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7.4k · Feb 2019
Pain and Pleasure in Love
Hamed M Dehongi Feb 2019
Most seek pleasure in love
Many gain pain instead
but for pure love, from loved one
It's hard to recognize pain from pleasure.
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
You are flirtatious Ludus and I'm dumb
I can't understand your moves
So I think you don't love me
Sometimes I feel that you love me
I am confused!
Hamed M Dehongi Feb 2019
Rain is the dearest thing to me,
for I am born in a desert,
and for desert,
rain is life sent to a dead land.

I am a desert boy,
so I can smell rain coming,
even hours ahead,
and I wait for it to come,
with all my heart.

For some of you,
a rainy day may be a bad day,
and a sunny one called a good day,

But for desert people,
the good days are only,
the few days that it's raining.
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
If that Shirazi Turk would succeed in winning my heart
I'll give up Samarkand and Bukhara, solely for her Indian mole

Serve remained wine, Saki, cause you can't find in the paradise
Such a place as Ruknabad stream and Musall's gardens

Oh! these gypsies who are sweet and set the city to chaos
They drained heart from patience, as Turks take the pillages

My sweetheart's beauty doesn't need my imperfect love
How a beautiful face is in need of paint and powder and mole?

Talk about minstrels and wine, don't seek universe's secret
That is that, no one solved and will solve this enigma by logic

I knew beforehand from ever-improving charm that Joseph possessed
That love finally would bring Zulaikha out of her innocence

You talked to me badly, God forgive you, you said it well
Bitter answer is proper for that red-colored sugar-sweet lips

My soul, listen to advice, for blissful youths like more
That wise old's advises more than their own sweet lives

Hafez! you told Ghazals and pierced pearls, come sing fine
For your harmony in your poetry, Heaven weds Soraya!
Translation of Hafez's Ghazal No. 3 by Hamed M. Dehongi
Hamed M Dehongi Feb 2019
Oh! Woe to the poor captivated lover
Being trapped in love, but beloved gone

Oh! The moment I'm sitting as tulip alone
In my heart's blood, she is gone as wind

The voice of ax didn't come from Bistoon
Shireen is gone to Farhad's dream tonight

Oh! I will inform you of my painful alas
The day my enormous patience finally gone

Pity lover that flew your grapevine hair
With a hundred hopes come, gone unhappy

I am happy you abandoned all my rivals
Although, you left me as fistful of soil to wind

Mountains and deserts are mournful tonight
Lovers as Majnoon and Farhad gone forever
- Inspiration from a classic Persian poem
- Shireen and Farhad is an ancient Persian love story
- Bistoon is a mountain that Farhad had to finish a tunnel to reach to Shireen but eventually died there
- Leili and Majnoon is an ancient Persian and Arabic love story
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
There is another life
         That the rules of this one
                 Do not apply
                          So I can have your love

If it was not forbidden and sinful
I would forget about all the rules
I would come to you straight
And would kiss you in front of all

Your love is forbidden for me
With all rules on man's and god's
That fact never decreases in my heart
The flame of love that comes from you

It hurts even more when I know
You are unreachable in this life
Since the rules are set strictly
No one dares to try to change them

My only hope is that there is
Another life right after this one
That rules do not apply anymore
I wish I could quit this life very soon

I would go to that new life
And wait there for you to come
But I'm really scared of that
You may make me wait for a long time

Written: Wednesday, February 27, 2019
740 · Feb 2019
Are Our Senses Real?
Hamed M Dehongi Feb 2019
The world to a blind is dark
The pain to a senseless is void
Sound to a deaf is silence
Maybe all we see, hear, feel
is some imagination send to mind
as an electrical pulse on nerves.
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
First time kissing

Do you remember?

It tastes sweet still

After all these years

First time kissing

Do you remember?

I'm sure you do

Our journey was started
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Scar to the body
Heals but never goes unseen

Scar to the soul
Never heals but never is in sight
427 · Feb 2019
I Feel You Don't Trust
Hamed M Dehongi Feb 2019
Why you so frequently
Looking straight in my eyes
Ask me whether I love you?

