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659 · Jan 2014
In response to justjenn
Ottar Jan 2014
words can't sooth some wounds,
kind words are not a balm except to the soul,
if each day is an emotional edge and precipice,
what tenacity, but it takes the toll
pay a price, the entrance fee is steep,
no one is asking you to live gracefully,
Janus had two faces and you do not,
you may feel pressure of force to fracture,
to fit what every one expects of you,
but what is one beautiful sad girl supposed to do,
she writes poetry filled with woe you see, you see?
she is a mom, R E S P E C T, that is what you get from me,
as for the rest,
you will do your best,
there others out there with similar tests,
                                                          ­      of the human spirit,
as for God, He has big shoulders, go for a walk and let him know
where He dropped the ball, but on the way back, be prepared to listen
to Him and Him alone, is all,
baggage we all have,
If I could take one piece of yours,
and carry it for 1 year, I fear I lack the courage or the guts,
                                                           ­  and I would use alot of buts to
explained why I failed and you succeed,
you do have choices,
please see that you do,
ask for help from those around you,
you do have choices, that sounds empty, hear the echo...
I should throw in a disclaimer,
but I can hear "it is easier to blame her"
but we all know that is not true and that is from the Pit,
I care, but knowing you are no where near here,
makes me unsure what good this will do here.
Ottar Apr 2013
Poetry may not do it justice.

Their brown feathered heads bob,
their feet dig, clumps, grab and rob,
clods and sods, while tearing Earth.

Their heads twist downward and eyes
peer at what was unearthed and prized.

They were scratching out a living, peck
eking out an existence, even though peck,
they were paid in chicken feed, peck, peck.

They were the chickens of the loafing shed!

He worked with glass then later in front of the glory hole,
several hours a day and many, many years of hours total
over two and a half decades, annealing like his glass.

He pulled the sweetness from each piece with furnace fire, air and motion
staying level-headed while the raw molten ocean gathered on the honey dipper
of super-heated soft and borosilica masses were built from inside out, from
the crucible of the masters imagination.

Each year, all glass masterpieces all,
but three it averaged
would not make it to the market, fall or
fractured, shattered,
not a thing to be discouraged.

Cooling, heating a tricky thing,
Light blue pieces in the pan disassembled by natural forces,

so unlike their dreams, which have become tangible,
at 1100 degrees C, just don't touch the beauty, quite yet

this is the glass blowing reality at loafing shed
If you get a chance to watch or if you have seen glass blowing, enjoy!
658 · Dec 2014
3:17 am
Ottar Dec 2014
you asked me "why?", with a chuckle
I said "we touched skin, hip to hip"
you asked me "why?", with a giggle
I said "you bent your knee, touching me"
you asked "why?", and you laughed,
I said "you rolled over and raised your hips"
you asked "why?" smiling in the dark
I said nothing more asleep
real or imagined?
654 · Jul 2014
Oh Say...
Ottar Jul 2014
Young countries grow, old
Time spills out and unfolds,
Liberty, Freedom, A Place that
                               has it's own dream,
Songs sang, bring tears,
Anthems, passed fears,
Take pride America,
For every American,
Who has a home, who has a neighbour,
who has a defender, offering peace,
whose young children hold old hands,
whose women and men, continue again, and again and again,
to make it, starts with that dream,
watered with tears, and fed with more than food stamps,
even with so many accents they
all say in one breath,
"thank you for the opportunity"
to serve, to be free, to have the will
from the Baja to Presque Isle,
from Bellingham to Florida, Puerto Rico,
when hopes follow the sun's rise bright,
"Oh say can you see by dawn's early light"
To America, To all of my American friends, and dearest American Poets,
We don't see eye to eye, there must be a reason for that,
May we respectfully push each other to be better, to each one we meet,
who come from lands where there is no translated word used anymore for
"opportunity"  There are holes in the fabric, I won't say large and I won't
say irreparable, where are those with thread and needles and diligence and patience and love to repair a flag, to unite a people, peacefully.
In quotes from the "Star Spangled Banner "
Ottar Dec 2013
A, mall of, all things called, America
some of my favorites things in the USA,
are found in Minnesota,
some of my favorite people too,
they have a Lutheran background like me
or not,
they are Norwegian in heritage,
or not
woe be gone,
a lake of the lack of despair,
Minnesota has lakes
hundreds thousands,
some very cool things go on there
that squelch despair,
crank the volume of human warmth,
they have Clouds too,
and choirs of kids that sing in a Mall, of America
to celebrate the life of one their own,
who fought a battle but not alone,
although he knew
yes he knew, few would pay a higher cost
once the battle was over and not at a loss
but a gain,
a gain in full measure,
that he may not be, for sure there to enjoy.
I did a whole series on clouds, G.K. thanks for supporting and being an advocate for poetry (he may not read this but that is okay) For Zach S and the very big family he has.
651 · Oct 2013
She knows no quit
Ottar Oct 2013
walk a route familiar you can close your eyes,
circular routes are better there are less surprises,
some say "life is circular",
some say "spend it perpendicular,
as once your horizontal, your dead."

Now what was this about,
you ask yourself, "no doubt?"
Doubt, no, more like certainty,
the dog walks the route and
knows each sign post, bush and
tree root.

She just stops to freshen them,
walks it dark of night or before
the light of day, and she never
gets lost, she nose the route
with a hand at the end
of a three foot leash.

The quirks she has about her
self-imposed back scratches,
the way she puts her paws on
two legs as if to say,with a wink
"I have a joke to tell, it is kinda
of doggy humour, I'll tell you
when we

she rests heavier these days, must be fall
and limps from time to time, from hard play
she is getting old too fast, but you don't see
it in her pace or
in her bright eyes
or her furry face.

