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Oct 2024 · 61
How to tell you
Deovrat Sharma Oct 2024
The forbidden feelings of my inner hearts, how to tell you?

The recitation of the harp chimes of my mind, how to tell you?

A glimpse of your smile blooms a lotus in my heart, how to tell you?

Everything is just blooming because of you, how to tell you?

My life has become a festival since you met me, how to tell you?

I feel myself the wealthiest person, only because of you, how to tell you?

Your little laugh will erase all the troubles from my mind, how to tell you?

The strings of my heart are connected with you, how to tell you?

You have been my companion for so many lives, how to tell you??

In fact you are the definition of love for me, how to tell you?
©deovrat 'अयन' 20.10.2024
Oct 2023 · 158
Deovrat Sharma Oct 2023
Moon is on the sky and we are on earth.
Moon is alone there and we are on earth.

Sparkling rivers plays pranks.
Raining heavily with lightning strikes.
My eyelids become moist whenever I remember you.
The loneliness of the evening is upon us
The atrocities are being committed.

Moon is on the sky and we are on earth.
Moon is alone there and we are on earth.

So many beads per rosary, moon stars moonlight.
Bumblebees are butterflies and green plants flowers buds.
When will we hear the chirping of birds along with the beautiful poem.

Moon is on the sky and we are on earth.
Moon is alone there and we are on earth.
©deovrat 'Ayan' 09.10.2023
Jan 2022 · 324
Funny Thing
Deovrat Sharma Jan 2022
despite seeing all
can't feel

without having abilty to see
knows everything

©deovrat 'अयन' 07.01.2022
Dec 2021 · 186
Inner Heart
Deovrat Sharma Dec 2021
How can I show you the feelings of my inner hearts?
How can I recite the harp chimes of my mind to you?

A glimpse of your smile blooms a lotus in my heart.
Everything is just blooming because of you how to tell you.

My life has become a festival since you meet me.
I feel myself wealthiest because of you, how to tell you.

Your little laugh will erases all the troubles from my mind.
The strings of the heart are connected with you, how to I tell you.

You are my companion since so many lives.
Infact you are the definition of love, how to tell you.

©deovrat 'अयन' 24.12.2021
Oct 2021 · 246
Deovrat Sharma Oct 2021
most amazing
funny thing is that
we all live our lives
for everything which
is almost unknown

seeds planted through
our deeds during our
life span will rip into
sweet fruits or just
the sharp thorn

we remain ignorant
to this fact until  
we face outcome
of  the crop
we swon

©deovrat "अयन"  12.10.2021
Jul 2021 · 170
Deovrat Sharma Jul 2021
you are my soulmate
life is blooming just
alike spring season
I am having
continual affinity
with the thorns

the traverse
of time became
blur and dark  in past
you always glim a flambeau
by burning  the lamp
of your heart

you are
the guardian
of the life’s garden
full of buds and flowers
always shown me
the path of dignity
and good intentions

our pathways
may be full of flower beds
or cruel harsh as stone
I took the vow
will always walk
along with you in any
adverse circumstances

your arrival is always
alike morning breeze
full of fragrances
whole creations on the earth
feel jealous ad shy
by a glimpse of you

©deovrat "अयन"  28.07.2021
Jul 2021 · 195
First Meeting
Deovrat Sharma Jul 2021
do you remember
our first meeting
we both were
neither me
nor you
were famous

we haven't seen
to each other even
not having any  point
common to discuss
seems it was
just a coincidence

we meet as we might
be having some relationship
since  inception of universe
you might be a little bit
restless reluctant
and quit nervous

I was confident
that's why on the outset
in front of you
I confess
or otherwise
something else

It was
certain that
nature itself
having preplanned
our first meeting for us

I never been in position
to reveal the truth now or then
although I only know one thing
that without  having you in my life
I could never been experience
true love, joy and success

©deovrat "अयन"  12.07.2021
#meeting #wod #deovrat
Jul 2021 · 389
Perfect Paradox
Deovrat Sharma Jul 2021
It is
the perfect
paradox exemplary  
we wholeheartedly
and completely
spoil ourselves
in search of joy
within this
and mortal world

© deovrat "अयन" 10.07.2021
May 2021 · 422
Deovrat Sharma May 2021
murmuring sound of perineal river
gentle move of moving rudder
toddling pace of small dinghy
faded shadow like a stringy

our lives just a river streams
like flow of wonderful dreams
seems looking over memory
every moment of each story

everyone is life's enslave
falling rising like a wave
surrounded with dark black cloud
crackling lights roaring aloud

amazingly got escape
from the strange vertex
ocean of life seems auxiliary
always feels like a mystery

