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 Jul 2018 Debanjana Saha
One time I showed up to a bar
took all my layers off and decided to give it a try
I let loose and felt free and drowned my sorrows in dainty drinks and rap music
Feeling like a bomb shell ready to blow
I let the world get under my skin and the beat roll into my veins as I became the girl everyone wants to meet
that everyone wants to talk to
I became the girl of my dreams
swirling in drinks with tiny straws and orange juice
dancing alone but felt like the whole room was with me
time flew by
until I left and became the same old girl who walked into a bar just to give it a try
65 hours of work so far this week
Tomorrow a day off
Just kidding
Have to come into work for a couple hours....

This body is tired y’all!
Manager of a restaurant sometimes isn’t that fun. Especially in this hot heat... over 100 degrees inside. Awesome. Lol
You were supposed to be
My pillow
Who I lay my head down
To hear ur heartbeat
If it's fast u love me more
If it's slow that means ur worried
Someone recently
asked  me
what do I
think about
modern dating?
I responded by
saying we live
in a culture mired
in instant gratification,
i call modern dating
fast food dating
high volume dating
low nutrition dating
We constantly consume
But are forever
         more lonely,
we do not spend
the time to build
value in our own
love in our hearts ,
so we come to a
relationship  taking
and taking and taking
    instead of giving.
selfishness is the
massacre  of
       all relationship,
and our culture
specializing in crowning
self ruler of all.
   And selfishly
we surmise that
We are all
If you want love you have to give love, constantly. Once in a while we must look into our soul and ask ourselves, are we mature enough to come as givers and not takers . Because when two heart givers meet , it creates an environment of growth for both and what a beautiful thing.... love responsibly!
 Jul 2018 Debanjana Saha
I saw a camel
But I didn't talk to it
It had the right ****
Silly one x
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