She not a dog to sound the alarm,
will bark for the door bell,
at twenty two pounds
she will not take down an attacker,
there is heart,
there is spirit,
if there was a
fight, with an
outsider, inside
her home, I know
she would join the
as she knows no quit.

"I pity the foo" says Mr T
651 · Oct 2013
Young Again
Ottar Oct 2013
time spent, not wasted,
      out of doors tasted
     some experiences priceless,
are better
away from anything wireless
on any sunny day,
a light breeze plays,
with the leaves,
all for one and one for all
it is a free-for-fall until ... you
take a wee one for a walk
in the woods, on a path,
over a bridge and along
a stream.

What a dreamy day it was,
the crunch of leaves under-
foot, the oooohs and aaaaahs,
and various descriptors,
in a language I long forgot,
that of a fifteen month old
pink coated naturalist,
who points with fingers
                   or her fist,
who squats down to
study the million leaves
in reach, looking for the
one that needs the most help
          or a kiss to feel better,
God, You sure make beautiful
weather and a passing grade on granddaughters!
(said with tongue and cheek as she can touch more leaves
than I can take away....)

Up hill and down, by the creek and away,
up by the hairy animals that make her say,
woof-woof in mockery as they guard
                                  the yard
with the chain ink fence
then finally we turn for home
where every pole and tree within
in reach has to be touched like
it has the magical powers of a garden gnome
(let me guess, you have never heard that before)

the wind and rush of traffic at our
back as we spent the walk, not wasting
any time, for she will never be
young again.                       Nor will I.
649 · Feb 2015
all night and all day
Ottar Feb 2015
all the animals alive breath air,
their bodies do as ours
bad air for, good air and a want,
to be on the plus side
of the equation
all the humans living and alive
breath their share of air,
warm bodied pulses
staking a claim on the status quo
physically to stay alive,
stewards  of the blue marble ship
surrounded by a vulnerable
bubble, trapping, producing
pure air
there is no quota all deserve a fair
share, so it will be with life,
all night and all day
greed takes it away, suffocates
freedom unless there is a fight,
To survive
all night and all day,
Keep fighting, for air
Keep peace in your heart,
Keep love on your tongue,
Tasted and spoken,
all night and all day.
If there are animals insects fish people that do not breathe air or the O2 within, the air, they don't know what they are missing, being part of this write....   B-)
Thank the trees the grasses for having a gas to our benefit
Ottar Sep 2013
air colder than it is heavy
heaviness attached to memories
of shinny games played
with friends playing like
stars players of the day.

The names changed but the
friends didn't, the rivalries,
were more than East to West,
but who was seen as the best
on ice or roadway on that day
in our surreal play.

Ball, sticks and net,
the best game yet,
on suburb roads, icy or clear,
competition was intense, no fear,
like losing once,
to win again another time, the next night.

It wasn't about victory or loss,
it took skill and staring across,
at your opponent, to make him
look away and maybe give in,
before the game began.

street lights and stars lit our arena
found on Silivia or Olivia
framed in two curbs of concrete
the game was never called on account
of rain or snow or ice, we only
paused for
when some one called,
a goal or to chase the ball shot out of
bounds,                                                       ­ (you shot or touched it
                                                              ­          last it was only fair,
                                                           ­             you chased it down...
                                                         ­              all the way down the street)

Of course we lost our stars
when the parents called them
in for dinner... but even then
we stayed late knowing in the
cold our plate of food would be

as these memories,
wet jeans and socks, flushed
face, fingers and toes were
sometimes colder than
the frosty distance,
the empty streets,
the orange ball frozen so
it did not bounce,
but always either
made a mark, or
made its mark,

with the echo over
our heads in the
frosty air "Ggoooaaaalllll"
or not so subtle, "he scores!"
and the run back to your
team of friends and celebrate
the celebration seen on TV
on Saturday nights.

addendum:the cracks in the street where the tar repair didn't take,
holds my memories where I can see and touch and reach into them
once again.

shinny = road hockey  I could only try to list every name we used, but very few may be recognized or if you did you would say they played in the 60's and 70's
647 · Mar 2013
Beaten Down
Ottar Mar 2013
Blossoms, beaten down and stems broken,
Signs of a colourful spring taken lightly, a token,
It is like winter got hands and feet, shredded,
the only symbol of its' leaving, the dreaded
first flowers of Spring.

Dark clouds on every horizon, selfish discoloured ground, that thirsts
for only water from snow and rain, all the water, even tears, that burst
from eyes won't be enough to quench or thaw the frozen earth,
which grapples with the promise of every year, each season will re-birth,
in its' place and Time.

This year or next year the weather may not be as we all expect,
frankly the weather outside, already has been wrecked,
life has internal storms too, that rip and pull, that demand more,
stand tall, face into the wind, brace yourself against the roar,
you are stronger Now.
Spring   Time   Now.  (did you catch that)
647 · Sep 2013
All because of you
Ottar Sep 2013
my throat is raw, but I am sick,
my head hammers,
like someone fixing a grader blade,
my heart skips a beat or stops...

for what seems like an eternity,
all because of you.

I have a raw throat as I called your name,
all night into the dark,
walking the streets, hoping you would answer,
and all I got was chased by dogs, yelled at by
people, told by the police if I did not go home
they would escort me, they would even supply jewelry,

all because of you,

The tears I shed, and the resulting hammering in
my head, from crying and clawing at the sky,
to grab some fabric, a hem, in the hope you were nearby,
I looked at every point on the compass, you were not to be found,
I looked into the dark shadows for light and only got lost
and walked further in, I knocked on doors of homes, businesses
and churches, got kicked for my troubles
now my lurch has turned into a limp.