© deovrat "अयन" 15.05.2021
May 2021 · 130
Deovrat Sharma May 2021
is one who
transforms a lump of flesh
into a responsible social
human being

she is one
who sacrifices
all the comforts of her life
to make us sensitive
and caring

she carves
our societal behavior
our feelings and emotions
she do not think for a single moment
to put-off all her ambitions

she makes us
what we are today
without a thought of
consequence or

she continued tirelessly
to put-on her selfless efforts
throughout her life to make
our past present
and future

may consider
even our whole life
a precious gift to us
from our mother

she is
incomparable with
anyone on this planet earth
mother’s love is our
first administration

in another word
mother is a divine bequest to us
in everyone’s life with all the
divinity from almighty god
for devotion
©deovrat "अयन" 10.05.2020
May 2021 · 201
Black Shadow
Deovrat Sharma May 2021
shining moon of
full moon night
as-always milky
kool and bright
starring its face
in the ocean mirror
stunned surprised
crying with the fear

beautiful ocean
reflecting slack
moon's face was
sensing black
black shadows
of the time agone
instances  either forgotten
or seemly unknown

everyone's confession
may be sometimes hidden
certainly everyones past
always haunting alight
may be forgotten for sometimes
but all of a sudden it cite

at the same time
it is eternally certain
surely sun will rise again
it is going to happen soon
then sunshine will vanish
black shadow of moon

© deovrat "अयन" 08.05.2021
May 2021 · 137
Shooting star
Deovrat Sharma May 2021
a star
once again
with so much sorrow
unbearable pain

beloved husband,
son, daughter or wife
suddenly left them
in the journey of life

they all gone
like a gleam
as it only seems
just like a nightmare
or beautiful dream

a dream that persist
for few moments
suddenly ended
with total abandonment
the path is uneven
destination is unknown
everything left behind is now in vain

no one here to be immortal
whether dumb or spital
everyone has to believe in feign
a star descended
once again

© deovrat "अयन" 06.05.2021
Mar 2021 · 323
Deovrat Sharma Mar 2021
delusion of
everyone on
this earth is
our life
should be
perfect in all

© deovrat "अयन" 24.03.2021
Jan 2021 · 161
Deovrat Sharma Jan 2021
each breath
takes us more
closer to death  

suppose to be
the last stop to
the breath

soul fly
towards heaven or
it may be transform
in to a seth

soul  go to lethe
for an onset to
new birth

©deovrat "अयन" 18.01.2021
Seth=evil Egyptian god with the head of a beast that has high square ears and a long snout; brother and murderer of Osiris.
Lethe= (Greek mythology) a river in Hades; the souls of the dead had to drink from it, which made them forget all they had done and suffered when they were alive.
Jan 2021 · 781
Deovrat Sharma Jan 2021
on earth
is complete
or perfect until
straggle into small
particles burnt into
ashesh and finally
enshrining into
the ether

©deovrat "अयन" 17.01.2021
Nov 2020 · 116
Fairy Tales
Deovrat Sharma Nov 2020
Fragrances  of few moments..
in our lives..
becomes just like fairy tales...
are imprints in our brain...  

We cherish them always,  forever....
they are beyond...
the limit of words to explain...
©deovrat 19.11.2020
Oct 2020 · 123
Deovrat Sharma Oct 2020
they looks far
however they are
******* with each other
with some obscure....
invisible unbreakable endure
and imperceivable allure
in such a manner
will stay together
in past present forever

Oct 2020 · 447
Deovrat Sharma Oct 2020
Love is
like perfume
it's fragrance will
definitely scatter.

if there is a
bird on a tree
definitely it will chatter.

if the spark
exists in ashes
a day surely come
when it become raging fire.

Every human being
is full of emotions so
actualization of relationship
must be kept alive without spatter.

© deovrat 18.10.2020
Oct 2020 · 163
Deovrat Sharma Oct 2020
means creativeness
Mother is solacement
in sadness

Mother is the
basic nature of existence
Mother is synonyms of

Mother is the
symbol of strength
Mother is

is entirety
Mother is

Sep 2020 · 428
Deovrat Sharma Sep 2020
the mind of a person
overwhelmed by Self-deception
does not try to know reason
to think or believe in
advice and criticism given
by someone
contrary to his speculation
he always examine
as it was an insult to his disposition
he continuously remain
in the grip of apprehension
hostility and aggression.

