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Let my love hold you,
We will overcome this test,
A test of patience,
And I'll be patient for you,
I will wait for you, my king.

You're all that I need,
You're all I ever wanted,
No matter how long,
Just know I will just be here,
Waiting, even forever.

Let me kiss your tears,
Oh, dear, let my love fill you,
Let my love envelop you,
With assurance that I'll stay.

I'll hold on to you,
And I will never give up,
No matter how hard,
Oh we will overcome this,
With God's help, we will, my love.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

I will wait my king, no matter how long it will take, I will wait! And I am not leaving, I love you alone.. i love you most! <3
Safe upon the solid rock the ugly houses stand:
  Come and see my shining palace built upon the sand!
I never meant to be a sad story
But we cant all have happy endings
I was afraid
To say hi
To wave
To look in to your eyes
I was afraid
To fall in love
To say I love you
To admit
That I really do love you
But now
I'm afraid to let you go
I'm afraid to look away
Now that you're mine
I'm no longer afraid
To be me
To smile
To laugh
To breathe
You are mine
And I'm happy
How much self hate
does it take?
to take that razor
and slice open your skin

How much self hate
does it take
to be desperate
for the end

how much slef hate
does it take
to want to take
your last breath

how much
does it take
from your soul
every time
that blades brakes the surface
of your beautiful skin

How much
does it take
to walk around
acting fine
when really
your head is pounding
your hands are shaking
eyes are tired
from loss of sleep.

How much
does it take
to close your eyes
and finally sleep?
I'm smiling
But inside I'm crying
I laughed
But it really hurt
I said I'm fine
But I really just lied
To see something so beautiful
Something so beautiful but tainted
Perhaps such a creature doesn't exist
How could they
But yet here I am face to face with one
In the green grass and boisterous sun
In the chilling rain on a frosty day
Such a creature could exist
Just right in front of you even
She is not perfect
Not in my eyes or in her's
She is not graceful like a bird in the sky
She is not as smart as can be
She is not the best of anything
She is not a lot of things
But she is powerful
She is Beautiful in her own way
She is unfortunate, like I
She is not perfect
She can cry
She can laugh
She can love
She can doubt
No she is not perfect
Nor did she fall from the sky
She does not have wings
She is not perfect
She is human just as I am
But she is my Angel
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