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Denise Nacnac May 2014
Is it just the fluorescence behind you...
or you seemed to glow in glee
while discussing the play's flow?

I do not know if time went slower
but everything around you froze;
when your eyes locked me into a stare, and I... flare.

Is it not our classroom too dingy and dark,
thanks to your sparkle, though 'cos
my warm days there weren't a dully dull.
Denise Nacnac May 2014
Just imagine, just imagine
Just imagine all the things
that WE could've been
Imagine all the places
WE could've gone and seen

Imagination's no longer
fun for you and me
Inspired by Barney's song "Just Imagine"
Denise Nacnac Apr 2014
Ketchup and mustard
Cancelling each other's finest
So what, it ain't bad
But it weren't us the slightest
Denise Nacnac May 2014
Spoiled her appetite in the ruins of Italia
Deemed devotion in a town in India
Found balance in the two-thousand-mile-long Indonesia
To heartily ask for Grace and refresh her life's page

That is what Liz Gilbert did
What can I say, it is a brave act indeed
I, too, want to explore this wonderful abode
As to marvel the life from the mighty Above
Denise Nacnac Apr 2014
Marveled over threads
Liked and posted
And even shared

Always controlling
The musty button that says
'Another tab, please!'

But then....
Your eyes wandered
Back to the task assigned

'Tic, tac' says the clock
Oh, now, you're in shock!
No more hitting the sack
Denise Nacnac May 2014
The keyboard's noise
The reader's squeal
The churchgoer's prep
Compose, make up
the killed mountain top
Denise Nacnac Apr 2014
Never cut, please
Mind won't be at ease

Say that you will
And everything shall heal

Sight of you
Makes me anew

I really don't mind
If you ain't that kind

At least you see me
Just unclearly
Denise Nacnac Jul 2017
Depth unfathomable yet earnest and felt, like
Electric eels elusive from an amateur’s grasp.
Nickel and dime’s got nothing for her knack to thole
Impossibilities, but never for sadists, brute, or insolence.

Savors solitary walks to confront oblivion, if not,
Embraced in late-night revels with kindred spirits, or blank spaces
Denise Nacnac May 2014
1, 2, 3...
Everyone chorused gleefully!
People scatter
Others chatter.
'You again!', I said
Then you cowered your head
Denise Nacnac Apr 2014
I saw your polaroid
I got a little paranoid
I flee into the vast void
Found my last hope was toyed

— The End —