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 Oct 2014
crimsons from the runaway sundown
were an open **** on the sea surface
skyline's throat ingested the fireball
whole without mastication

her fingers played hide and seek
while her unbidden tears
matched the hues of the rippling waters

and staccato sad moans lingered like dirge
above the melody of the distant surf…
Copyright ©MystiqueWizzard® 2014
Copyright ©Alberto J. Alvarez G.® 2014
As I sat at my desk,
remembering the water fall
remembering you...

My muse rambled on and on,
I could not stop my words as they folded to you my love ...

My sin...
Showed one more time as I struggled with your touch.
You hid my heart in the winds of your world,
you found the tears on my cheek.
You never asked me what was wrong.
then you were gone,
which makes me cry to find you so unconcerned for my safety,
and so I write.....

But Darling your love makes me melt like rain,
our starving moon that weeps and weeps for our love to be
is lost one more time..
Why don't you love me anymore ...

You kept asking me and wanting my love
I gave you all of me
but the blessing are few unless I am in your arms
That's where the sin comes in
I don't want just a dream,
but your frozen magic that stills holds my destiny
my heart that bleeds crimson magic and even despair
I want your lips that call me princess, baby, my lady ....

Dear love...
I want your love your special touch that finds my soul,
that holds my tears in your eyes,
that kisses my breath in your mouth...
My ******* long for your matador,
and the moon at our backs,
hiding your hands,
holding me in your embrace
with lavender folding around our bodies,
kissing the dew of tears one last time...

Oh darling,
how you rained down on me slowly in poetry
now snow white rays of clarity that shows
that bed of river flowing in our quietude here ...

I love you darling,
oh so much....
Into me you bleed and moan,
our bed is on an edge of gold....

As our love in the rain,
that dropped millions of drops of you,
falling all around my body and kissing my body so new,
holding this side of light with sweet stars so bright ...
Yes those millions of drops of rain,
that falls on our bodies, as your kisses explore,
the image is brought forward in my dreams as I lay so spellbound

Hello my love,
my darling,
I am curious to see how your heart Is holding up?
Seeing you standing there,
looking so grand in your black suit,
as I watch you... I realize that my tears don’t affect you anymore...

The sound of your breathing don’t become you,
although I know, It was the purest divine love that we had,
that was turning the wheel with divine blessings ...
It was a thousand high souls that night,
that I wrote,
with a million drops of you,
falling like rain between my life and yours.
then I looked at the rays of midnight sun..
Yet you are gone now..

What did I do wrong?
And I still write...*

Debbie Brooks 2014
 Oct 2014
I hope there's a place, way up in the sky
For old aviators, when they say good bye!
A place where a fella’ can get a chilled beer
‘Chug-a-lug’ for a mate, whose memory was dear
A place where no doctor or lawyer can be a threat
Just an aircrew rest room, reserved for the very best.
A quaint little bar, kinda’ dark and full of smoke
Where they sing loud, and guffaw at a good joke
The kind of place where a lady could bravely go
Feel safe amongst gentlemen she would know
There must be a place where thoughts fly like an arrow
When the sortie is over, for landing airspeed gets low.
Where the whiskey is old, great are the ***** and ***
The songs are about group combat and one versus one,
Where you'd meet all fellows who'd flown the coop before
They'd call out your name, welcoming you through the door
Who would buy you a drink should your throat be parched
And tell others, "Here comes a new lad, lookie ye! all starched!"

