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 Apr 2014 Deafening Silence
sometimes, i'm on the verge of
forgetting you.
and sometimes, i find myself
deep in thought
unconsciously thinking of you.
 Apr 2014 Deafening Silence
im a swimmer
i can float
i can sink
i can pretend to drown
or be a graceful dolphin

but ever since
i met you, another swimmer
i thought you were going to help me
be a better swimmer in life

but instead
you pulled me deeper
into the waters
as you took my breath away

i could no longer breathe
i could no longer move
i sunk in whatever we had
i drowned in you
 Feb 2014 Deafening Silence
Definition: A term used for someone who hides his/her pain and misery behind a fake smile.*

i know you want me to be happy
i know you want the best for me
but it hurts so much
so i hide behind a smile

either you don't know me too well
or you don't care at all
you just don't seem to notice things now
how everything has changed

you used to be my reason for happiness
but if i depended on you always
how would i be happy
when you're gone

now i am truly happier
even if you're gone
you taught me a lesson when you left
because you seem happier without me too

— The End —