When there was no where else to turn,
No other place to go,
When there was no where else to search,
all because of, you,
I looked inside,
And I found You.

Waiting by my heart(h).

Ottar Jan 2013
I stare at those pages,
my mind wanders too,
a random thought.

Like dogs and puppies in cages,
one man did not know what he had to do,
so the SPCA changed what he had wrought.

I read the words on the page, but it takes ages,
Reading and re-reading two times two,
Drifting to shopping earlier that day, what had I bought?

I know, I remember, now, 6 dark bars of chocolate, with my wages,
Some cheap, a sale, some fine quality, still, I did not know what to do,
about the puppy mill, so yes, I finished reading, ate what my craving sought,

Am I that shallow or should I rage,
about defenceless dogs hoping that man gets his due,
Or gather my vice and read my book, whether I see the the words or not?
Ottar Jun 2013
What do you give to
get what you get? Sweat?
Or are those tears, falling with
gravity at the depravity,
that dragged you down to
where it was, waiting,
laying innocently and
you just stumbled upon
it?  Next thing you know
you are not a social
darling, but rejected
like a starling, by the
larger scavengers and
now you need therapy
and social mediation,
Stand up, say your name,
admit your addiction,
isn't anything private
but alas I ramble,
I don't mean to
sound off, some days
I am just off...aways.
Don't text me I don't
own a
cell phone
or the night,
don't copy and
paste, instead roll
a pencil or pen, in
your hands, take
paper and patience,
please!? I know you
can get through this,
I know you can get
down to do this,
Free the verse!
Free the verse!
(slumping now
blood sugar
dropping fast,
and how...)
You use your words
to paint images
in black and white,              t o g e t h e r,
letters colour others'
imagination, don't
give up or give in,
do what you were
called to do, anything,
any thing else is a sin,
then the darkness, we all
share IT will cry;
"I win,
I win,
stop it in those track
marks made, your
porcelain skin and
heart of gold, eyes
of jade, I will never
be closer to you
then when you write,
what you write,
c'mon start, if you
don't we then are          a  p  a  r  t
only to keep hoping,
looking to see,
that light,
keep looking
I will too.
until then I am here.

645 · Mar 2015
Sex sells...swell
Ottar Mar 2015
If I write a poem about ***,
will you still have respect
for me in the morning?

If sext text, intersects,
a censorship quest, who
then sinks the relationship?

Image burned into your mind
pointed, yet you are not blind
and can you still see, the point
or are you seeing the last image
Ottar Jul 2013
in the heat, not Arizona hot,
I sit or stand and I cling to myself,
not by timidity but humidity,
sky blue and polarized hue,
the asphalt, black absorbing my cool,
until I climb into the shower,
and have the steam take the
impurities away.

in the heat, not Death Valley hot,
I move in the heat still feeling the air
spill the oxygen on to the sidewalk cooker,
grass green, wilting under the molten ball
green radiator liquid bursts from cars,
reflected light blinds first and burns skin
water droplets steam, take all the impurities,
away, lifting me up

and away

Ottar Nov 2013
there will be no sounds,
the road is lonely tonight,
travelers will stay off the
asphalt ways, the blackest
                           of nights
                                       will not be pierced
                     by headlights
animal eyes will not be bright
spots appearing to float lightly
to escape, in the darkness,
no engine noises will echo in the trees,
and cause mothers to gather their young
and tell them in animal voices why
no one is allowed to go out after dark
        even for a family walk to the park,
        across the treeless way
            where they can play
       with garbage cans' contents,
       but rather stay in and be content,
       with the gathering of fur with breathing
      in the still air, restful sounds and a
       peace to be shared with care and oh,
      but there will be darkness that hearkens
      sleep with dreams of play, teeth flashing,
      rough fur rising along the spine,
                  just don't cross that line,
                                               and leave the nest alone tonight,
                                   for even the darkness has teeth that bite.

Ottar Apr 2016
You will get lost in the big city
you WILL, too hard, you WON'T, too much
the secret to a long life is keep breathing and a pulse pounding
you will seek riches and find pity
you will find a garden of riches yet turn it too mulch
you will marry an attentive spouse if you don't mind the hounding

the secrets of the moment are lost in the blink of both eyes,
the secret of receiving is an open palm
if you touch the swollen belly of a bull, and you find ardor
you can find beauty everywhere do not despise the disguise
a secret a flock of birds leaves behind is calm ( bird **** is a secretion not a secret)
the secret to great wealth is found offshore

you will go places reading without, leaving your seat
here is to laughter
hope you smiled
well at least tell me you didn't cry
643 · Jul 2013
Ottar Jul 2013
darkly entering, crying what seems,
like a millions drops in one tear,
like non-stop festering,
on any of her wounds,
no, I have swallowed
a bitterness pill and
drank down a glass
of spite,
while she hangs on
weakly turning pages
to find that happy
ending, in a
Greek tragedy,
this isn't the circus,
it is bailing out the
leaky boat with

I rest enough to
catch my breath,
she catches a
tiger with a
too long tail,
and every scratch,
is infected with
the weight of the
world, she gets no rest,
give her a brake,
don't touch
her spoons, 'cuz
she won't make
the day,
and what then
about tomorrow,
if she is not there
to let the sun rise,
and the sunshine in,
how will I know
we are all right.
638 · Jan 2014
There is
Ottar Jan 2014
there is war
there is a war,
for hearts and minds,
            found in minefields,

there is chaos,
there is a chaotic trend,
to steal your peace, your sleep,
              until the end, yes the end.

