
The very nature
Of this universe
Is art
 Jul 2015 Doofinity

I wake up and again
my first thought is you,
a smile appears on my face

The morning sun is
shining through my window
as I imagine what the day will bring

I get ready for work
as a poem floats around inside of
my head and I can’t wait to write it

I grab my keys and wallet thinking,
“What you are doing right now,
is it me you are missing?”

I walk outside the front door,
seeing a beautiful dawn waiting,
and breathe in the fresh air

Realizing, I am taking another step
on the pathway to forever, and I wonder
*“Will you walk it with me?”
Good morning beautiful
Cure me within the seize
     of artistic rapture
capturing human spirit in
      boundless creativity,
lay 'pon my ******* a sonata
    written of affection's simpatico,
whisper me a sonnet
        scripted 'neath my skin,
  soar me to limitless grandeur
     elevated beyond cloud vapors,
beckoning rhythmical renditions of
    abstract layers in love, splendor & art,
amidst the harmony and lavish
            poetry of a soulful heart
 Jul 2015 Doofinity
I want to wake in the middle of the night, only conscious enough to recognize your scent, to the sensation of you pulling back my covers and climbing into bed with me. I want to drift off again, only after you’ve enveloped me with your body, to the gentle whisper of your breath on the back of my neck. My last thought before unconsciousness settles back over my mind will be your name, and how I’ve missed you.
From July 2014
The constellations on my side
Hold nothing over the ones in my eyes
The deprived sell copper blanks
She still holds up her ranks
A wolf with a broken arm
Does nothing more than self-harm
Trying to run from the unknown
Breaking from within the throne
Ears flat, baring her fangs
In the night a golden ring hangs
The keeper of the gates
Couldn't gaze into her hate
And tell me

*Remember you're the one who pushed her into the corner.
This one is for you Lycan.
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