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 Oct 2014 Danger Mouse
And the blazing sun,
Creeps slowly,
Over the edge of the world,
Chasing clouds away,
Pushing hard against the dawn,
Weeping final raindrops,
and escaping across horizons,
Cumulative Nimbus,
Showing might,
In its flight,
Escaping heat,
Bringing dawn,
And sunsets,
The Earth turns,
And spins and spins and spins,
And surprisingly begins,
Rainbows shine,
And drift with time,
To places,
That live within.
In one dreadful winter night
I awoke and found the Truth
The self in me died
And the duality melt
To synchronize
To become
The  I.

Now I am the Absolute
The really Real
I was a 'being'
A myopic over-bent
A creature of false crisis
Of Hamletian dilemmas
Of Ramusian dualism
Caught up in the concentric circles

I was one....
Spirited into myriad forms
Of love and lust,
Of desire and appetite.
A pilgrim sojourning into the endless night
Purblind by the dazing mirages.

I lost my way
In the eternity of illusion
Materiality held me
Time bound me
At the dead-end of my experience
In the flash-back of my awareness
I delved into the I
And found myself in the Edenic Garden
Rejoicing in the celestial music.
Appeared in 'Encounter' magazine London Editor: Stephen Spender -March 1990 issue as well as
in 'Journal  of English Studies'Dept of English Tellicherry -Kerala June 1978
 Aug 2014 Danger Mouse
Be careful whom you trust
Be careful who hears your words
Be careful to whom you confide
Often enough these are people who hide

Their masks are bright and painted
The claws dipping in blood and tainted
They feed on your every word
What you confide is like gold

Unbeknownst to you, they lie in quiet wait
Waiting and watching when you'll trip over your fate
Then gleefully will issue that malicious smile
I've got you trapped now, where will you fly.

From the heart of a wounded, I write to you
Friend, fear the one who says he's true
Test and try every one you meet
Open not your hearts door to everyone you greet!
Just feeling a little low today!
 Aug 2014 Danger Mouse
My heart is weary, the light I cannot see
My suffering seems so hard to bear
My emptiness yawning stretching in front of me
Feels like this is forever's destiny

I don't want to be resigned to this fate
For I know of brighter days
Days of laughter, days of cheer
Days when my fears were never near

Hidden behind a dark boundary
There dared not approach me
Cause my moment was happy and blithe
And I never thought depression would have me in sight

But you see at the least worry
Dark clouds gathered and made me scurry
Hiding behind my closed door
I made sure none would enter

And so I hid, behind my excuse
And when I turned there was none but me
My emptiness a yawning road
All stretched out like a barren field

Gone were my friends
Gone were those days
When laughter and joy filled my ways
I could not muster the courage to call
Death was knocking at my door
I thought I could stand tall

But before long,
I was crushed below
The weight of my adversary unknown
Drowning out in this sojourn
Grappling with sanity

Is this me, could it be?
Cause yesterday I was happy and free
Today I am waiting for that moment
When the doors will open again
And the light streams steadily
Cause in this darkness my doors are closed
The door **** the mind eyes cannot *****.
Words shout and clang

                                         In a bouty bang

                                     Putting this state in a pang

                            Caring not about death showing its fang

                                   The cause of the hullabaloo?

                                      A protest against the heart

                                      Who arbitrarily gives orders

                                      And expects words to group

                                  Even if they don’t like each other

                                        Hate always shatters

                                  When he has to be with love

                                          His placard says

                                 “Pay overtime, your work drains”

                                    Obsession causes a ruckus

                               When she has to stand with reason

                                  She, like fire, blames reason for

                        Always pouring water on her and inviting calm

                                        Fear shouts in concern

                                   He never wants to meet death

                                But at this rate, his life is in danger

                            And his manhood is never to be questioned

                                        Obsession bangs reason

                                         Who sings and cringes

                                   As hate pushes love who falls

                                    Cupid gets to the scene to help

                                        The heart shuts its doors

                                 Sits scared at his desk with worry

                                            Listening to them

                                        Knowing not what to do

                               They forget they have rented a head

                                      Their clashings, crushings

                                       Bangings and suckings

                              Creating a war on my quiet head island

                                 Amoafowaa Sefa Cecilia © 2014
One day my sky will open
And you’ll be no burden
I’ll hear sweet sounds
From angel mouths
And all my pains will run

One day my sky will open
And eat up all my mountains
It’ll quench my thirst
And dry my sea
To give me way to travel

One day my sky will open
And I’ll see no clouds
He’ll lift me high
Above the sky
And my storms will run

One day my sky will open
And he will throw a ladder
I’ll climb above
And sleep in rest
And escape from this hot oven
   Amoafowaa Sefa Cecilia © 2014
 Aug 2014 Danger Mouse
Maximum hot silence,
As neutrinos finger-out,
Playful harmonies,
on this fretted frown,
Nano-seconds before light overwhelms,
And billionths become measured,
Strutting and strumming and fingerings found,
Playfully erupt,
Like sound interrupted,
And staccato resounds,
Expanse and corruption,
Bringing me down,
Creating life glimpses,
Often unfound,
This mere direction,
Taking lifestyle mirth,
Unknowing and knowing,
For whatever its worth.
 Aug 2014 Danger Mouse
We sat there,
Staring at each other,
Eyes fixed,
Knowing the others soul,
Turmoil turned to silence,
Waiting for what's next,
And for a very long time,
We waited,
Then you took my hand,
And said 'let's go',
I held your hand and asked 'where?',
'that way' you replied,
I was out of breath,
And followed,
Hands clasped,
Lulled into sleep,
Into a moment of dreams,
Dragged toward other stars,
 Aug 2014 Danger Mouse
suzy Q.
 Aug 2014 Danger Mouse
Busted up and broken,
Looking less than before,
Still admired from years ago,
Still beautiful.
'get up and walk ten feet today',
Admired again,
Quite beautiful,
Moving about,
For nothing else,
Than to prove,
And love closely follows behind.

— The End —