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 May 2016 Andrew T
Joshua Haines
She kisses the boys and girls
that pay the most attention.
The boys play with vapor
and her girls play with tension.
I wish I was the only one
that she will decide to touch
but I am who I am
and, in a way, that is too much.

Sawblade-sunflower petals
wrap around an earthy cushion,
and the humidity hangs in the air
as her beige body is crumpled
and I feel too sober, pushing.

Baby yellow falls apart,
in her hair the flower starts
to trickle onto sheet and pillow,
decorating the absences
that define how hollow
she and I have felt before --
******* like an endangered species
on the killing floor, I whisper once,
I whisper sweet, "Don't you wish
that we didn't meet?"

She kisses the boys and girls
that give the most attention.
I played with vapor
and she played with tension.
And what doth she speak, O brother?

"Eternal is the damnation,
Fleeting is the mercy."
 May 2016 Andrew T
Keith Wilson
How  do  the  tourist's
know  I'm  local.
They  are  always  stopping  me.
And  asking  the  way  to  the  lake.
Perhaps  It's  because
I'm  walking  on  my  own.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.
Hollow eyed, brittle winged
My affliction is my ritual
Loops of stars interlock, colliding with my nightmares
Although I lie awake
 May 2016 Andrew T
Austin Bauer
We discovered a master painter
who hand paints intricate flowers
one-by-one to create
a picturesque landscape painting.

In his paintings, a cardinal sits
resting upon a tree branch,
and a monarch butterfly marks
His signature in each painting.

Indian blankets, greenthreads,
brown bitterweed, and Texas thistle -
all vitally important to his paintings.
Therefore, he paints bees to pollinate

the flowers, transferring life-giving
pollen from anther to stigma.
Yes, the master painter places
all of this in his painting with
beautiful intention.
 May 2016 Andrew T
I just want you close.
I wanna hold you forever.

I wanna feel the goosebumps ---
When my shivering hairs stand
Just like how I stand with you
As you reach for my lips,
Tip toeing
(clutching my shoulders)
And I,
Lifting your waist a bit
Supporting your weight.
I can lift you now
Even after this
And for eternity.

I just want you near.
I wanna be with you forever.

I wanna feel your presence ---
When I know even your shadow shows
Just like how I show my love
As you show me your care,
Rubbing my back,
(patting my head)
And I,
Holding you hand
Playing with your fingers.
I can hold you now
Even after this
And until forever.
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