Then through the mist, you'd spot a grand old guy
The one missed for years, he taught you how to fly
He'd nod his old head, and grin ear to ear,
Saying, "Welcome, my son, I'm pleased that you're here
I forgive you; you botched up the last landing
But you led a life that was by far, outstanding”.
"Guys, he has come here to let his spirits fly and not groan
Skip the earthlings who lived lives like miserable clones
Politicians, lawyers, the Feds, the guys with little poise
Here, where it is ‘happy hours’ for our good ol' boys
Pass on that glass of rye, for he deserves a well earned rest
Cheers! This is ‘Heaven, my son’; this is your future nest!"
Dedicated to some fine aviator friends, somewhere upstairs, playing the harp.
A tribute to those who perished
 Oct 2014
I sit on this secluded rock
Looking out into the
Endless expanse of ocean
Watching the sun go down
As it sighs when entering
The welcoming arms
Of blue waters
Salving burn, agony…

Away from scythes and knives
That cleaved my heart open,
Caressed by the sight…
I sit looking
At the setting sun,
A peaceful warmth
All engulfing…
Thoughts, musings
 Oct 2014
Yes! I know you forgot
All that we shared,
The freezing rain
The scalding sun
The unsaid vows
But that was ordained
It was supposed to happen
Sooner or later

*After all, time takes its toll...
Musings, thoughts...
 Oct 2014
On a beautiful sunny day
Peering beyond piles of hay
In the patch of strawberries
There I saw her majestic full glory
A beautiful auburn mare…
Challenging, ‘if I would dare’
Walk up to her I did and I saw her blink
Was it? Or was it a wink?
Sweating under a sun burning hotly
Looking at me she neighed softly
Her mane flowing, a long bushy tail
Inviting to help me find the Holy Grail?
As I mounted, she let go a soft kick
Off she went galloping at a full lick
We sped along the mountains and valleys
Cobbled roads and narrow alleys
Till silence overcame, wind fell and all was quiet
Like calmness restored after a violent riot
Shh…shh, I stroked her into calmness
Patting her neck gently and then a caress
As I got off her, a look from her of sorrow
Kissing her jowls, I said ‘shall meet again tomorrow’
As I look back, I see her still standing there
A silent tear I did see, I can swear
I decided to call her ‘Aubrey
In the patch of strawberry’

Till we meet again…
In solitude shall she remain.
Can animals also fall in love with us??
 Oct 2014

Lucid, rational thinking
Looking in mirror without blinking,
Sure of judgments…
Raison d’être abundant.


Unpredictable, laughter and wrath
Faltering life’s path…
Complexities of mind,
Seeing yet blind.
Naani Poem. A Naani poem contains a one word title, 4 lines and between 20-25 syllables.
Two synchronous Naani poems
 Oct 2014
The ink crawled down my throat,
Mixing with the blood,
Without a boat.
They sneered at the dare,
Cruel friends,
Open-mouthed stare.
A fire kindled deep within,
They still laughed,
My eyes watered,feelling a sting.
Foam at my mouth,
Stupid urge to pout.
Distracting the feeling of fall,
Shouts all around.
Abhorrent playground.
No one continued to notice the frail,pale boy on the ground.
Ardor of death,
Feeling of dread,
Tasting someone's cold breath,
My soul,wispy,fragile threads.
Suddenly my eyes closed,
Devoid of feeling,
My end fate chosed.
Death near
don't open the door
forgotten ruptured sky
sees you and I
riches are impossible
in the blinding dust
vision is beyond the horizon
fighting to win
you back
come close to losing all....

Each selective thought
will bring about
pieces .......
that we will think is love
discarding the rest
in street dust
of many tomorrows to come

It has been years since
you left me so long ago
trying to forget
daily life .... that we loved so
this is the last poem
that l will write
of the pain
you brought about

Time schedules
Timbre slows
so very far
in a varied substance
of liquid foam
as death
don't open the door.....*

By Debbie Brooks
We all know death is coming and remembering all the yesterdays of pain.. can seem no more..
 Oct 2014
A poem dedicated to all true lovers of Jazz.

I can feel its rhythm and beat,
Along with its pulsating pain!
Its music flows freely….
Through my arteries and veins!
Its beats always echoes,
Through the corridors of my mind,
As I get wafted slowly, on the wings
of mystic time!
Its music gets synchronized,
With my heart’s muffled beat,
As I try to keep time, -
With the tapping of my feet!
Each of its pulsating rhythm,
And all its background chimes,
With its syncopated lilts,
Jazz remains harmonized!

