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 Dec 2015 Dave Williams
The blind man was asked
"How does this picture look?"
The man then replies,
The blind man was then asked
"How so?"
He replies,
"Your forced to see whatever it is,
I get to see whatever I want."
Just writting about a thought..
 Dec 2015 Dave Williams
I sit on the step
And draw
The cold around me
Like a blanket,
Savouring the numbness
And the heat
That begins within.
Swallowed by the night
Drunk on wine
And stars.
Hot tears on cold cheeks.
Seasoning for
Chapped lips
Bringing fresh tears.
I take refuge
In the silence,
Under the gaze of
Sympathetic eyes.
My friends.
My constant companions.
Drunk on wine
And stars.
We sit here
   Bemoaning our fate
On this rock we call Earth

The only one
   In billions of light years
Deigned to jump start our birth

Sheltering us
   From cosmic rays

Surrounding us
   With abundant life

Supporting us
   Despite our ways

And yet...

We still sit here
   Basking in self pity and hate
Pillaging this lonely rock called Earth
...looking at what we've done
I really feel more kin to outer space
than this human race...
 Nov 2015 Dave Williams
at one time, we were all migrants
we had a dream and tried to find it
the torch of freedom was our light of guidance
we might have died if our cries were silenced

their dream relies on our compliance
we can't decline the reasons behind it
hear their cries and let them find an alliance
they're just trying to escape the violence
America was built by migrants...i say, let them come...
Charity is never wasted,
Even when refused;
Your simple act of selflessness
Cannot be reduced.

Kindness is never wasted,
Even when refused;
To think we think of others first
Cannot be diffused.

Courtesy is never wasted,
Even when refused;
Shake a hand, open a door,
Say Please and Thank You.

Patience is never wasted,
Even when refused;
Bide your time contentedly
Dealing with the obtuse.

Faith is never wasted,
Even when refused;
Believe in what cannot be proved
Even if confused.

Hope is never wasted,
Even when refused;
It gives the taste of fine red wine
Brimming o'er the cruse.

Hate is never wasted,
I know you feel abused;
It's just a tact under attack
That haters like to use.

Love is never wasted,
Even when refused;
It's educed, then enfused,
And spreads as it accrues.
 Nov 2015 Dave Williams
you get so used to something;
to someone;
never expect them to abandon you
though you condoned their departure

you saw it coming

it was all experienced yesterday
except, then
it was only a distant speck
you brushed away the dust you kicked up and
ignored the arguments that weighed on your conscience

you saw it coming

yet it still hits you like a freight train
with your back to it;
your earphones in
because you were trying to enjoy a walk
on such dangerous tracks;
such thin ice

you saw it coming

so what choice do you now have
but to finally collapse;
to let it run you over
and let your
omniscient bones

you saw it coming,
but you let it hit you anyway.

please, get out of the way next time.
september thoughts, november reality
 Nov 2015 Dave Williams
dating a writer
is like guessing the weather.
you think you know what you'll get,
but you never do.

you never know

she'll create a hero
from your weaknesses

and she'll write a great character,
from every last flaw.

she'll create a thousand plots  
from your worst nightmares.

she'll take every last thing you hate
and create something you'll love.

she'll turn your anger
into confessions of adoration,

and she'll make you,
everything you're not.

but worst of all,
she'll leave you wondering-
is it you she's in love with,
or things she's created from you?

but here's the beauty of it:

if you date a writer,
you'll never die.
 Nov 2015 Dave Williams
my aim is to put a face on the faceless
making statements for wasted cases
i take myself into forsaken spaces
all for the sake to escape those places

a fate to make shapes out of shapeless
creating grace on pages as my basis
a campaign to replace the fake embraces
leaving the traces that no eraser erases
write a poem.  what?
write a poem.  ******* mean?
western haikus follow the 5-7-5 syllable count.  in Japan there are no syllables.
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