adding swear words,
would not add to what this
does say about the world, for ... wait listen, do you
hear IT, running down the drain,
a cleansing rain,
let me run outside,
with a towel and board shorts,
rip across the parking lot, jumping in puddles
until the people from their windows shake their
heads and mumble,
that somebody ought to call the police,
but no one does, meaning no one will,
for they want me to suffer and fall ill,
a consequence
of the quenching drench,
that I took, as my flipper feet, ran slapping
the asphalt, to the end, the end where I
looked over the edge, and saw there is more,
where that crazyness came from,
there is more.  I will behave if I can just reach out and touch....
It is not my fault, they called a "mini pineapple express".  Towel got too wet to dry me off...believe it, or not.
Ottar Mar 2013
It is not wonder, nor is it awe,
The draw is light until close,
There is danger, it is more raw.
Closer, closer until you are lost.

In the delight of your new found curiosity.

Peaks your interest, seems harmless enough,
You are an adult and can manage this stuff,
After all life is too short and yours too rough,
It has your attention now you want learn more.

About your curiosity quest.  

You can no longer see what is behind your time and energy spent,
Your thirst and taste demands more sensations and less of self-control,
You had discipline once, in that foggy past, but cannot see where it went.
All else seems trivial now, and takes minutes away, hours as well.

You are enjoying your self.
Curious, why it took so long to,
find what you have always,
been looking for.

Maybe your friends will join you,
if they understand.  But if they don't
new friends will come along, it is
in the plan.

Curious first steps of trial and err.
You'll be so far gone, blind-sided,
There won't be alarms or despair,
struck to the quick, your heart may break,
that comes much later, so beware.
You may feel sick.

You will find that there is no escape and no way out,
you'll have lost interest in all else.
But what you don't see, watches you.
Curiously you stay.
And you stay.
Second in the Seen Unseen series
637 · Jul 2013
Ottar Jul 2013
I am distressed,
not like a piece of
furniture, treated to
a certain way.

Appreciated, for its' age, or materials,
maybe the design details, like spirals,
in the corners, where the pieces neatly
meet together.

I am distressed, because the time I need,
I don't have, the money I have isn't
enough to buy time to do what
it is I need to get done
sooner than later,

I am still road worthy
like a rusty bridge I heard
about, all my rust is intact,
ensuring that traffic, on my back,
will still be able to use me,
for years to come.

I am still distressed,
this did not help,
plug your ears
while I yelp,
like a lost dog,
not needing
food or water,
just time to
find my self.
Poor time management got you down?
Well, get off me, so I can stand up and show you what I did wrong!
635 · Jan 2013
On Good Friends
Ottar Jan 2013
It is what good friends do,
Their actions say "I love You",
While with their words
Come with comfort too.

Good friends can be human or
animal, old and young from
curb-side philosopher to a "Carl Jung",
they feel pain too when you are stung.

There is nothing better when some stranger,
saves you from danger or some youngster
has blessed you with a gift of a sweet song, or
a dog or cat takes a moment to rescue you.

They are a good friend, to you and to those who
love you, so model what they do, for all the
community around you, need a good friend too.

Remember life bites all of us in our turn, it is
not the teeth marks or tissues scarred, we see
while together, but how well you live life until, even
your wrinkles
have smiles.
Saw and heard a childrens choir, met some people who have been through a roller coaster. Special.
630 · Jan 2015
Ottar Jan 2015
There is a Ness, called Loch,
There is a ness, called Happi,
There is a ness, called Lonli,
There is a ness, called Hot.

None of the words,
Would land like birds,
or release excrement,
in an simple experiment.

Of chasing monsters,
Of chasing insanity,
Of chasing the empty,
and chasing the vanity.

So on waking; take time, find purpose,
on leaving your home, take peace,
leave fear, in the shadows, but
let your fragrance, dance, down
the street, infectious.

Walk a mile in some kind of smile...seriously.
Mark Twain quote, "Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination"
not sure if I agree but it makes for great inspiration of poetry.
626 · Aug 2015
Ottar Aug 2015
straight lines
rigid forms
point and shoot,

does it show,
the tree running hard
getting nowhere,
reach with naked branches,
oh give me naked
branches, grabbing handfuls
of air and tossing,
***** of air, in the face of
all the other trees,
and none leaves their rooted
ruts, shallow graves,
until a root taps,
deep and discovers...
more to dirt,
like life,
roots crawl, further,
tree, scratch and scrawl
verse, on the short history,
of the existence of
something limbed
and rooted, now
blown down,
as it grabbed
too much wind
too much life
too little
too few
story, yet
Fall guy
624 · Apr 2013
Poet's Age
Ottar Apr 2013
It is late and I have a date with the sunrise,
Lay down now, pillow soft, closing my eyes,
Oh, we will cross worm word paths and surprise!

Poems will spill from us, as we journey,
under sun or stars or on our aging knees,
Each day we share our joy or misery, equally.

Be kind to yourself, dust off your shelf,
that you have sat, like some sombre elf,
holding your passion inside the flesh itself.

Passionate embrace with the moment of inspiration,
****** with keys or pencil or ink that run with creation,
Go Poet! this is your age to write out your frustration.

Write about love, wield that one with care,
Write about life, encourage those to not despair,
Write with less, fewer words to say more is rare.
Ottar Apr 2013
Amber, caution, red, ...
I did, stop
Stale red
he ...,

From chaos
to calm
by an off duty

Anxiety hers
pass it may.
for me
Ottar Apr 2013
I've done it in coffee shops.
I've done it on coffee breaks.
I've done it at the dentist's.

