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The worst part about being adopted by someone who already have kids is the fact that you know they will always put their kids first. And it hurts because you know you're the least important. You could die and they wouldn't even care. So long as they're blood child doesn't die. I hate it. Its so hard sometimes
She's a girl
she cries
she's wanted to die
but she's strong
and she's beautiful
and she's wanted
he wants her
to live to smile and most importantly
to want him back
and she does
she always will
even after she takes her last breath
she loves you
with everything she has
keep her
hold her
she was once broken
and she needs you to fix her
put her pieces
back together
and seal them there
with your love
Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said
"Why am I still alive?"
I feel like I'm drowning
But I can see others breathing

And somehow
That's my fault

It's like if I could just learn to be normal
Everything would be okay

And back to the drowning thing;
It's like I'm just inches from the surface
But I don't have the energy to reach it

But I also feel like I'm burning
And freezing
All at once

I know that makes no sense,
But it's like being so cold,
Your insides are on fire

I feel like I'll never be enough
Like everything is pointless
And I have no energy
But I can't sleep at night

I haven't been posting
On this site
Because I couldn't find the strength
But now I'm posting
In a last attempt to hold on

And it feels like being sick
Like, you know you're going to die
And you know it will be soon
You just don't know when

And it's pointless
I'm pointless
Life is pointless
Everthing is pointless

And I don't know what to do

I'm dying,
Someone help me...

This is how I feel
I don't know what it is
But this is how I feel

(I'm so sorry)
Sorry this isn't really a poem, and it doesn't really make sense but...
What difference it makes

If am good

Or am bad

How I try I cannot escape my fate

But, but

I don't want to lose my

Self satisfaction

Which only letting me to

Move forward

Whatever the pressure I handle

And this satisfaction or this feel

Is the result of some sort of good

Am carrying forward
Ultimately light

Can only save us from darkness
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