©deovrat 26.09.2020
Sep 2020 · 101
Deovrat Sharma Sep 2020
a poem begins as a small boat ..

enters in to the ocean of emotions...

while it's full moon night ....

and rise of high tides on its peak

©deovrat 19.09.2020
Sep 2020 · 91
Deovrat Sharma Sep 2020

time passes
that never comes again..

while sweet memories
always remain...

they are beyond
time and space....

imprint deep
in our heart and brain....

©deovrat 08.09.2020
Aug 2020 · 119
Deovrat Sharma Aug 2020
for a creative work
must have creative ideas

for creative ideas
creative thinking is a must

for creative thinking
must have a creative environment

for a creative environment
spiritual inclusion is necessary

for spiritual inclusion
it is necessary to have a spiritual brain

for a spiritual brain
must have a stable mind

for a calm and stable mind
it is necessary to have a meditative life

©deovrat 08.08.2020
Jul 2020 · 85
Wild Pet
Deovrat Sharma Jul 2020
quell you do
it never becomes pet
time is
like a ungrateful wild bird,
which fly away
never come back

©deovrat 20.07.2020
Jun 2020 · 135
Deovrat Sharma Jun 2020
do not remember incidence
those are not as per expectation
life is always not that much simple
may not be as per indivisuals admiration

since born on this planet earth every one
passing through the  journey of life
some part is sweat while other
little in bitter proportion

do not regret towards
your failed desires
those are made home
in the hearts  imagination

grief and pain due to incidence of past
will diminish,  It is certain
but how  why and when
please don't ask these question

© deovarat- 29.06.2020
Jun 2020 · 168
I Write
Deovrat Sharma Jun 2020
I write
to express
to confess
confess my feelings
and unspoken coalesce

I write
to overcome
Intermittent convalesce
which sometimes arises
due to emotional
sufferings & distress

I write
not to please or to impress
but for one who do not laugh
on my mistakes
and often understand
my write with acquiesce
©deovrat 27.06.2020
Jun 2020 · 129
Deovrat Sharma Jun 2020
whatever be
the reason
time always signals
timely indication
to combine
of individual’s
lives fragmentation

time never
gets influenced
by someone’s
desire and emotions
time is unbiased
to any situations
remains always in
uninterrupted locomotion

©deovrat 01.06.2020
May 2020 · 110
Deovrat Sharma May 2020
I am not identical for everyone
what others see to me apparently
they understand
something different
what exactly that mean to me

my actions and deeds are not aligned
with the ideas what I preach actually
life in not depicting to divinity
the same reflection as I always
admire and desirous to be

nevertheless I never realise
expectations of others from me
precious time span of life
is just perished in vain unknowingly..
without understanding to the reality

I could never understand the reason
nature’s idea for the existence of me
at this juncture of the journey of life
everything seems a shear illusion
or reflection of our minds ability

I understand superficially
my relationship and affiliation
to supreme almighty
besides the fact that life is not perpetual
I know immortal souls perpetuity

©deovrat 24.05.2020
May 2020 · 129
Deovrat Sharma May 2020
with the peoples of
blocks and closed

leads no where
to their predefined
self centered

©deovrat 21.05.2020
May 2020 · 105
Deovrat Sharma May 2020
Decision taken by us
with full conviction
may be proven wrong
in the time to come

Future time validates
if our decisions in past,
in a particular circumstances,
were right or wrong

Time is the master,
who always decides the
genuineness of our present
actions and decisions

©deovrat 18.05.2020
May 2020 · 99
Deovrat Sharma May 2020
What we are having
at this moment is the result
of our acts and deeds in the past..

What we are going to face
in future, that will govern by our
present acts and deeds...

Happiness is nothing else
but only the reflection of our
Acts & Deeds....

©deovrat 16.05.2020
May 2020 · 118
Moon & Moonlight
Deovrat Sharma May 2020
moon of full moon night
apparently looks like totally perfect ,
but something seems
incomplete deficient
since how long has it been
on a continuous journey
having no destine
over the horizon
lonely and alone

an milky effulgence,
unblemished sheet
of balsamic moonlight
spread from the earth upto the sky
ahh what an irony,
compulsion and helplessness
since eternity that moonlight
has been the soul-mate
and sympathizer
of  the same cursed moon.

yes, the same
balsamic moonlight of full moon,
which is from eternity carrying
the incomplete desire to wipe out
curse from the lineament of moon,
is now itself start dimming
why do moonlight find herself
in an unspoken disgust
innocent, silent
and helpless moonlight

time cycle of the universe,
is moving so fast without any motive,
it is just being ineffective
in her whole life the moonlight
was having  just one wish
that had not been fulfilled
full moon which  looks
apparently complete, is incomplete yet
his sad and lonely journey
still continued over the horizon

