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 Sep 2016 Masedi
Keah Jones
all these words and I cannot form a single sentence about you and me
it’s like you are forbidden fruit
the apple I so violently want to grab
the devil is egging me on
when there is a greater force begging me to recoil

you know I thought I had ruined it
You know
ruined you
But you never forgot how to love me
And when I love you slipped out of my mouth that night you said it right back
 Sep 2016 Masedi
It was January when I met you
February when we kissed
March was the time it was all full of bliss
April we went to the beach together
May i took you home to meet my mother
June we walked in the park everyday
July we went and watched the parade play
August was our first serious fight
September you stopped coming over at night
October I asked if we were okay
November it was freezing everyday
December we went our separate ways
It is January and I met you again today
Thank you
 Sep 2016 Masedi
Emily Galvin
 Sep 2016 Masedi
Emily Galvin
I found you 
Found your arms in the secrecy of an encroaching dusk 
In the shade of trees 
The coveted corners of quiet  
I found the hidden pieces of your soul 
As they sat beside mine 
In the comfort of silence 
Whispering through the air promises of belonging  
Of two broken pieces becoming a whole 
Two unknowns becoming the known 
Two wrongs finally becoming one right 

You found me 
As your delicate fingers ran across my skin 
Laced through the curls of my hair 
Carefully stitching the gaping caverns of suspicion in a doubtful heart 
Placing together shattered confidences with a tender touch 
Holding them firmly with the power of your affection. 
We built each other as reflections of ourselves 
As better forms of the shadows we'd learned to become 

We found each other 
With skin upon skin  
Fingers entwined 
A world away from the troubled minds we used to live in  
We found each other 
We found peace 
We discovered love.
 Sep 2016 Masedi
 Sep 2016 Masedi
Goodnight, sleep tight
Please don't lose your mind,
Take this second
with me and just breathe,
feel free for a minute,

I love you more
than the meds you take,
I love you more
than the screams my mind makes,
I love you even when
my voice shakes;

Oh I want to lose myself
in your endless sea,
I want to let you see
how much you mean to me,
how your touch,
how your kiss
brings me bliss;

How you rock me to my core
where others have not been too kind,
How in my mind
I find a place to drown,
but in you ,
I find the shore.
 Sep 2016 Masedi
 Sep 2016 Masedi
I was drowning,
I was drowning,
but saved by thoughts of you,

Arms wrapped tight
arms with your mark,
with the bruise where your arms
lingered to hug away my wounds,

And I notice
how you keep me together
when seasons don't
match the weather;
it's spring and yet I
don't know what blooms in me.

I'll think twice
before i sacrifice my breath,
you've taught me flowers
can bloom out of the nicotine
in my lungs, infact;
the darkness can even be **the soil.
anything that transforms,
cleanses or purifies.
 Sep 2016 Masedi
It felt good to say your name for a time
In the days of wounded and forgotten

But now I lay my head on the shoulder
Of what could really be.
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