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how could I have fallen
so closely to the ground?
an eternal flare
without any care
what should I do?

how could I have disgraced
so eagerly and quick?
everlasting blaze
unorthodox craze
where now from here?

why have I given up
at such an early age?
a lifetime of loss
heartful of cross
who shall I blame?

I hang my head wearily
holding grudge deep within;
the hour of pain
once met again
how did I slip
upon its limbs
the robin sings
baby birds tweet
for their mother

hung from above
an old swing sways
small children play
filled with laughter

the old oak tree
holds memories
upon each branch
another story

upon its limbs
leaves start to fall
softly below
brown, green, and yellow

I won't forget
the times shared there
as the robin sings
in the old oak tree
  Oct 2014 Debbie Jean Embrey
canyon wren
sings her sweet song
perched upon
the piñon-

for my love
who lies beneath-
the cottonwood
twee twee twee


r ~ 10/3/14
  |.     song of the canyon wren
/ \
the space between us
is petrifying

just the inkling of space
sends electricity

rather a mile or two
between us twain
or a foot

no matter where we are
in this universe
I have been broken.
Left in despair,
thrown out on the curb for all to see.
I have been beaten.
By the lies society
for so long told me were acceptable.
I have been humiliated.
By the ghosts of my past,
the ghosts I loved and cherished.
But you,
you were different.
You encouraged change,
in fact demanded it.
You made those ghost disappear
and brought new life in their places.
You are humble,
you are sovereign.
You've picked me up from the muck and filth of this world
and given me a life worth meaning.
And for that I am forever grateful,
I am forever yours.
I am broken still,
beaten still,
humiliated still,
and yet you accept me.
Still you love,
you love me with all my countless blemishes.
Perhaps, I'll never know.
But what I do know,
is that through it all
I am faithful.
Her ruby red lips
Begged for more
In the bright starlight
of the morning bright ...

He reached out a finger
To trace the life
Of her face
He said ...

“Life is too short
To mess around”
Snuggling closer
He tucked her in ...

Reveling in security
Not to mention the tingling
In her tummy...

Kiss me
Come on,
Let me feel forever
Your love on my skin ...

Settle down with me
And I will be your lady
Your lips
Eyes ...

Will be mine to love
Kiss me
Like you want to be kissed ...

Tell me my love
I am waiting for more
I need to be patient
I need to be kind ...

This love has me wanting more
The longing
Takes me away
Give me your heart ...

I beg
Kiss me on my tulips ...
Debbie Brooks 2014
  Oct 2014 Debbie Jean Embrey
Call me a smoker
If you can read my poetry and get high on it
Call me the messenger
If you believe my poetry is talking to you
Call me a rapper
if you can create lyrics out of me
Call me a preacher
If you believe my Scriptures made you believe in God once more
Call me a taker
if you read my poetry a thousand times from different beings

Call me a pretender
If my poetry is just one of those many fictions you've read
call me a killer
if my poetry made you lose hope in love
call me a stranger
if you don't know me but we can still cling
call me a liar
if you just hate me and my poetry
call me a sister
if my poetry lived in one of your moments

Call me an executioner
if I told you that "bitter" truth you always knew but escaped
Call me a brother
if you know deep inside we are one
call me ?
If I showed you who Romeo is
Call me diary
if you read my poetry and remembered that you were here once upon a time

Call me a stalker
if my poetry is always talking about your ex
call me a friend
If my poetry told you that you love him/her very much and that's the scary part
call me a believer
if my poetry said something about judgment day
Call me a poet
if you believe am getting better at expressing myself,your world and the moment

If your reading this right now and you believe poetry is what brought us together.*call me Carter
being real
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