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 Jun 2016 Andrew T
My love,
I'm not sure I ever said this to you.
I thought you just knew.
I really thought you knew:
I will love you if you change.
However you change.
It will fill me with joy
As long as you let me stay near you.
I will love you if you pack your bags and cut off your hair and go to a country where nobody speaks your language
Just take me with you.
I will love you if you're sick
If you're sad
If you're angry and lost and you lash out.
(I will even love you if you stop loving me.)
When I say there is nothing you could ever do to lose my love
I mean it.
If I can touch you,
If I can't,
If you go out every night,
If you stay in,
If you need to talk,
Or to be silent,
I will love you for the rest of your life and mine.
I thought you knew
That there is nothing I won't try for you
Nowhere I won't go for you
Nothing I won't do for you.
Nothing makes me happier than you.
I would follow you into hell if you'd have me
And you would make it heaven by looking upon it.
I would give up my life, my sanity, my every plan
For a few moments with you,
And you can take these words
And carve them on every sidewalk and
Paint them on every passing car
And even if they last until we are dust
Until nobody even knows what they mean
I will still mean them.
You're my dream. You're why.
For everything. You're what I want at the cost of anything else,
And in case you wonder if I know what I'm saying when I write that, I do
I know
What that means
And I mean it
More than I've ever meant anything.
This is no love poem.
This is a life poem, an existence poem,
An outpouring of the desire that hums within me for you on every scale
Every level
Every plane.
I choose you, for the rest of time,
Until you send me away, or until we are no more.
 Jun 2016 Andrew T
Leia R
i had a dream about you last night

you were so kind
you took me to dinner and
that night you held me in your
arms and told me you loved me

that's how i know it was a dream

 Jun 2016 Andrew T
Leia R
i want to share everything
that i am with you
from the love that i give
to the taste of my mouth
i want my love to consume us both
 Jun 2016 Andrew T
It's time for bed
and the moon is hiding
perched on the dark clouds

It's time to sleep
and I cant tell how I feel
blunt with unseen quests

All is calm as I die
a float to the shift
a rhythm of the night

I am not all alone
as I these walls talk to me
in sweet trance sounds

A word mania taunts
of smoky hues in boulevards
thought and thorough penetrations
 Jun 2016 Andrew T
Do you remember the honeysuckle?
The way it smelled then, So sweet
The scent permeated the summer air
Down by the lake where we would meet
The sound of waves on the lake
Was the music we made love to
Sneaking away, you and I
To be together for a few
I can't help but to smile
When I see those yellow and white blooms
Do you remember the honeysuckle?
It reminds me of you
Once again, my appologies for the lack of comments lately. Some one very close to me had a massive heart attack and I've been helping out. And I work a full time job. I don't like to "like" a poem unless I actually read it, and like it, and with life being so hectic, I haven't had much time. Thank you all so very much for taking the time to read my words. Time is one of the few things we can never get back. Thank you for giving me some of yours. <3
 Jun 2016 Andrew T
Tanya M
 Jun 2016 Andrew T
Tanya M
6 am
we are on holiday
his hands steadily tease
my body awake

he knows it’s not always easy
to make love to me
before coffee

he must be masterful
a sun god blazing
creating heat

by the time he enters me
the room is melting
and i am as wet
as the monterey sea
that slaps rhythmically
outside the open window pane

each ****** will change me
as the crashing wave
does the beach

i need some ground
in this abyss
so I'm holding on
my fingers
clutching his rib cage
the nape of his neck

finally i surrender  
let go and moan
and moan
like the oceans soft hum.

we meet at the horizon
at the edge of pleasure
and ***.

our bodies fall soft
our breath jagged

i couldn't possibly know then
that we were only days away

from never making love again.
 Jun 2016 Andrew T
Tanya M
He is stacking shelves
with her favorite honduran coffee

As she approaches he stands
and she finds herself face to face with a stranger

Nice shirt he says
she glances down

the word LOVE is arched
across her perfectly small *******

love she says...its all there is right?
without breaking her gaze he says…its everything

She looks away now
smiling shyly

Oh that smile he says
As if he had been missing it

As if...they mattered to each other.
Five years ago today you departed this earth
5 years, 5 months, 5 minutes, 5 seconds, they all conjoined instantaneously, so conveniently
I don't  recall the day of the week , the time of the day
Although I memorized  the confines of your face,  your rugged unwavering  hands
Your guttural voice often immigrates within my head
When I soul search, I look for you
The fading  air that I begged you could take  
Fretfulness settled into the restristed room, submerging into wetlands
Incomprehensible grief as we bathed in tears
Prayers were addressed to our ears
Gentle brushes against your skin just to feel your warmth
I thought what is the sound of a heartache?
Because I knew at that moment even sorrow knew  grief
Having no words for my own mother who lost a son
Knowing that there were three brothers and now one is gone
Recognizing how delicate brothers can be, yet unbreakable

I envision you discovering fistfuls of copper
A sacred river that delivers  peace  and there's  berries to pick
With sawdust on your fingertips and a smile upon your face
The fish are  always biting, and you can always hunt deer
Rings of kaleidoscope colors paint the sky, calmly on the shore
Miss you Dave so very much.
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