©deovrat 15.05.2020
May 2020 · 149
Deovrat Sharma May 2020
is one who
transforms a lump of flesh
into a responsible social
human being
she is one
who sacrifices
all the comforts of her life
to make us sensual
and caring

she carves
our societal behavior
our feelings and emotions
she do not think for a single moment
to put-off all her ambitions
she makes us
what we are today
without a thought of
consequence or

she continued tirelessly
to put-on her selfless efforts
throughout her life to make
our past present
and future
may consider
even our whole life
a precious gift to us
from our mother

she is
incomparable with
anyone on this planet earth
mother’s love is our
first administration
in another word
mother is a divine bequest to us
in everyone’s life with all the
divinity from almighty god
for devotion

©deovrat 10.05.2020
May 2020 · 128
Deovrat Sharma May 2020
remembrances overshadowed
my thoughts unknowingly once again
i wish someone could return
elapsed moments of past once again

far and wide lush greenery
spreads over the Himalayan plain
trickling cold morning breeze
is blowing gently to refresh brain

melodious enchanting
prancing rucking  pellucid blue water
stream of snowmelt water
flowing in the foothills of mountain

spectacular series of trees
laden with wild flowers across the river
amazing silver flashing
shining snowflakes peaks of mountain

fairy tales alike villages
on high altitudes of mountainous slops
Small markets and shops
wooden houses built on ladder like terrain.

tall himalayan cedar rhododendron
trees seems conversing with sky
sapling forest on hills slopes
are like monks engaged in meditation
sometimes visible sometimes hidden  
many zigzag thin circuitous pathways
passes through the dense forest
of lush green pastures of  himalayan plain

hamlet children having soft smile on lips
mutually busy in conversation
heading with fast steps  towards
far distant school with no exertion or pain

all those memories have perpetually
built home in a corner of my heart
i never forget miles spread deep blue
lake having vast ocean alike span

©deovrat 05.05.2020
Apr 2020 · 96
Deovrat Sharma Apr 2020
you wanted to do
is Freedom

all acts
you do
is Happiness

performing your duties
without like or dislike
is Joy

©deovrat 22.04.2020
Apr 2020 · 101
Deovrat Sharma Apr 2020
and melodious
sound of chiming bells
coming in form
far distance

pouring in
his subconscious

and whispering
a name
so close affectionate
and close acceptance

he totally
lost himself
in excogitation
passing by crowd stops
and looks upon

he exert so much efforts
to understand
this phenomenon
and in such a strange

to find out some
convincing reason
to make out solution
and console himself
feelings and reverence

surly he might be
in the influence
of someone
who is controlling
him from distance

©deovrat 12.04.2020
Mar 2020 · 133
Journey of Life
Deovrat Sharma Mar 2020

how can I say
that I am tired
I am tired while
walking through the difficult
and exhaustive path
in the journey of life
painful unknown
destinations full of thorns

don’t know why
today suddenly
the droplet of tears just
rushing out from
the side of eyelids
remembrance of the
past golden moments

initially when
I opened my eyes
to see the beauty of this world
it was the beginning of a
wonderful journey
by holding the finger
of my beloved father

on whose shoulders
I used to climb without any
my mother whose love cares
was there on me
she molded my traits and personality
she taught me how to move gracefully
on the path of life

when I moved out of
infancy and started through
the new journey of worldliness
then suddenly on one instance
with the faded away happiness
those my own people
disappeared from my life's canvas

I was bound
to send them one by one
far from me for forever
in front of my eyes
through my own hands
on the path of journey
for boundless

now a burning desert
hidden in the heart
sweat particles
on the forehead
leaving every thing apart
worldly journey is outlast  
on a path with unknown fate

I heard from my dad
life means moving forward
and redundancy in life
is mortal the state of dead
journey of life is continued
with slightly familiar
and faces manifold

how can I say
that I am tired
I am tired while
walking through the difficult
and exhaustive path
in the journey of life
painful unknown
destinations full of thorns

©deovrat 31.03.2020
Feb 2020 · 96
Sempiternal Joy
Deovrat Sharma Feb 2020
scattered drizzling rain
gentle morning breeze
small perennial river
amidst lush green trees

heavenly morning walk
through tea garden shrubs
neelgiri range of mountains
sitting on a bench

nearby calmly flowing river
feeling freshness of air
mind blowing fragrances
of wild flowers

cloudy weather
enchanting sound
of chirping birds
ringing sound of tiny bells

nature blessed
immense pleasure
calm conscious mind
moving out of worldly thoughts

relaxed soul alert brain closed eyes
beginning of the eternal
auspicious journey
towards immense sempiternal joy