But the best place of all was and is a bus stop.

I sit on  the bench ...
oh, wait!
Am I giving you the wrong idea?
About me... ah?

I take out my book and a writing implement, and

I wait,...

Until the bus comes along to the stop, and

I watch,...

the faces of the passengers, on board.
What a motley hoard!

My sitting still, causes discord.
The driver barks "Hey!" through the open door

I sit and I watch,...

Some people flip me the bird!  My word!?
Then there are those
who look down their noses.
Others shout "move off" or that
they, "will call the cops"

As I see it, costs nothing for me, it is Free Writing.
A thousand faces go by in an hour.  I was supposed,

to be home,

helping with dinner,and or walk the dog,
gather the garbage or remove recycling too,
But I  like  it  here.

On the bench, my bench,
nothing to repair,
nothing to clean,
Shelter roof over my head,
Plug my ears to the obscene,
Converse with the impaired,
(just don't make eye contact or act scared)

As it gets dark, the lighting is fine, I will
write about writing, without fighting for,
space or
time, SO...,

I will write you a letter, but to mail it I may lose my spot,
rather, taped above my head where it rests is a poem that
attests, should you come look for me, here is a  ten word
poem that sums it up perfectly:

where i am
where i will
writing free.

DWE 2013-04-04
Nother NaPoWriMo
621 · Jan 2015
Her Pole Dance
Ottar Jan 2015
sounds my lips around go,
found poetry roadside show,
her mouth had teeth to
bite the air, spout foul
language without a care,
while her dark hair tossed
with her head-felt shouts,
where buses stop,
but not for her,
and she would not stop
her assault on cars that
drove by, leg kicks in the air
while pole dancing at
the bust stop sign, her
mind assaulted and her
body attacked, all that
was out of her reach,
while she was out of her

She does not always have
teeth, she is not always
standing and moving
like she did today, in the
chill of a January 1 air,
she acted like she cared,
that the world neglected
that the world angered
that the world had treated
wrong and not what she
what we saw
she needed, help.
But don't hold out your
hand, offer to help her,
today she has her teeth
in and she will bite.
I don't know her name, or what name she goes by.
620 · Jul 2013
The Deeps
Ottar Jul 2013
Body heavy with fatigue,
Hours and hours of waking
wasting away the time.

Diluted life experiences,
only one sense or another
tested, tried, true?

Is that an anchor that holds
me in this place, and no one
to weigh it as it cannot be

lifted by one

such as I.

How dare I dream
of travels in this
vessel, poorly
maintained and
leaking sea water,
in and my dreams
sink further to
the deeps.

Leaving me,
leaving me,
to host barnacles, rife
with life like a reef,
my hope stolen by
a thief, a face that
hid behind two hands.
give me a second or
a minute to recognize
the crook, but spare
me an hour and I
will know who for certain
robbed me.


Ottar Feb 2014
who I am,
is not what I do,
I am not old,
but I am old enough,
                                  to know better, whoever she/he/it is,
what I do,
is using my senses,
I am not unkind
but I am that kinda shy type,
                                                not a wall flower, but bring in the poeple and you won't find me,
you can read in silence,
you can read aloud,
you can cho[p and mince
words or absorb it all like a sponge,

maybe one day, someday,
I will tell you who I am, no I am not famous, I am not Epic,
I doubt most truths and the ones I don't, I am still trying to
are you sure you read that right?

Humour has helped me survive to everyone else's bane,
dysthymia is to be a temporary curse, so far four decades,
does not seem in the temporal, to me,
my glass has a crack and it is always have empty for what I
don't have, I make up in humour, not jokes (they are for the mean)

but enough of me, for this is about poetry,
how IT saves little bits of sanity, watch the woe in me,
(I use that line alot you see)
why so transparent, why so vulnerable,
this is just scratching the surface,
but enough of me,
for this is about empty gardens with rusty gates,
barn with no roof and an appetite to sate.
for if a person is a goof, sure there are few who relate,
"for you will see more foolish things than these" to
paraphrase a fool before the Lord, someone whose heart was adored,
for it was always after God.

There is much in a life the strife, the pain, soap and hot water
does not take away or wash it down the drain, or the trouble river
which has a bridge built on pillars of, naivete and emotions, in that river,
with the water riding high showing portholes of watery eyes in tear ducts,
that run freely, because they were born free, we are all prejudiced by birth
until we become self-aware and accept what value all humans are worth,
at par.

self awareness = maturity, there are a few other parts to it but this is the bolts
Ottar Feb 2014
tears in the shape of raindrops,
fell landing on the cars rooftops,
sounding like asteroid pellets,
just trying to punch through darkness,
away from the automatic
duck and run,
hail and lightening are fun,
unless there is fear,
like is found in Tornado Alley,
but we have not had a serious
storm here all winter, not that
one is needed, people don't know
how to drive in winter anymore,
let alone when, the lines are
blurred invisible smudges that
puddles and wet asphalt, hide slowly
don't blame the driver just his speed,
remember his life schedule makes his need,
to get where he is going more important,
than the lives that may get in the way.
Even in  a cross walk.
614 · Apr 2016
Find Me I Wait
Ottar Apr 2016
Challenge: write a poem using at least 10 dictionary terms

no wood carver
marks or remarks
here, no sinking
prose with nautical
terms, no rhymes
that use ropes to climb mountains higher,
these are all and only dreams to me
I will use as it
uses me, a
poetic dictionary.
Please starting read out loud, naked in front of a mirror, what follows after, now!

