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 Oct 2015 Crystina Holency
it might take two to tango,
but not everyone knows how to dance

 Oct 2015 Crystina Holency
 Oct 2015 Crystina Holency
I found a rock and
it reminded me of you
because when I threw it I
expected it to break but
instead it broke what
it hit and now you're
fine while I'm still
picking up the pieces
 Oct 2015 Crystina Holency
"she's a simple girl"
they say about me
judging me upon
my plain clothes,
and even plainer face

"she's a simple girl"
they say about me
judging me upon
my lack of words
regarding frivolous topics
hair, make-up,
who's dating who

"she's a simple girl"
they say about me
judging me upon
the fact that i'd rather stay in
with a book curled up in bed
as opposed to a wild night out
downing glasses of God knows what

but would they invest the effort
and just a little bit of their time
to try and understand
the complexities of my mind
the ideas
the perspectives,
the roads less traveled

would they ask me what i am passionate about
they would receive not a few words
but uncountable volumes full of my greatest dreams
and most sacred desires

ask me what i love and i will tell you
about how deeply i care for the concept of community
humanitarianism, how my biggest dream
is to bring people together

if they saw the thoughts which keep me up all night
how was i created? why was i created?
why me? why not?
my purpose and philosophy of life?
to be, or not to be?
who? what? where? why?

if only they tried to look beyond the surface
and dive in deep
they would realize that i am no shallow pond
but a raging deep ocean
full of emotion and thought
belief, and purpose.

i am a simple girl* when it comes to matters of materialism
i am a simple girl when it comes to speaking my mind
i am a simple girl when it comes to my lack of interest in manipulation, mind-games and gossip

i am a simple girl
until you stop judging me for what you see
*begin understanding me for who i am
simple [sɪmp(ə)l/]: easily understood or done; plain, basic, or uncomplicated in form, nature, or design
“Session two;
Subject has become dependant; requires three capsules a day.
Subject has also requested for detainment.”

What is gold?
“What do you mean?”
Why can’t it stay?
Why couldn’t he stay?

“I don’t understand.”
Neither did Eden.

The window broke again.
“There are no windows.”
How could you lie to yourself like that?
“I’m not lying.”
I laid the centuries upon my hands.
“Time cannot be held.”
It can be lifted.

“How are you?”
I’m very tired.
The voices kept me up again.
“The voices?”
They told me it was my fault.
“Is it your fault?”
If it is, then why am I so proud?

“Are you feeling any better?”
Has death said his due?
“Would you like something to eat?”
I’ve already eaten.
It came like rain.
“What did?”
Their sins.

“Do you recall?”
His voice?
“Do you recall anything?”
It shifted like rubies-
-and lowered the moon.

“The moon?”
She sang a song for him.
“A song?”
It’s always darkest before the dawn, right?
“Some would say.”
I’ll follow the dawn.
Until I see the first light.

“Do you remember her?”
I am still in love with that place.
“What place?”
The stars in my skin
They danced and spiraled into amber trees
“What trees?”
Just like her heart.

“Her heart?”

Who could compare?
“Compare what?”
Love to a tragedy.
Why would they do that?
Aren’t they the same?

“End of trial.
Subject denied.”
verb: relapse; past tense: relapsed

to become ill again after a period of improvement in health
of an illness;  to return to a bad condition, form of behavior, or disease.
"I whisper the words unto ears never heard,
"Heed the uttering as they must be understood,
"Let the echoes reverberate through your halls,

"Breath that was taken now reappear,
"Inhale essences only fruitful life,*
"Exhale only purest terms not malice word,

"I bathe upon you waters most clear,
"Let them wash away all now unclean,
"Skin now a refreshed shell, gracefully empty,

"Spirit once fallen, rise from where ever you slept,
"I grant you a reprieve to life once again,
"Heed my doings, revive what once was lost,

Moments past, and life clambered into this once dormant place..

"In grace I was kept, but words were spent,
"I wondered free, no fear or regret,
"Now you out of wilful disrespect,

"Exhume me out of selfless neglect,
"There is a toll to be taken for words spent,
"Heed my words, listen now well,

"Where breath once many now cease sealed last gasp,
"Where skin once supple now tainted in death,
"Spirit once full the shell falls in disrespect,

Where once life was wished, where death had stepped.
Now all was ash and into the winds of eternity swept.
I saw the devil and he was man.

"He who can **** a brother is the testament,

I saw the heavenly one and she was woman.

"She who cradles life and sees beauty in everything,

We are that which we can not see or understand.
We are that which is the opposite but need both in life.
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