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I read a book today
the words spoke to me
from a dream
into reality
or vice versa
I don't know.

I read a book today
the words were so pure
some with love
into fantasy
or fondest desires
I don't know.

I read a book today
words cut like a knife
filled with hate
and with despair
or pure agony
I felt it.

The book spoke to me
the words were vivid
someone else's life
poured out in ink
and made me wonder
somewhere inside
I needed to know.
another tossed piece of garbage
t'was lying on the floor
heart torn to pieces
thrown out the door

another right that turned out wrong
mistaken in the world
forever alone
t'was left unfurled

another time perhaps... era
lost in the world of dust
tossed out in the wind
to a world unjust
I've suffered from headaches
to migraines
stomach pains
lower legs to upper legs
fingers to my hands
but none of which
hurt as much as you
when you broke my heart
She tossed her halo back on the shelf,
Didn't take much energy there.
Upon her head it seemed to drown her,
A suffocating glow upon her hair.

She tossed her halo under the the bed saying,
She didn't need it that night.
The room finally bathed in darkness,
Suddenly hidden from the light.

She tossed her halo into her bag,
Where nobody would suspect it.
She threw the bag across her shoulder,
Making no effort to protect it.

She tossed her halo into the closet,
Who's closet she didn't really know.
Everyone loved the stony darkness,
Nothing revealed in golden glow.

She tossed her halo into the trunk,
Saying this time was for her.
They drove on into the night,
Not knowing where they were.

She tossed her halo into the trash,
Revolting from that life.
Rocking on next to her shadow,
She didn't miss the light.

She tossed her halo off the bridge,
Fully embracing the black.
I jumped in to follow it,
I drowned trying to bring it back.
Not my best writing, but perhaps one of my favorites.
A river flows from the
Throne Room of God
To this dry and thirsty
land that we must trod

It brings refreshing to
the souls that do thirst
And a renewed life within
when God is put first

Into the Rivers current
is where we will go
And where it takes us
we do not know

But the will of God
is what we desire
And to be filled
with the Holy Ones fire

So the River of God
is what we will seek
Those that are mighty
and even the meek

winter days lie ahead
I sense it in the air
still, my heart says it's spring
Why are the mountains so high?
Where did the blue skies come from?
Why do I call you Mommy and Daddy
instead of Dolly or Joe?

Why does it get dark at night?
Where do babies come from?
Who was the first to set a timer
for me to go to bed?

So many questions unanswered
So much for us to learn
How many lives do I need to live
to end the curiosity?
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