I feel you don't trust
My words said with my lips
So you want to read directly
From bottom of my heart through my eyes.
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Moment of peace, for soul and heart
Is when we kiss, and bill, and coo

Our foreplay that you love the most
Before we go forward, to the main part

You lie afterward on my chest still
I peck you, or neck, from time to time

Your silky soft skin on my rough one
Drains all my worries and stress, at once

This is what I enjoy the most in life
I wish we could do it always for life
Monday, May 20, 2019
372 · May 2019
Book worm girls are rare
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Book worm girls are rare
In society and today's culture

A girl sits all her afternoon
In her window frame since noon

With a cup of tea, and a book
Boys say She's mad, don't hook
Thursday, May 23, 2019
371 · Apr 2019
Fatemeh The Wise one
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
My firstborn child is dear to me
She is the wise one among the girls
She cares a lot about her sisters
Always she is worried and cautious
She loves reading and writes prose
I think she will be a writer and proud

The day she was born I was so happy
I felt the sweet feeling of being a dad
But tomorrow morning my joy come to end
When the pediatrician told me a painful fact
One of her nerves had damaged in her neck
During the time when she was given birth
So it caused that she couldn't move
One of her arms, the right one

I went to a corner and cried in silence
This was the most painful moment in life
I called for God, she is a little girl
Take my arm instead, let her have a healthy one

We went to another specialist, a neurologist
She tested and said nerve is damaged but
There are some pulses that make me hope
But we need to wait for three months

I was at work when she called
My wife was, she was behind the line
She shouted with an excited voice
That our baby girl had just moved her arm

Written: Monday, April 8, 2019, 14:07
I have two other younger daughters that I'll tell you about them later
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
She left me that windy evening
When the sun height was decreasing
The globe was gradually darkening
As I knew later, also my own ending
The sun left the sky, she fiery shining
She too left my life, her heart burning
From the words, she couldn't bear hearing
* * *
The sun came back tomorrow morning
She never came back, I'm still mourning
21:43 - Tuesday, June 4, 2019
350 · Jun 2019
Memories of your rosy lips
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
I can write books
Full of love songs
Only recalling
Stories about kissing
Those rosy lips of you.
338 · May 2019
The Colors and Universe
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
The colors and universe are
different from the eyes of
various animals.
What is guaranteed:
that this world is not only
a dream of our imagination.
331 · Apr 2019
You Never Gave Me a Chance
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
All I wanted was
An uncommon relationship
It was a forbidden love
But I needed you too,
For the quest of the life
You pretended to understand
The goal we thought we shared
But you were wrong
You never gave me a chance
To explain to you
And now I am leaving
Going alone.
314 · Jun 2019
She is pleasnt and merry
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
She is a peaceful soul
Looks for true emotions
She stays away from fakes
Prefers honesty and frankness
Her core characters are
Innocence and a simple life
You may think it's stupid
But she's proud about it
You may think it's easy
To make a fool of her
She may get jokes late
She may say silly things
But it's never important
She is pleasant and merry.
22:52, Friday, June 21, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi Dec 2019
The world as you see

Might be different in reality

The sight as you see

Might be distorted dramatically

Never trust your own judgment

Until no prejudice in your mentality
300 · Sep 2019
That was never enough
Hamed M Dehongi Sep 2019
We thought it's enough
For us forever
To only have
A perfect love
A pure love
That was never enough
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
In a cozy corner
On a lake's shore
We used to meet
For a long time
There was a place
Far from the trails
We could sit there
For long hours alone
We kissed and shared
In whisper many tales
I liked too much
Hold you in arms
We played such as
Two kids would do
Some times we did
That love thing, too
We thought no one
could harm our case
But for every tale
There is an end
Ours was that day
They found us unawares
Our lips were touching
Our tongues were locked
This was huge scandal
Shame burned us both
What hurts me most
Is but another fact
I can't see you
No more, ever again!
16:59, Thursday, June 6, 2019
296 · Sep 2019
He loved two!
Hamed M Dehongi Sep 2019
He loved two!
One usually left him at the sunset
One came to him when moon was shining.
He couldn't decide which one
Was his real love
The official one
Or what was officially
A forbidden love
Hamed M Dehongi Dec 2019
You lie in peace , fast asleep
Drowned in dream, so deep

As if you don't have any news
The troubles you always refuse

World and so many men you set
On fire, you might not know  yet

Love you sell around the world
Still you don't buy, a single word

What use of love when inaccessible
I asked in flash, you were available

You know nothing of love, you said
True lover, of end, is not afraid
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
There is no unconditional love

At least
One considers one condition

His love be accepted
From whom he has loved.
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Don't pity
A disabled person
With a defected body

