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5.4k · Aug 2014
dianne galande Aug 2014
When you hear the word scarcity
It's fundamental.
It doesn't sound pretty
and it's a factor that's environmental.

Unlimited wants and needs to fulfill,
Insufficient productive resources of society.
Only few have good will
This feeling isn't pleasant, and its anxiety
This poem was made for my Economics homework. hehe #college #SelfComposition
1.4k · Aug 2014
Here comes Santa
dianne galande Aug 2014
It's Christmas! It's Christmas!
We should be ready
Here comes Santa Claus
Crawling through chimneys

He is generous
We must be thankful
Giving gifts to everyone
This Christmas will be meaningful

Gifts under the tree
We must be glad
Count one, two, and three
And thank God for what we have
This poem of mine was published on our school newspaper when I was 12 years old. #SelfComposition
880 · Jan 2017
My 2016
dianne galande Jan 2017
It started well
like the past few years
But this one?
An eye-opener

School was great,
Problems came.
It wasn't bad
rather, a challenge

it was to be learned
then it will
hoping for progress, wait
not hope but strive

crushes came
infatuations maybe
they were lessons too

source of knowledge,
teacher of all things;

Great experiences
the good and bad
will come and go
life goes on :)

Entering year 2017
Happy new year!
506 · Jun 2018
dianne galande Jun 2018
the twins sign, yes
what do you know about it?
take a wild guess
does your adjective fit?

a lot of words to describe
but which one is exact?
they say we're two-faced
we're actually not

what we have
two personalities in one
yes, our nature is dual
could you keep up with that?

it's what makes us special
we could be optional
shy or wild
oh, such excitement we have!
My zodiac sign is Gemini. I personally think it's one of the coolest zodiac sign. Not because I am one, but because of the dual personality that it has which is unique. Yeah, I know it's just pseudoscience, but I just find it interesting. #SelfComposition
368 · Jun 2018
Adam and Eves of Today
dianne galande Jun 2018
What comes to mind when ‘gender’ is heard?
Male, female, and queer.
Gender issues; gender inequality.
“According to millennials”
One of the world’s most serious problem.
I admit to know not much about discrimination,
But I have a say according to my perception.

Adam is superior, Eve is submissive
Patriarchal than matriarchal.
“Women” receive and are perceived lower.
Why is that?
It’s pointless to throw discrimination back and forth
Physical capabilities.
All are unique to body structures,
Both can either be short or tall,
And both can either be weak or strong.
But both can’t have the same genitals;
One can bear, the other cannot.
But he can’t be she and she can’t be he?
That’s a different story.

Talk about stereotypes
She are *** symbols and he are not
He are rapists and she are not
Focused too much on two gender distinctions.
Talk about rights
All are humans who can walk and talk
All are humans who can eat and breathe
All are humans who can think and feel.

What’s it about?
Just gender identity.
He who is a she
Can think and act as a she
She who is a he
Can think and act as a he
He or she who is both or questioning
Can think and act as they please
All are still humans.
What’s wrong? Society.

But we can’t impose
Some are against
Some support
Some are neutral
Some don’t know.
What can we do? It’s up to you.
But you’re in no position
To give such decision.
The society
A poem requirement for my Literature. I honestly don't know much about gender equality, so I apologize if this poem ******.

— The End —