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 Jun 2015 Diana C
Maman Screams
Months have I waited
For a particular celebration
Not of getting drunk nor even wasted
Just a quiet simple sweet vacation
Need not have to go far
It could just end up to be here
We could get in a car
Fully automated no gears
This life's is ours
Never was theirs
Now that then I know
Little could I ease my ears
To take a minute from my conscience
Allowing my minds to weight in options
A simple easy minor equations
Could be the one that set my final decision
Do you see a beautiful mess
Or a reckless hurricane?

Do you romanticize my cigarettes
Or do you hold your breath when you walk by?

Do you really find me that interesting
Or do you lace your words with pity?

Do you still think I’m cute when I slur my words
Or do you silently slide farther away?

Do you think nothing of all I smoke
Or do you wish I would stop?

Do you think my nervous habits are cute
Or do you look away?

Do you sigh with relief when you know you’ve saved me
Or do you wish you hadn’t picked up that phone?

Do you think of me in your spare time
Or do you see me as a time requirement?

Do you truly want me at that party
Or do you only bring me because I said something?

Do you miss the old me
Or do you like who I have become?
Which do you see?
 Jun 2015 Diana C
Ryan Unger
 Jun 2015 Diana C
Ryan Unger
You make me breakfast, and I’ll make you lunch;
Bring me a flower, and I’ll bring you a bunch.
Walk with me a step, and I’ll travel with you a mile;
Every time you laugh I fall in love with your smile.
Sail in my boat, and I’ll fly in your plane;
You’re like the sunshine that’s dries up my rain.
Write me a letter, and I’ll sing you a song;
We knew our love could never be wrong;
Give me a hug, and I’ll give you a kiss;
Each second I'm with you is nothing but bliss;
Make me a promise, and I’ll swear you an oath;
Give me your hands, and I’ll hold them both.
 Jun 2015 Diana C
Ryan Unger
Here’s an ode to the place that I sleep every night --
My apartment, so small, it can barely fit light.
My bathroom is my kitchen, which is also my bedroom,
And I walk on my knees because there’s a shortage of headroom.

I don’t bring girls home because there’s no room for lovin’,
If we fall off my bed, we’ll end up in the oven.
There’s a cold draft all the time, at least that’s how it feels;
I sleep with my feet out a window, and birds crap on my heels!

I have One Single Light Bulb that dangles over the bed,
And works 10 percent of the time, but it’s usually just dead.
When I cook food I have to make sure that windows are open wide,
Cuz if not, the smoke gets so thick you can’t see inside!

And my smoke alarm is broken, which is actually a good thing,
Cuz if it weren’t, all day long I’d hear that piercing RIIINNGGG!!
My apartment is a disaster! I want back my money!
It’s really depressing even though it sounds funny…

I wanna find the landlord, that cheapskate disgrace,
And in lieu of next month’s rent, give him a slap him across the face.
You grabbed my heart faster than a fat kid grabs cake

Yet walked away slower than internet explorer can load
Just a humorous twist on a sad breakup
 Jun 2015 Diana C
Tina ford
I'm just a little dot,
In the poetry world,
A dot on the letter I,
But I can make a difference,
I feel I can make a difference,
I don't know how,
But I can,
Maybe it will be a word,
A verse, a poem,
Or story,
It could be one word,
Or it could just be,
The dot on the I.
 Jun 2015 Diana C
Nicki Tilston
The girl with the kite
Didn't have a care
She'd run on the beach
With the wind in her hair
She'd run up hills
Lie in fields of wild flowers
Gazing at the ever changing sky
She would dream for hours

The girl with the kite
Saw faces in the sky
Angels looking down on her
From clouds floating by
She'd hold on so tight
As her kite took flight
She said she'd never let go
Of her beautiful kite

The girl with the kite
Would make daisy chains
She'd pick clover and butter cups
As she walked country lanes
Life was simple
Or it seemed that way
The sun was always shining
When she went out to play

The girl with the kite
Started to grow
She felt under pressure
To let her kite go
Demands were made
For her to achieve and perform
Make her way in the world
Please other people and conform

The girl with the kite
Felt things were going wrong
It was hard growing up
Then a man came along
He played his guitar
He brought a bouquet
As he sang his sweet song
Her kite drifted away

The girl with the kite
Heard his sweet song turn sour
His true colours were shown
As the man used his power,
Manipulation and aggression
To clip her wings
To crush her spirit
To pull her strings

The girl with the kite
Felt she was to blame
For her bad choices
She hid her shame
Kept her sadness a secret
Tried to make things right
Trapped in her world
She lost her self in the fight

The girl with the kite
Wanted to die
She couldn't live any more
She had no kite to fly
She went to the Doctor
Who gave her some pills
They just made her numb
Didn't cure her ills

The girl with the kite
Slept for a decade, or more
Life went on around her
Each day was a chore
She had to wake from the inertia
She had become bereft
When she woke from the dark sleep
She had nothing left

The girl with the kite
Had to start anew
Like a Phoenix from the ashes
She knew she'd pull through
She's found her kite
Found a beach for it to blow
Up to the angels on their clouds
This time, she won't let go

The girl with the kite
Is now a woman, strong and proud
Content to live her life alone
Independent and unbowed
She flies her kite sedately
Life is not a race
She's free to fly it when she wants to
It flies at her own pace

Nicki Tilston.
 Jun 2015 Diana C
Joe Cole
You know most of us overlook the simple things in life
My hotel room here inMalta overlooks one of the swimming pools
Below I see a seething mass of over oiled humanity broiling  in the sun
Same time same place but they won't experience the things that I have
Because for the next week their whole world will be
The bar and the confines of THE POOL
Me, quite simple. I have 22 acres of beautiful gardens to explore
Every flower an art form in glorious colour
What normal person would shun such things
All around my  balcony I see sparrows
Drab little birds  seen the world over
When they perch on my fingers and peck breadcrumbs from the palm of my hand
A totally different perspective is revealed
Then the sparrow becomes beautiful
The delicate little claws tickling my fingers
Little sparkling black eyes searching out every tiny morsel
Simple things, simple pleasures
But these simple things will be
The treasured memories of my holiday
Simple things
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