The piano players dancing fingers,
Caresses a rhythmic sway,
While the Sax’s deep-throated tenor,
Drives my loneliness away!
When I hear my old Jazz music,
And those golden classic tunes,
I forget I am getting old,
To time I become immune!
For it is then when I begin to feel,  
like the old King Cole;
As this music tingles my mind,
and rejuvenates my soul!
           - Raj Nandy, New Delhi.
I am a lover of cool & smooth Jazz & have composed the 'History of Jazz in Verse', available in ''. This poem is dedicated to Deborah Brooks and all Lovers of Jazz music like her. Hope you like it! Thanks, -Raj
Rendering Tears of painful knowing
beyond human endurance
her tiny nose pressed to the window
her little breath clouding over
shortness coming to her little form
in a voice of inky blackness
in a small voice she cried
till the very end ...

Her tortured heart becomes a shadow
Understanding blindness
just means another
Even in the vast darkness
overcoming the death of her blackness ...

The sky so blue changing colors
turning black to the touch she feels numb
Those were times she had wept so silently
never knowing what was to become ...

"Never go", she whispers softly
As the Angel sat at her side
holding the little one so gently
knowing the hurt she did abide ...

The dawn was coming
beyond the night
singing softly
a little song
Little Serenity was dreaming ...

She has now outlived
the pain and sorrow this day so long,
The Angel sat long and hard
Purple clothes had she
Holding the child in her arms
crying softly 'Why? Oh how could this be?" ...

Delivering the child softly and tenderly to the arm's of the Queen
She stood poise waiting for the blessed command.

Debbie Brooks 2014 Copyright
 Sep 2014
Divine heavenly sanguinity
blessed prehensile thoughts
of two souls sitting atop floating clouds
basking in sun’s glory.
Travelling as the drift takes us…sometimes
kissing mountain tops or dancing in the vale,
flowing along with the gurgling
stream, touching each pebble so gently
caressing each fern, each shore.
Sea the ultimate destination
merging into nothingness, yet
you and I granted immortality
unending mirth and laughter.
Heaven and earth our abode
Of two bodies and one soul.

*Our divine heavenly bodies
bless us with my red rainbow
our two souls floating in the different shades,
translucent of my colors
with sweet rain on our lips
kissing the ultimate of desire,
as we try and stay within the lines
somehow we drift, into the others  being,
with each stroke of your hand
you always bring me back to you
with each touch you transform
my blank canvas to blend with yours
as the red returns back in my soul…
Collaboration Dee
and Debbie Brook
 Sep 2014
It seems only yesterday
As a fledgling rolling in the hay
Far as I can remember
Was it last December?
Did what I was told
Follow everyone blindly
No whys and No whats?
Busy in one’s inane thoughts
Good at heart and kindly.

Then came the youth
Didn’t give a ****
Couldn’t care a hoot
You could have my ‘Royal boot’
Buzzword was denial
As if the world
And not I - was on a trial.

Middle years are hard to recall
Plodding, trudging, footfall after footfall
Keeping pace with caprices of life
Protecting hearth and kin from strife.

Today sitting in a rocking chair
Bald with little or no hair
It makes me wonder this treasure of “Wisdom”
The correct grammar of commas and full stops
The hyphens and the exclamation marks!!
Whom do I bequeath it to?

Realization dawns, gone are days of fire & brimstone
It’s best to laze in the chair, lead a life nigh sublime
Light my pipe blow rings & have a great time.

The silent thoughts remain unspoken....
Or is it that wisdom is just a token?
I seek audience and Lo! Behold
All are young and I the only old*.
A life span is too short to squabble about nonevents. Sit back and enjoy life while you can :)
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