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 May 2017
South by Southwest
All I ever wanted
all I ever found
Clouds of agony
soaking the ground
Rivers of pain
inside insane
Just because you limp
doesn't mean you're lame
 May 2017
South by Southwest
For all those times
all those holes
All the wrenching
that misery unfolds

Sometimes a helping hand
perhaps a kind word
can make all the difference
to the one who heard

Those who lost their soul
Their way on the road
Perhaps they fell through
the grates of life from an overload

No one can have anything
Until they have lost their all
For the first step forward
One must learn to fall
 Apr 2017
Dark n Beautiful
O yes, you are very naive
I can see that:
Out there in your own little world
Darken by the sunray
Wearing those ridiculous glasses
Upside down:

Sleeping with the liar looking forgiveness
O yes, you’re your father son
But do not think you will be loved again
By the woman and her son
And what maybe, might not be
I know the pattern.

Your nerves will be shattered by torture
For all those good times,
More lonely night to come
She was just as common as the others
When bitterness poison your marriage
They is no turning back

Why an emptiness within
with the summer wind
blowing away the dust

Why the mute tears
we weren't friends for years
but came together awhile

The earth doesn't pause to grieve
but in the heart of hearts
when a good friend leaves
the void for lifetime hurts.
Our fellow Poet and friend Richard Riddle passed away on the 23rd April.
He will be missed.
 Apr 2017
phil roberts
Down town, small town
Sunday night hanging around
Kids on the skids
Got no dough and no place to go
All in the bus station
Putting themselves on show
Gathered in small groups
Eyeing each other up
Acting and looking just so

Then he and she locked eyes
Young lust on the cusp
Without a hint of disguise
It only took a minute or two
And these reckless kids
Knew what they were going to do
It was all upfront with nothing hid
These two had already done
More than kids shudda did

So they found a derelict house
And there the deed was done
It wasn't meant to be about love
It was just about having fun
But they decided to meet next day
Right after school was done
Back in the bus station again
Waiting for their buses home
So they sat and talked a while
And realised they got on

Soon they were "going steady"
Left their craziness behind
After all, they were old enough
They had both been around
Love bloomed for all of two weeks
Before it got him down
Having a girl friend was one thing
But he preferred nights on the town
So he told her cold as ice
Sorry babe, you gotta go

                                By Phil Roberts
 Apr 2017
Being the thing that I am,
borne into this world of man
A waif,
Scent of water lilly on a gypsy's cheek dancing at midnight
A song,
sung by demons under the blood moon in the month of March
A mere reflection,
In a child's tear
With the want for nothing more,
than to evaporate with the coming of the rising Sun
But the sun never rises here
and reflections don't evaporate~A
I was always worst in the morning.
Burnt out hungover and in need of something to eat and a few strong aspirin.

The phone. rang and its normal intrusion always gave me the knee **** reaction to smash it into the wall.

But being i couldnt afford to live let alone replace **** i answred it instead.

Collect call from Austin will you accept the charges the operater asked ?

In her mock happiness from sitting in one spot listening to people for which she probaly held as much regard as i did.

I didnt need to ask from who only trouble and bill collectors call me in the morning.
Usally the bill collectors dont call collect.

I excepted .

What is it Cheryl?

The timid voice came through as she always did whenever she wanted something.

Hi baby how are you?
I'm sorry i had to call you this way i know it costs .

Don't sweat it I wont pay the bill anyways .

I hated phones and pretty much wasnt a fan of human contact altogether.
Well minus certain ocassions .

So what you need kid?

You always have been a blunt person.

Have to be when it cost me by the second sugar.

I wanna come home baby.

Yeah thought you left me to go home.
What happend didnt go to the right home?

Please Jack I need to be back with you this time apart made me realize just how much i truly cant be without you.

It had been over two weeks since Cheryl had packed her **** and had me drop her off at the bus station .
She just took her bags turned away and walked out of my life.

She was a pure ***** maybe thats  why i liked her so much .

I hit the bottle and she hit the highway bound to the state she called home to the life she claimed to have thrown away for me .

That last fight had been a glorious shouting match I usally took.the sarcastic smart *** route but i had enough of her ******* and lies .

I was a ******* but least i was a honest one.

Jack please i'm coming home either way.

I took the last of my money to buy this bus ticket .

Yeah so why call me if your coming back anyways?

I knew full well why she was returning.
Cheryl was the type that required far to much maintance for anyone to handle let alone people who werent getting something in return.

Baby i just wanted you to know i ****** up I cant live without you im coming home to you.

I paused for a moment thought about that perfect body and the nights it layed against me in the calm of a harsh summer night.

I thought of the nonstop chaos .
The fights she was a woman of great passion maybe thats why she was so good in bed .

I was hungover like hell lonley but i would heal the strong ones always do.

Baby are you there ?

Yeah well thanks for the warning sweetheart .
I said as i simply hung up the phone and unplugged it from the wall.

Yeah i needed alot of things.
A new liver ,Maybe a job that didnt drive me insane .
A good bottle maybe a meal inbetween.

I needed more than a few things .
But a hurricane of emotional horse **** i did not .

I took four asprin and returned to bed to sleep it off

It was silent in the room dark and empty.
It was the most peace i had known in a very long time.

It was what I needed.
 Apr 2017
James Floss
Oh, the quasi-related grace
Of saliva on the toes;
The reds, the blues, the greens
Of pregnancy.


We melt like mosquitoes
Across the heated causeway
In June;

I hate shocking pink.
 Apr 2017
with moonlight, he travels mostly
at night, past snoring hikers and embers
of fires that cooked their food, kept darkness
at bay, and heard what they had to say

if the coals could only speak, perhaps
he would find the right circle of stones,
a black heap of carbon that once glowed
red and gold, and her tale would be told

at least he would know the last words
she spoke in this wilderness--whether she
chose to vanish into the deep wood, fodder
for the scavengers

or was the prey of evil men,
who lurk at every turn--in bustling city
and quiet forest as well--vipers who strike
without warning, without curse or cause

when the moon's light wanes, he moves yet
in darkness, feeling his way, a nocturnal detective,
hoping to find what the others have given up
for lost and registered among the dead:

sign or scent of her--black coals or white bones,
a piece of tattered clothing, the canvas backpack
with her name, the hiking boots he laced for her
which left tracks he forever yearns to find...
"Inspired" by the brutal ****** of a couple on the Appalachian Trail in the mid '80s. In this case, the forlorn searcher has lost a lover, daughter or someone he wanders in the darkness to find.
 Apr 2017
As a lot of injustice is what I get,
What I should better get is lost.
I should get lost under this cover,
This glorious cover of anonymity.
Let nobody read my thoughts,
For leglimency I've occlumency.
My HP Poem #1516
©Atul Kaushal
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