Oulipo, acronym,
there are no slim
chances at Norms,
Shall we play a game,
with words and no one
gets hurt.

And the peace of
Pastoral settings
Over shadowed
love, I mean Love,
by your chief complaint.

I am but a man, thick
and thin, who touches
only Sentence Sounds
with his tongue.

But you wait on your
Heroic Couplet,
And find me not the qualified culprit.

Pick your poets then, go back way back when,
some Poets are Fugitives, short lived in Nashville,
Harlem had a Renaissance,
inclusive, read South to North, and I read and I read sustained by the Sestina,
some red wine, oh did I spill, let me cleanup while you mouth the Prose and let me, tempt you, to Rhyme, as I **** your toes.

I am a Poet after all, and the Echo verse proves me perverse in the unseemly way I overtly finish seams, a long lines that follow curves of hips and softnes of inflection, still the distance between Poetry and bliss is obscene. Please let me Muse you...?
I wait.
had a little media/ tech problem earlier, but it was solved.
613 · Dec 2013
P and P
Ottar Dec 2013
How can they drain a poem a day, written in ink, destilled emotion,
How can they strain to do poems that take a month to read,
                                                       that is a lot of ink to bleed.
Is it possible to write, adding colour to leaves and sheaves of
hanging them on dried and dead winter branches, STAY!,
with where my imagination rests frozen,
out there in the open,
                        hoping, looking, seeking
the friction of distraction to warm me up,
so my imagination moves,
it needs to move,
or I become frozen,
where there is an ill wind,
where there is a chill wind,
which hardens my heart,
and drys up the ink,
which looks like
Purpose or

P and P

Written some time in 2012 on paper,
probably January, and left till now...
it probably was not a happy time.
Original on paper ©dwe012012
613 · Jul 2013
Ottar Jul 2013
Begging your pardon you are on the property of
the owner who is the last one to, utter a kind word,
if he catches you here or one of his hired guards,
they have no reason and will not hesitate, with gloved
hands to take you and toss you back where you belong.

Who am I? You ask, that is quite a task, to describe...

Well, I am a free spirit, who wanders these lands
to save unsuspecting lost souls from roving bands
of criminals and those who are n'er do wells,
whose souls are fueled by the darkness of their acts
and their wanton disregard of any peaceful facts.

Me, oh I am the owner.  Now be about your business
                                         and go on your way, as long
                                         as, you have a place to stay.
                                         If you have enough to eat,
                                         and dry clothes and have a
                                         pillow for your head, in a
                                         shelter out of the wind, the
                                         rain, and other peoples disdain.
Until then please stay I wouldn't have it any other way.
Just mind the fences put in your path, each and every day,
those challenges will try to own you, trap you, crush you,
with out love, black pools of tears at your feet, I am here
                to tell you I am so glad we did meet,
                   now rest I will take my leave,
                  all that is mine, yours to receive.
                          Please, call me friend.
Perimeter comments on chain link relationships, posted, for your enjoyment, I hope.
612 · Apr 2015
A Message to All Gangs
Ottar Apr 2015
Take your bullets, take your dope
and get out of town,
all you represent is crime,
living life large in pantomime
going through the motions
until you get stopped,
by a bullet or a cop,
matters not to me,
and just so you know
and hear it in clear,
bullets do not care
how tough you appear
you can bleed out through
a hole the size of your baby
a cautionary tale as recent
gun violence where I live
no innocents have been
hurt yet, but none
of you are marksmen
with a pistol!  One miss
is all it will take, wake UP
and smell, the tea, we
don't need you here,
a lot of you seem to need
the hospital facilities,
let see those take tax
dollars.... pay up.
21 shooting in six weeks
16 + injured no deaths, no civilians hurt or dead
610 · Apr 2015
Pastoral Patchwork
Ottar Apr 2015
Wires criss cross,
electricity enclosed,
never touch, fencing in,
the sky, the clouds, and where birds alight and touch,
Branches interweave and lace, oxygenation exposed,
roots bury deep,
as the shallow earth is
a deep canvas,
always waiting on the painter of the Light.

From the sky to the dirt tinted ground,
winged fowl to the rodents who bound,
or scurry, as coyotes celebrate a ****, calling
the moon to break the clouds like bread,
with two unseen hands that reach down.

The oceans sounds are the cars that roll
by and the air crests and curls landing
against the beaches made of trees and
hedges, and sitting listening still is the wind
wanting a turn to play coyote and howl, showing teeth
wanting a turn to play rodent tossing bushes about,
wanting to play birds that dance and dance aloft below the clouds while diving to feed off of the heat of the Day, to rise way above to see the pastoral patchwork, Earth below.
608 · Apr 2013
Everybody needs one
Ottar Apr 2013
Whether you be a dog or cat lover,
You need at least one,

Something to demand attention or hover.
I have shared several cats from birth till now,

I have shared several dogs too,
From birth till today around fifty something,wow.

That's my age, not cats and dogs,  7 cats and 5 of the others,
Felines and canines are best of my friends,

(no offence) Closer than sisters, which I have none, and brothers.
Which I have one. Now back to the cats and dogs.
I do not know if they end up in heaven, I could spout or refute
theologically, but I do know this, how you treat them,
does not go unnoticed by the One who created them, so cute.

If they will be there on the Golden Ways where Diamonds are the norm,
if that is even up for debate, I think I would be
the one turned away from the gate, for missing the point, bad form.
He loves all of creation, and who is He to ask man for his advice?

