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 Mar 2016
jide oyediran
Oh Menah
Pride of africa
Pride of the blackrace
Beautiful like d morning rose
Timid eyes like the clean morning water of "ESSURUN"
Great sense of humour
Aspiring and ambitious
Hardworking and caring
Beautiful is AFRICAN and the black race
 Jan 2016
Trayvon Martin
He died while walking home from the store.
Mike Brown
He died while walking down the street with his friend.
Eric Garner
He died while breaking up a fight.
Sandy Hook Children**
They died while going to school.
So tell me were any of them doing something illegal...?
RIP to the innocent.  <3
 Jan 2016
All of my dance life people told me how I would never make it
How i'm not good enough
How I don't have a dancer body
How i'm not graceful enough
But I didn't care what others thought
Dance was my escape
Dancing was all I cared about
It was all I could think about
Their words and the struggle I had to go through only made me stronger as a dancer
It made me who I am today
And I stand for every other black ballerina out there
- Your weakness can be your  greatest  *strength
Poem inspired by Misty Copeland (professional BLACK dancer) . You can do anything you put your mind. Just work with what you've got.
 Jan 2016
Look at me...
I was made for you.
In ancient of days for you
Into your nostrils came forth life
Then I was gaved to you
I dwelled in caves with you
Held back in slave days with you.
Cried days, nights long, meant so
Much just to stay with you
Did you know I was raised with you?
I was raised by you?
Then I was turned around by some
Strengh, and I raised you too?
It was me.
I have always been right there
With you
And you are the reason why I do
Everything I do.
I remember a time when
The world wasn't amazed
By you
But yet I fore your babies
So that you could see you for you.
Yes... I was made to spend
My days with you.
So why don't you look at me?
Why don't you see me?
I have been in love with you but you
Weren't in love with me.
I came down from the sun to you,
From god. With you I sailed the sea
I've been for you and with you,
How could you not see me?
I carried babies for you
So that you could see yourself
Because that was your greatest wealth.
Its still your greatest wealth
And without me, you
Cannot recreate yourself
This is me; I am your dynasty
The way it was, the way it is,
And supposed to be
So why don't you look at me?
Why don't you know my worth and beauty?
Why doesn't your heart see me?
Why have you lost yourself?
Why don't you know your own wealth?
Why have you despised wisdom
And chose to decline your
Own self?
Why aren't you fighting for me?
I am almost absolute
Why do you believe you exist
In a world
That doesn't care
About me?
I wish you'd hear a burden
I wish you spoke the truth
I wish you understood some
I wish that you was foolproof
... for I have loved you
But I do not believe you love
Yet, I choose to believe in
If I could just get you to see me
-look at me-
Copyright 12/5/13, all rights reserved falen acon. this goes out to all the black guys.. blacks girls are so unique but why is it that black dudes don't see that? Everyone else does.
 Jan 2016
I see you**
---I do see you---
but I was taught not to.
I was taught that you are
my enemy, but they
taught you the same thing.
Taught us to reach for the same dream,
put hate in the middle of
kings and queens
to make sure our
princes and princess do they same thing.
---I do see you---
but i'm scared to approach you
because I want it to come easy and
I call you bitter when you deny me
without giving me a chance.
---I do see you---
But it feels like we are
so far away from each other.
Your strength intimdates
me, that's why we choose the other
And we choose her because
our history is not its own.
If we only knew you are
the most precious things
in our lives.
God didn't want me to
be alone so he made you,
took a piece of me now we are two
that's suppose to be protected,
polished, cherished, and respected.
All we think about is treasure
when we already have a jewel
and you ask why I don't love you.
---I do see you---
But I was taught not to
Check out the orginal ''Look at me'' in my collection ''The Wanderlust Project''. This was written by a close friend.
 Jan 2016
Red Fox
Why does this caged bird sing?
Because I'm Black,
In a country that says that doesn't mean a thing.
Because racism has taken many setbacks
And the Klu Klux **** has applications
and we know where the police get their reps at.
So why can't we take a step back?
My life means less than yours,
But I find myself pursuing better things
So my daughter never wants for more.
Locked in cages,
I'm a Starling
So I yearn to fly.
See my brothers in them four walls
Like that's where they were born to die.
If our privilege was like yours
We would never hear those expensive collect calls.
So we use our knowledge for wrong,
You'd never appreciate that a felon could write this poem.
Trapped in environments that don't care for us,
We try to branch out
They take a few shots
And you no longer hear from us.

So why does the caged bird really sing?
Probably because I know where my opportunities really lie.
In a ball, a mic or some reality show.
I'm not against those options
But I live in reality though.
There's no hope for the rehabilitated,
You have to carve your own road,
And nowhere is that clearly stated.
And to add insult to injury,
I'm Muslim and if you knew
You wouldn't see a friend in me.

So why does the caged bird sing?
If you clearly can't hear us,
Why put on a badge in a neighborhood,
If you fear us?
You prop yourself on a pedestal
And look down.
You brought us here, left us in the field, in shacks
And now we're in the Slums of every town.
You diminished our importance
And showed us anything that wasn't white was wrong,
For all I know you helped me write this poem.