©deovrat 27.05.2019
Feb 2020 · 139
Deovrat Sharma Feb 2020
her face
is having flair
like a fiction fantasy
miraculous elegance
is like veiling of

hundreds of
amazing miracles
in every act
it is not just
a phrasing but
like astonishment

of lips is like
morning breeze
shyness and bashfulness
are just like her
amazing apparels

just like the
blossoming flower
in the season of autumn
flower buds fragrances
that can make away
senses of any one

her face
is having flair
like a fiction fantasy
miraculous elegance
is like veiling of

©deovrat 12.02.2020
Jan 2020 · 123
Deovrat Sharma Jan 2020
“If” and “But”
are Two
Powerful Enemies
of Individual’s
those always
keeps Happiness

©deovrat 26.01.2020
Jan 2020 · 107
Deovrat Sharma Jan 2020
you are
always really
never physically
in front of me
although your feelings
and remembrance forever remains

from the evening
and until next day morning
heartbeats are feeling
like  it has been put in
remembrance cage

candles lights
were shining
in the celebration
candles wax was melting
whole night

was it
my fault if only
the tears on eye lashes
were visible
and not the blood clots
within the eyes

©deovrat 25.01.2020
Jan 2020 · 97
Innocent Heart
Deovrat Sharma Jan 2020
If the
innocent heart
would have been sustained
while forewarn
it might
have recovered
from the shadow of grief
and distress

and it has also
wouldn't have faced
such loneliness in the
caravan of love
if not
into the ocean of allure
from the genesis

© deovrat 14.01.2020
Jan 2020 · 129
Deovrat Sharma Jan 2020
through rugged
and tough terrain
of faded bygone memories.
some phases of quondam
were with happy moments
while few spells resemble
with sad stories.

of humans life in
the social jungle seemly
becoming more and more
tanglesome that seems
and happen to be
similar to a series of
strange mysteries.

the one
who was claiming to be
always an unambiguous
succour in unsolicited
worstest miseries.
behaving as such
we have now became
clannish enemies.

what happen
to the understanding  
mutual trust, love and affection
nurtured through past several decades.
why all indigo
colors of creations
and emotions burn away
into black ashes.

should we
draw inferences
that it is only perception
of human being towards
someone, which plays
major role to like or dislike
and makes other attributes
with least ponderosity.

@deovrat 04.01.2020
Jan 2020 · 106
New Year Wishes
Deovrat Sharma Jan 2020

blessings of
near and dear one’s
become more relevant
as our lifestyle is
deteriorating by
passing every
moment of
life span
wish to
tender my
sincere wishes
and my prayers
to almighty God,
to rejuvenate
eternal joy
social and
spiritual health
along with eternal peace
in the everyone’s life
through each
moment of
new year
©deovrat 31.12.2019
Dec 2019 · 524
Deovrat Sharma Dec 2019
there may be
there is no
full trust on friend is the preamble
of friendship,
there is no room
for mistrust
true friends

©deovrat 23.12.2019
Dec 2019 · 299
Deovrat Sharma Dec 2019
life is
so simple
for the people

those perceives
it’s simplicity with
innocent behaviour...

and having
thinking process....

(c) deovrat 13.12.2019
Dec 2019 · 129
Deovrat Sharma Dec 2019
who has broken
whose heart
who makes them
to live apart

tears are dripping
eyes are closed
heart is burning
brain engrossed

will they be
together again
or otherwise
bitterness or pain

who will resolve
the tragic mystery
solve the equation
of lives chemistry

hopes and time will
bring them together
to live happily
always forever

©deovrat 06.12.2019
Dec 2019 · 174
Deovrat Sharma Dec 2019
the moment
your child
to be
having the
ability to conceive
ideas and decisions
to pave the individuals path.

self ideas better
in the family’s matter
than whatever
parents consider
lacking in confidence
towards parents decisions.

than one
should realise
that the child
has grown up
and ready
to fly
in the
open sky.

(c) deovrat. 05.12.2019
Nov 2019 · 150
Deovrat Sharma Nov 2019
says that
"Silence Speaks".
say that
a few people
is having the skill
"Listening to the silence"

© deovrat 29.11.2019
Nov 2019 · 307
Deovrat Sharma Nov 2019
which is
through the
similar to
the paralysis.
for a longer duration
then the relation
is at rest.

@deovrat 17.11.2019
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