Look at what we have done lately with fossil fuels and the price of rice!
Man is lost without God, like leaving a dog when you go out the door,
He gave us a beacon, 'cuz we need hope!
They wonder why you left without them and will you be back for sure.
It is not their lack of faith, it is not that they do not trust,
They just don't know if you'll come back!

How is it, God looks our way as we have sinned and fallen short, we are not pure,
But for Jesus, we cannot save ourselves, we need a Saviour,

Everybody needs one, sometimes they have fur, they always watch you
and rejoice, for the day you make the choice, and accept that you are human,

To accept that your best is what is tested, when you own a dog or a cat,
That He uses their eyes to not to watch you but measure your soul,

Angels are around and weave through time, owning a pet is a test, imagine that,
Have I ever sat at His feet like my dog has laid at mine...a price paid, no toll

Ever watch a cat go to the one who dislikes them the most?
Think if He said, He was showing up as Father, Son and Holy Ghost?
Would you go?

Life by God, is more than what you see with your two eyes,
For it starts with awe of the beauty and the wonder in complexity,
then the Unseen, goes way beyond simplicity!

Everybody needs time, which God bends to His will, my
point is this, we are the pinnacle of His art, yet we fight Him
from the start, Everybody needs one moment in time,
and it is different for all and each, gut check, heart check.

Go through life with zest and vigour, instead of pantomime.
Actions may speak louder than words, other than those few,
"Lord forgive me, for what I have done, I have sinned and
nailed your Son to a tree on Calvary."

Everybody needs the One,
Jesus His Son.
608 · May 2013
They had a riot
Ottar May 2013
And forgot they were people too,
so when one guy stood up said "stop"
they blamed their numb brains,
those numbskulls.

Choose your fuel carefully you fool,
actions speak louder than words and
everyone who is anyone, listened,
was it 29 to 1, how odd?

There is no excuse, only shame,
admit your fault accept the blame,
and move on.  Oh the one,

He is a hero, but I don't think
he will ever be the same,
but we know who to blame,
all this for a game in a hockey rink.

Oh puck.
606 · Dec 2013
All Else Waits
Ottar Dec 2013
Minutes from now the Eve will become the Day,
Christmas yes, gifts of hands, gifts of food, away
from your beds, to embrace your family, for the
gifts will wait, but in this moment of embrace,
All Else Waits,
All Else Waits,
For that moment to pass, when you find where
You belong,
You have longed,
To fill the emptiness, but now newfound peace,
Is the brightest star beside the greatest gift,
Of love lifted, shared, to each an equal portion,
                                      Not by some magic potion,
From One, the desire to share with those who have not.
Until they do,
May All Else Wait.
Desert wind.
Thread thinning and wearing,
Like nerve endings,
Store window dressing glaring,
"Over here look at me
You have no glitter and no glam,
Patch the holes in the fabric of your coat,
why not start with your heart",
Broken by a fall from grace,
don't listen, Don't hurry, don't worry,
We Love You
signed the human race

Ottar Oct 2014
invisible flight
paths, translucent truths
lines crisscross
parallel lives
parallel loss
masks and disguises strewn about the place,
meeting me, you would recognize this face,
don't look my age,
what can be seen,
is there any happiness that is not obscene,
is there any doubt in this poet's remorse,
too many lines,
only one life,
words on paper can not be deciphered,
not in code, who taught this boy to write,
sank in plain view,
this is too easy for the lot of you...

wind gusting as weather digests,
any life form brave enough to venture,
                                                   ­   capital idea,
run in a thunder and lightening storm,
with scissors in your outstretched hands,
how is that again,

Didn't work for you?
Sorry this is not about October thirty first,
                                                   what a thirst,
For a dark brew,
cesspool stew,
pouring from the insides out,
don't believe what sounds,
words shaped like scalpels,
can do
shave your heart and soul,
why do these sounds,
have a voice that cuts like my own,
oh on a positive note, this too shall end,
tear a strip off there is nothing to defend,
no one to stand beside,
no one too trust at my back,
can't reach the bullseye to prevent the attack,
there may be rhyme
but no reasonable prose,

for if a dark cloud grew darker as it was over
a forlorn brow, upside down smile, caffeine,
fuelled fool spin doctoring, the story of a lifetime,
always forgetting the best part, no heart for
memorization, lazy man playing at this for real,
always a decade plus three hours behind,
write something happy with bunnies and frogs,
talk about love...

bring the lightening
hear the thunder,
face into the wind,
can't leave you all,
                                  like this,
rain pellets feels
like bullets,
absorb every hit,
would put me on my
knees if the legs weren't so stiff,
like the neck,
not a question of pride,
I have none,
not one gram of self worth,
hope grains like a sandy beach,
dream streams like a rainbow arc,
am I okay,
I will be okay,
when the dragonfly returns my smile.
Holding on till spring.
Let there be spring
603 · Jul 2013
To gether
Ottar Jul 2013
To my right, West stands the sun, no wait it is sinking slowly to the lowly horizon,
To my left , South East, the moon, becomes more as the sun is less, best keep my eyes on,
I have both in the same sky, the other part of the planet has no day or no night, light
I am greedy and I am selfish, I want to keep them both, for more than these few nights,
a wish.
To early to tell if my wish will find the well and a bottom dry or filled with water,
Even if I am right or if I am wrong, I will give back freely not because, I oughta,
for you.