The worst
Imperfection is
A defected heart that

Of letting love
Come in the heart
Hamed M Dehongi Aug 2019
One sought all his life
For his goals and dreams

He found most but not all
Still he was know as a success

But he personally felt sad
Deep in his heart a regret

For all things he sacrificed
To be where he had desired
281 · Feb 2019
I Don't Play By Your Rules
Hamed M Dehongi Feb 2019
I don't play with your rules
You want me a loser
I play by my own rules
and if you play by mine
both will be the winner.
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
We are all imperfect
As human beings

Perfectionism is fine
In an abstract way

But in the real world
With all limitations

Good enough is okay
Let your work go

Don't be so worried
About its perfection
I've wasted valuable time in my life for perfectionism. I should have started sooner and improved myself in the process. But I waited for perfection and it's impossible. Being perfect in any field is impossible, so it's enough to be good enough to start.
272 · May 2019
Life is unpredictable
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
You are proud
you are ahead
in your life
from your mates.


Life is unpredictable
they can try hard
you can't foresee
even a moment later.


If you've succeeded
reach a better point
it's not guaranteed
you stay forever.
Wednesday, May 21, 2019
266 · May 2019
And I suffer
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
He kisses you with affection
                                                   and I suffer!

He wrongly thinks he owns your heart
                                                   and I suffer!

I can see regret in your eyes
                                                   and I suffer!

I know, I'm a loser, who's lost you
                                                   and I suffer!

You blame me for all came to us
                                                   and I suffer!
00:58 - Sunday, May 26, 2019
264 · May 2019
Dawn and Dusk
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Sunsets are beautiful
They create great sights

Memories rush to mind
Dusk and then the night

At nights we had many
Times, we never forget


But sunset is an end
For a shining day

A day that has begun
By a beautiful sunrise

Start of the light is
Less liked than the dark


I used to like sunrise
More than the sunset

Until then that I had to
Part you at the predawn

Dusk became my favorite
It's time I wait for you
14:04 - Sunday, May 26, 2019
262 · Jun 2019
You can heal this
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
You are shaking
               like a willow in the wind

You are sweating
                like cold metal in dew point

Your heart is drumming
                 like an army on the march

You aren't breathing
                 like a beheaded rooster

You know the matter.
You have public speaking anxiety.

This is not the root
It's only a symptom
Of deep soul's wounds
In your past experiences
You can heal this
By curing the origin.
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Love is

No one can describe it clearly
But all can feel it certainly

Love comes in many forms
                                                Agape, unconditional love
                                                Eros, pure ****** love
                                                Ludus, playful love
                                                Phililia, Affectionate love

Now I want to tell you something new
If you want to feel the extreme love view

You should seek it in
                                     An eastern lover.
09:09 - Tuesday, April 23, 2019.
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
Many lovers lost their love
Because the beloved seemed unreachable

You may think in real love
No doubt should even be available

No! Hesitation is part of love
Even for the purest love, it's sensible

But if you're with one in love
There is not another option available

You should go and fight for love
You might fail, but it is unavoidable
245 · Jun 2019
Fiery Kisses
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
Sun sets the horizon
To the torch, it burns
In fiery orange and red
Across a calm beach
It's sunset, weather's nice

You respond her kisses
That are fiery too
It burns to the bottom
Of your heart and soul
They both go wild

Be happy and enjoy
Your summit in love
I ask you something
Think about the places
Love sharing is sin.
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
You were a bright star
In the darkest sky
You were the red tulip
Among the garden's flowers
Every society or circle
Was proud to have you
It was not a surprise
Many were envious of you
They told lies and gossips
In every chance they had
They finally could succeed
In disgracing you anyway
All those liars and gossips
They were in my favour
I could prove myself as
The only honest lover
All other lovers of you
Judged by ears and eyes
I, in contrast to them
Used just my heart's eye
Ears and eyes on the head
Could sometimes be deceived
But who can see and hear
By heart, never gets lost
Hamed M Dehongi Aug 2019
Poetry is painting
With the words

To transfer a message
You keep in mind

To express emotions
You hold deep in heart

Painting is poetry
Without the words

To transfer a message
Can't be told by words

To express emotions
You don't even know

The extreme joy is when
You combine the two
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
The wind takes a leaf in any direction
                 The weightless yellow-face leaf

