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 Sep 2015 Crysanthemum
He built me an empire
on a gargantuan chateau
There, you'll see me write
under the Northern lights

stars hover in sight
as the ghostly glow of
green  in the east over
the peak of the mountain sky
began to dance this one winter night

The man of my history
is nowhere in sight
he could rule the earth
but I was left in a tower
of one window
with a candle lamp on my side

The blow of snow coming from
my window sends shiver
down my spine

It's cold and empty
there's no more guards
standing on the portcullis,
the drawbridge wasnt closed
for years
and the moat is starting to freeze

Everything is dead,
only my heart is alive

waiting for the king
to find his way back from
a journey that made him lost
his home, people
and once he called a queen
 Dec 2014 Crysanthemum
Find a Poet Not a poser, not a "it's just a hobby" poet. Find one who mumbles lines as they scramble for a pen at breakfast; who shakes their head randomly when their thoughts aren't rhyming properly;  who has notebooks stashed around the house that you must never touch.
2. Listen Savor the spoken words, for those are harder to express. Keep in mind that they can't be edited and re-written, and be forgiving when a mistake is made.
3. Read The body speaks as loudly as words on a page do. When their eyes are closed or focused on the ceiling and the fingers are tapping out syllables, recognize the unique process. Respect the need for quiet, because if you look closely, you can read the poem on their face before they write it on the page.
4. Write Write your story together. Grab hold of the pen and hang on as you move across the page of life. Sometimes you will dance across, others you will be dragged. You may have to cross out a word, or a line, or a page, but don't give up. Discouragement is a poet's biggest enemy, inarticulateness their biggest fear. So end each day with a semi-colon, because the story will never end the way you think it will, and there must be room for more. There is always room for more, more words, more laughter, more tears, more love,
When you love a poet.
 Nov 2014 Crysanthemum
Give me a minute
To read the stars
Lamenting in their stories
Their laboured twinkling far and sparse

Give me this moment
To stumble and swoon
My branches reaching for
The faraway moon

Give me a while
To be one with the universe
Hear the colliding planets
As they spill their mournful verse

Give me some time
To plot my rightful place
Within my uncharted galaxy
And collapsing space...
 Sep 2014 Crysanthemum
still silence,
solemn darkness
broken only
by shouts of
and murmurs of

burst of white
from which daggers
of light

imagine the Psalms
would’ve written
if he could’ve seen

This is your work,
Your creation.
You are everywhere,
in everything.
In the vast silence
of space,
our galaxy is but a speck,
one bulb
on your strand
of Christmas lights,
and our earth
is even more miniscule.
You stand on the outside
of this glory,
surveying your work.
“All of creation
sings His name”—
how many times have I heard,
but paid no heed?
It’s true, though,
now I see.

how can they say
this all manifested
from a bang?
my English teacher showed us a 30 minute video consisting of pictures of various stars and galaxies.  he told us to write about what we saw.  this is the result.
 Aug 2014 Crysanthemum

There is a happy flower
As proud as he can be
Living In a garden
Beneath the garden tree
Sunny skies of blue
What he loves to see
There is a happy flower
Growing wild and free
There is a happy flower
As cute as she can be
Living in a garden
Beneath the garden tree
Birds of every color
What she loves to see
There is a happy flower
Blooming beautifully
A funny thing did happen
Deep beneath the ground
In amongst the dirt and worms
Where darkness can be found
Roots began to travel
One set to the west
The other moving eastward
A very lengthy quest
Till one day it happened
The roots began to touch
They really loved the feeling
They loved it oh so much
These roots they grew connected
Locked together tight
Hoping that the other
Wishing that they might
Would know the others feelings
Soon become as one
Living life together
Underneath the sun
They’ll hold on for forever
Or till the end of time
Roots of his and roots of hers
Living intertwined
There are two happy flowers
Blooming Beautifully
In two different gardens
Beneath two different trees
Their roots to stay connected
Until eternity
Two happy little flowers
In love as they can be
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