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 Jul 2019 The Dedpoet
Poetic T
I'm a vow of silence,

                               that sings within.

Void less consciousness,

                 that grows between

the cracks.

Woven in bloodied tears,

              yet my features are
  parched like a desert wind.

I'm an illusion of self,
             cradled in the arms

of my own self doubt.
There’s been so much bad luck
Blowing in the gales of life,
The sails of my happiness are
Tattered and won’t hold the wind.
Life has long been such a heavy load
My little boat is listing
And it needs to be rebalanced.
I have stores of ballast, so
My little craft won’t sink.
My twisted fingers still can hold
A needle to mend the spinnaker.
The tiller isn’t broken and
The rudder still steers true.
I can see the distant shore
And the tide is lifting me.
Soon I will make landfall and be safe
Finally gettting eccited about the move to Nevada.  All the crap will at last be over.
My most secret wish is to somehow become
A Bandaid for all the wounds of the world
And an Aspirin for it’s pain.
If only.   Happy New Year
 Jul 2019 The Dedpoet
James LR
Shackles tighten round my wrists
As money leaves my clenching fist.
The light of pity stares at me
Glaring back at Mr. Monopoly
You slap him.
He didn't slap back.
In fact, he stated he doesn't hit women.

But his sister will.

You hit him,
He walked away.
Made a phone call and requested that you wait.
Which you did.

Soon, at the door.
Which he open.
Was his sister.
And she fights women.

Especially, if she hit her brother.
Call it sister love.
For what he won't do?

His sister will.
 Jul 2019 The Dedpoet
Eva Rushton
Alone in life
She soared like a falling star.
Knowing her light was fading
As the star is about to hit earth

Never standing out
While among the galaxy
Yet admired at the end
As soul meets stars.  

Written by E.M.Rushton
 Jul 2019 The Dedpoet
 Jul 2019 The Dedpoet
Your words can be art
every line,
every rhyme
Every color that you paint can shine
Every picture builds life
Every verse brings magic
Every shared feeling inspires love
Every word gives breath to someone’s life
Poetry is more than words
It's about emotions and healing, your passions and feelings
Poetry is more
It’s your reflection, your power, your love, your life and inspiration
It’s about your strength, your life’s renewal and transformation
It’s about each other’s connection, purpose, and existence
Poetry is within you
Poetry is what’s there in your heart, in your soul
...and about trusting yourself
“Thank you Jim Musics for the tweak!”
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