It doesn't have any power
To select the path it wants to go

Do you feel like this sometimes
Such as that leaf in your life
Powerless, unfortunate, insignificant
Subject to many scoundrel bullies

Even can't select
                             The next step
                                                     Save the final destination

I felt like this many times
Tried hard the gain the power
Needed for being in a state
That my choices are mine really

Now I think I can see
            My goal on the summit
The way to the there seems clear
Am I on the correct path now?
242 · Jun 2019
Be Simple
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
Drawing a real scene is hard
Remove details keep it simple
Scientific rules are complex
Reduce unknowns turn it simple
Life on earth is getting tougher
Forget excess, be more simple
Human relations are involved
You do better, being more simple
Express your thoughts effectively
Avoid wordiness it’s better simple
You have to work hard to achieve
What you needn’t if you were simp
233 · Mar 2019
Hamed M Dehongi Mar 2019
Regrets, griefs, sorrows
Heartbreaks that persist heartaches
The bitterness of past failures
Dissatisfaction of performances
Uneasiness recalling memories
Faults without apologies
Concerns about misgivings
Self-condemnation of disappointments

All like flames from memories
Burn All today's happiness
Future will be without joys
No pleasure of cheerfulness
Nor enjoyments or delights
Even no content in paradises
Or satisfaction of blessedness
Until one frees all minds

From all past regrets.

Saturday, March 2, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
I used to be a logical person
But it changed when I started loving you
My actions now are controlled by my heart
My mind never has a chance to prevent it
You see many crazy things from me
I appear mad because of loving you
Hamed M Dehongi Sep 2019
I should have done my homework before
You took the test of love and I failed

I miscalculated the difficulties that may arise
On the way that the destination was your love

I discovered too late that you were so good
That I should've prepared myself to be in level

Now what can I do when I have lost you
Not anything, only the deep regret forever
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
You were a bright star
In the darkest sky
You were the red tulip
Among the garden's flowers
Every society or circle
Was proud to have you
It was not a surprise
Many were envious of you
They told lies and gossips
In every chance they had
They finally could succeed
In disgracing you anyway
All those liars and gossips
They were in my favour
I could prove myself as
The only honest lover
All other lovers of you
Judged by ears and eyes
I, in contrast to them
Used just my heart's eye
Ears and eyes on the head
Could sometimes be deceived
But who can see and hear
By heart, never gets lost
218 · May 2019
Born in the wrong place
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Many believe they are
Born in the wrong place
They think if they were
In the right place right now
With that many talents
Success comes to them straight
They need to read many
Biographies of famous names
Success never comes easily
Knock on their door by chance
In every successful person's path
There are many ups and downs
By the way, if you don't
Try to reach your goals
You will remain where
You think you don't deserve.

Just move!
216 · Feb 2019
Humans are complex
Hamed M Dehongi Feb 2019
Who you see one sin from,
is not all devil certainly.
Who you see one virtue from,
is not an angel for granted.
That is human nature,
a compound of thousands of
ups and downs.
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
I am an introvert
Confined in my own circle

You are an extrovert
Go around to many circles

Our fate was written so
We fell in love hitherto

We fought for many contrasts
You were always who conquest

That changed me for the better
You brought sweetness to my life
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Hello darling, my little pretty daughter
I wish you good, and times full of laughter

Everyone sees the world from her eyes
Or thinks of the world in her thoughts
I'm sure for a child like you
Or even better a girl like you
The world is full of happiness
Full of red hearts and birds
Drawn on your painting paper

Be happy in your joyful world
Time will come by force of nature
The time that negative thoughts
And ugly aspects of life
Steals your beautiful world from you

But never forget that the only
The beautiful world that you had
When you where a young girl
That is something that is really real.
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
A man's heart
Is full of concerns
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
One of the worst wounds in the world
I could see in the heart of a husband
I could see clearly all of his sufferings
As a bottom of a tranquil lake, is seen
Trouble had been begun subsequently
When he had loved a woman idolatry
Then after a time period and suddenly
He had fallen in love again, but lustily
He prefers his first love still logically
But he cannot ignore the later luxury
He is now on a pathway, that finally
He will be a lost cheater, eventually
22:18, June 6, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Happiness could not be bought
I tell you where it could be sought

In clear minds from future worries
Who don't think about bad memories

In hearts that are proud of belongings
Not full of regrets for what's surroundings
Inspiration from one of my friends, a happy Russian girl.
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