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 Jun 2015 Diana C
Elijah Nicholas
Making love to you was never about us lying naked in bed.
Making love to you was whenever our foreheads rested on each other
And our heads were gently tucked carefully on our necks.
 Jun 2015 Diana C
it was not too late for some metaphors
I was trying to sleep
when the air said:
“I will take him from you,
and give him back
and white butterflies will grow
in your hair”

“he will have himself
that’s what matters”,
I said to myself
while time was left dreamless
and some butterflies
were carrying the sea
to the roots of sleep
 Jun 2015 Diana C
Eiliv Advena
Many poems I read seem so sad
The poems fills your eyes with tears
This doesn't mean the poems are bad
But sometimes a poem should be filled with cheer

There is so much beauty to write about
Not just lost love, fears, screams and shouts

A poem can be about
Flowers or trees
A poem can be about
Crystal blue seas

A poem can be about
a ring of smoke
Or a beautiful girl
Or about the beauty
We find in this world
 Jun 2015 Diana C
Eiliv Advena
The grass is green
And blue is the sky
The air is clean
And the clouds sail by

Far up in the Tallest tree
The birds sing Jolly and free

The children are running
In the meadows and play
It truly is a beautiful day

Our hearts are warm
And free from fear
That's how we know
Summer is here
 Jun 2015 Diana C
Eiliv Advena
What I can feel
I've never felt before
This burning desire
I just can't ignore

It must be a spell
Cast from hell
What else could this be
Who has taken hold of me

This evil temptation
I cannot resist
You must truly be
The most evil witch

Your enchanting eyes
And irresistible lips
That dark blonde hair
And those beautiful hips

But I have to resist
I have to be strong
Before I do something terribly wrong
 Dec 2014 Diana C
Conrad Aiken
Music I heard with you was more than music,
And bread I broke with you was more than bread;
Now that I am without you, all is desolate;
All that was once so beautiful is dead.

Your hands once touched this table and this silver,
And I have seen your fingers hold this glass.
These things do not remember you, beloved,--
And yet your touch upon them will not pass.

For it was in my heart you moved among them,
And blessed them with your hands and with your eyes;
And in my heart they will remember always,--
They knew you once, O beautiful and wise.
 Dec 2014 Diana C
Naaliah Green
i am not sure of what i am supposed to believe
am i supposed to listen to the sway of the trees
or the buzzing of the bees

i am not sure of what will happen in
two minutes or even three
i am not sure of what will happen to
you and me

can things ever go back to how they used to be
when simplicity overthrew
the torrent storms
of insanity
 Jan 2014 Diana C
Maman Screams
Forgive me
For I'm done living
Yesterday pains

Forgive me
For I'm breaking
Tomorrow promises

Forgive me
For I don't wish
Staying awake

Forgive me
For all the memories
Forever save

Forgive me
For tomorrow I might
Take my life away...

©2014 Maman Screams
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