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and yet....
I   F

Into Your Eyes
      Into Your Words
             Into Your Voice
    The feelings my heart.
            and mind
      have created
Leave me very little choice
          I cannot control
   the musings in my soul
        the desperation in my heart
     or the erratic thoughts in my mind
           That keep tearing at my insides
      Making me want to fall apart
      Especially, in regards to me
I just wish you could see
          I know I sound crazy
     But, sometimes we just can't help
            how we feel
       It's too much to ask of you
   But I'm a fan of the truth
          and I know these emotions
      that I'm trying to conceal
        they're all real
  I tried and tried and tried
         but I just can't control
            what's deep in my soul
     and how my heart feels...

Just thought you should know...
One night I had this dream... It showed a white Swing Set, and Death Angels lined up beside it.. I see this Winged girl, swinging on the Swing set. Just as I took a step forward, she looked at me, staring.. Her Eyes were as black as a burned down house and her gown was as white as pearls.. As I stepped toward the winged girl, She reached her hand out to me, sending a message to me in my mind.. Saying in a sweat and soothing voice: "Come my Darling... Come home... Come home..". As I reached out my hand aswell, I touched her hand.. So soft and full of life... I didn't know what to do.. Then I heard another calling... It said: "Sit down Sweat heart.. Sit beside me. Come.." Just as I sat down, Everything turned to nothingness.... I tried screaming but nothing came out. I tried to get as far away as I could.. Then, as soon as I got off the Swing set, Everything was going down and under.. When I looked up for my final glimpse at the swing set, I saw the Winged Girl.. Gliding Above me... Waving..
 Dec 2014 Days of Dawn
I feel like I'm always going to be alone, mentally and physically.
But then I get to thinking and realize I'm so young, yes I feel old but I'm so very young. Someone/something might come into my life that'll fill that void tomorrow, next year or in a decade. We're alone for a reason, to better ourselves, to have to do so because going into anything incomplete will never leave you whole. You need to be whole to be able to share a part of yourself because everything takes something from you and when you're at pieces you can't afford that to happen, you don't have enough to let that happen.
Everything has a process, some longer than others. Some of us are complex broken glass and some of us are just a simple incomplete puzzles.
Regardless, we'll find the pieces, we'll take as much time as we need because patience is a virtue we can't live without. Being realistic is another crucial one. We need good balance because the wrong type of balance has a tiring and heavy weight that'll only crush you into more pieces.
We don't have control over anything but ourselves, and even thought it might not seem like it, it's up to us to decide how we complete ourselves.
Of course being whole isn't something we know or know how to acquire, especially if we've never been but once you're there, and you can only get there with the right steps, you'll know. I'm far from it, I know it'll take years and years for me to feel whole, but I'm good with incomplete, I've learned to accept it, and that helps. I don't believe in luck or chance, I know whatever is meant for me won't miss me and whatever isn't won't ever hit me.
Be accepting, balanced, realistic and patient.
The Winter Is Colder For Those
With No Warm
Are You Cold?
 Dec 2014 Days of Dawn
Kelly Rose
Just a touch
of madness
Life would be so
dull without it
 Dec 2014 Days of Dawn
He exchanged his
for the
long dusty road,
he exchanged his
for a long white jacket
he called it the "white robe."
His hat said "Home"

He took off on the
road only travelers

He had a pretty girl
he was was going to see,
then he knew
he would have to leave.

He stopped saying much,
mainly "thank you"
and "please".

He had exchanged
his mind set
for a new set,
his confusion for clarity
his narrative for poetry,
many said
it had led him astray.

He exchanged his
fullness for emptiness
began to take it all in,
the old dusty road became
the only way he knew at all.

He would stand in perfect silence
hear it all.
He would stand in perfect stillness
travel it all.

He exchanged his awake routines
for dreams.

He traveled here and there,
where ever
that dusty old road
would take him,
some places made sense,
some were flashes
of total innocence.

He had exchanged
his expectations
for creations.

He could love you on the road,
be with you
but with you
he would never go home.

Rumor has it
it was his fatal flaw.

He had exchanged
success and failure
he avoided many a cliff
many a fall
in having it all.

You won't find him
soliciting or pandering
selling drugs
in bed with your mother.

You'll find him in the whispers
you hear
in the rainbow aura
around street lamps
on night time
deserted streets,
the meteor at midnight
the green flash at sunset.

He had exchanged
staying for going
he was on his way
with dust devils
behind him.
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