Hope you get your moon back real soon!
603 · Oct 2013
But the dream...
Ottar Oct 2013
blue skies overhead,
sunsets red,
bodes well,
for my  -----day,
I don't look my age,
I don't feel my age,
She says I don't act my age,
but she isn't smiling
when she knows
"tomorrow is only a day away"
and it is my -----day,
age is giving in
as I catch up,
years blend memories,
and they are not soothing
                    or smoothies
the best is yet to be,
where my dreams be-
come reality, that is
not on TV, and words
and stories and poetry
will flow,
and hopefully not
smell like it is from
the toxic waste from
years of unrequited
tainted with the
paint of only black and white,
and the sun sets are red
with fair weather ahead,
hoist the mains'll
and let the seas and the
be entrusted with safe
journey of this slightly
rusted hull,
and don't mind the barnacles,
they are small ones after all.
Yea, but the dream, ... "thar she blows"

Thank you Annie = "Tomorrow, Tomorrow"
Moby **** and other ocean stories/whaling adventures
602 · Dec 2013
Stars, War and Waste
Ottar Dec 2013
walked on the milky way this morning,
all the stars sparkled under my feet,
the dog walked on dogstars and I the rest,
there are more of them than you think.

great grey blue bird flew out from under the giant,
it had nested there until the shadow loomed over head
had he not moved to defend the three of us, we'd be dead,
giant did not fall but stopped moving at all, it had run out of leash
and sixty feet tall and the heron flew peacefully away

bottle of *****, spiced *** half full, left at the DQ drive thru, overnight
more proof that 40 proof alcohol does not freeze to ice,
no one around to claim ownership so I took it to the bushes and
gave it a tip slowly to watch the dark, bronze liquid, water the roots of
the now drunken shrubs.

600 · Jan 2014
The Anger
Ottar Jan 2014
she has conversations from all sides,
they happen in her head, in the brain,
                                             no strain,
                    no one to argue or have a conflict,
                            she does not have to restrict,
what she says
         that way,
problem solving and solution finding, not binding, brilliant
but without knowing it,
if you say something against it,
she may wonder did I say all that out loud,
her face will fall but that is not all, she will burn with Anger,
until she settles,
the internal battle
in her own way
she doesn't want her way,
she wants the voices to go away.
And take Aunty Anger with them.

In empathy
600 · May 2014
Ottar May 2014
the sugar is going to my head,
coursing through me
laying still impossible on my bed,
impatience easy to see,

hands tap with the beat
of a heart, wanting to meet,
feet dance under the sheet
in the restless, summer to be, heat

you are so sweet,

alone knowing this,
alone there will be no...
alone is a confession

you are not an obsession
you are not the end all and be all,
you are every waking moment
                         a positive torrent,
of sweet,
sweet, moments strung together,
until the sun sets here,
then the fear
of being alone, to make it through,
your sugar rush,
599 · Aug 2013
Ottar Aug 2013
the blanket of air, caught on the tree tops,
the coyote calls of victory echoed, with
repeated howls and barks, they owned
that moment this night.

Blood was spilled, stomachs filled, the pack
would hunt all night till the sunlight would
make them rest.

the blade had only one purpose in his hand
demand the cash and away he ran, not before
he made a point of piercing any resistance,
leaving piercing cries for help into the night,
lifeblood ran out of one, while
the other ran out, blood pounding
at his temples as his Converse flats
                                      pounded the ground.

under the blanket of cold air
trapped in the tree tops,
this night.

suddenly sirens cut into the cold,
the blanketed air with red flashes
and roaring screams, as the coyotes
crossed the road near where the
knife was stuck in a heart heavy
chest, with no air cold or warm.

the coyotes were safe from harm,
the man ran and ran, no knife in
his hand, as the paramedics, worked
hard to save a life right in front of his
children and wife, the call of the blood
was too strong,
the blanket of air got colder
                              got darker
                              got covered in blood.
599 · Aug 2013
Foretelling - Nimbus Haiku
Ottar Aug 2013
Outter wear, of gray,
everywhere for everyday,
ram clouds uniform.
599 · Mar 2014
The Rush;
Ottar Mar 2014
traffic stalled,
an adrenaline
can't feel the thrill with hands on the wheel,
tired of a persuasive
that means so much,
       ...eats so much of a lifetime,
that hurries home,
that hurries hard,
that furries can't stop,
just make movement go slower,
foot off the gas pedal, time ticks by,
don't gossip or meddle, drop a call,
out of touch, in the affairs of man,
                               drop the cell phone,
feel the length of the distraction,
it has been ages,
since the road rage,
was trapped, in the cage,
of a Cadillac dream,
with fingers, texting at
the speed of light,
and the blur, again,
can be seen, and the whir,
of the engine becomes a roar,
motor and human
flesh enmesh,
and an
hour of
the rush,
599 · Nov 2013
Ottar Nov 2013
Bright black
bright mind
talk like a parrot
has talent to share it
knows how to have fun
in new fallen snow
               and bright sun
roll down the ***** once
and again,
roll down the ***** steady to
standing to roll again
slowly to
roll until the bottom is
smart as a whip,
able to strip the dead to the bones
catch him playing once
599 · May 2013
My Front Door
Ottar May 2013
Fern the fern liked everything light green,
She liked the shade and was never mean,
The mixed basket, Rachel Equality loved every colour,
Different shades of every one and size, larger to smaller,
she likes to hang with them all,
"Snowflake's" white petals were loved by fuzzy bumble bees,
it was a pollen, the attraction,
though we do not know what her name stems from.
Characters, in the order they appear, Fern, as her self, Mixed Hanging Basket, please be aware and understand there are multiple personalities at play, and Snowflake, whose real name was asked to remain hidden due to the nature of her chosen field of occupation, it is a ***** job etc.
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