So why does this caged bird sing?*
So my words can vibrate my shackle loose,
So my ideals can blow open the door
And my melody can inspire every bird too.
 Jan 2016
They say the 60's was crazy, but the 80's was worse
Crack ****** blacks and gave birth to a curse
The moon's bright, the sky's misty
I know my future 'cuz I know my history
My life predicted by a Gypsy
****** she wrote at the end of the story, the streets get me
That's why I live quickly, and always keep a pistol with me
Ghetto prisons, won't stop fightin' until I'm free
Resident of the city of fallen angels where ****** ain't scared to bleed
If money's the root of all evil, then greed's the seed
This ain't living. We're taking 'cuz ain't nobody givin'
America's a rich man's vision, but a poor man's prison
So don't expect these politicians to give us a *** to **** in
Preacher man, stop preachin', 'cuz ****** ain't finna listen
Folks done lost hope and stopped trying
Life's a ***** from the start
That's why you come out your mama cryin', the world's dyin'
And the people have gone mad
I'll take a **** on the White House and wipe my *** with the flag
When will the evil end?
Too many browns and blacks in the system, victims of legal sin
In court, prayin' for mercy, being condemned by evil men
Ain't no love in the heart of the city
If there's a god, where is he
My homies dyin' over hundreds and fifties
I sit back, sip Cognac, and analyze the situation
Ain't a person alive today that knows the monster we're facing
They crucified Jesus Christ, shot Marcus Garvey for rights
Shot Malcolm X in the chest, gave Nelson Mandela life
Pac died at 25, Biggie died a year younger

All my life's been broke, I'm motivated by my hunger
Told my momma bury me with a .357
Just in case God trips and I don't get into Heaven
If he sends me to Hell, then oh, well
'Cuz I just did 19 years in the ghetto as a black male
And it can't get much harder than that
I had a lot of pain in my heart, that's why I started to rap
See, them other brothers'll make you dance for justice or make you think
While you savin' up for a Bentley, I'm saving up for a tank
Sounds crazy, huh, well that's just the mindset of a soldier
Here's what I see, we're no longer slaves, but we sho' ain't free
So, until I ain't gotta steal and **** for my own folks
Tattooed across my chest are these words I just spoke
Who the **** y'all gon' call
When I break all the laws on behalf of every  **innocent criminal?
- Def Jam Poetry
 Jan 2016
Red Fox
These words leave my mind
Course through my veins
Find strength in my pain
And bare their soul through ink stains.

May or may not be intended for you
Cause if the shoe don't fit
Get yourself a size two
I don't have the capacity to disrespect a whole race,
Oh yeah this isn't an apology too.

I wrote Caged Bird to tolerate ignorance
It was more of me letting off a hindrance.
I let it bare my fight
My hooks were my words
My jabs, my verbs.
And the ten count was the title, Caged Bird.

Yesterday someone called me a N**
I just wrote unhindered
I let loose my mental trigger

So I've said it before and I'll say it again
If the shoe doesn't fit
Don't worry my friend
So if you know where you stand,
Be there, unshaken.
If your lip have never uttered the words
Then why is it offense you've taken?
 Jan 2016
kirk Newman
I am a *****
Minus the triggers being pulled and the drugs being sold
But just a black man bold enough to face a world so cold
A cold world we call society
When being black and sobriety doesn't mix because we use drugs in variety
But quietly
I am a *****
Thinking what made this word so negative
Is it because we made it positive
Or is it negative we became cognitive enough for a scholarship
Yes, I am a *****, no I'm not a rapper
But this system makes me sick enough for chicken soup and crackers
Yes, I am a *****, and I am an athlete
And I still maintain my sanity from having my *** beat
Although I am a *****, I am not lesser than you
Nor am I second to you
I just wonder what it takes to get the message to you
Crazy I'm a ***** yet I still know my father
Crazier calling me a ***** doesn't give me a bother
Maybe it's crazy that I'm a part of the problem
What's craziest is I'm a ***** still attending a college
You should have no problem reading this regardless of race
What's absurd is a word means more than a face
We're more focused on race than we are as a species
But I'm going to sit back and take a sip of this sweet tea
We went from black panthers, huge bushes, picks, and combs
I thought words could never hurt you?
What happened to sticks and stones?
 Oct 2014
Sean Antonio Tyson
One too many times we've been shortchanged
My Feelings are beginning to wither with Novocaine...
We no longer feel pain, you see our skin repels water like a feather when it rains
Poisonous toxins are flowing through your veins...
Somewhere right now a black man has a barrel to their brain

Rockets propelling through the skies, those shooting stars are grenades
Leaders of the free world watching should be ashamed.

War is not a game, but its orchestrated like a play. While they're bombing overseas, we're killing each other daily.

Bloodstains in the streets bodies mangled to the beat...And the beat goes on and survivors dancing in the streets....

Peace is yet again delayed

You could die before you wake so don't forget to pray, it may not get you into heaven but it will clean your slate...

Slavery changes with time, slave break free from your chains
Only ourselves can free our mind, Spare the homeless some change

It's not about what we lose but about what we gain...

— The End —