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 Feb 2015
I am 16
And I have found love in a
boy who is 5 years older than me.
He tells me he loves me and I
lose myself in him.
He breaks my heart, twice.
We still keep in touch.

I am 20
I have found love in a girl
with curly blonde hair and eyes
like the sea. She holds my hand
and sings to me, kisses my forehead.
We haven't spoken in a year.

I am 21
I think I have found love.
He doesn't acknowledge what we
are in public and he thinks insulting
me is funny. He kisses me like he loves me
though, so I tell myself it's enough.
He moved miles away; I think he was
just as lonely as I was.

I am 22*
She's the one. Her hair is never
the same color and sometimes
she laughs too loud. She has scars
that she regrets, but she's doing
everything she can to keep going.
She is me, and I am in love.
 Oct 2014
Megan H
When nothing goes right,
Do not go left,
For it is when you persevere,
And face the obstacles,
When you become strongest.
Going left is for quitters.
 Oct 2014
pick up the pieces of your heart

retrieve some glue and duct tape

because it's time to get to work

and it's time to stop sulking

you are the only person who can

pull yourself and keep yourself up

repair your heart, repair yourself

until your heartbeat isn't irregular

and breathing becomes easy again

you can make it, you will make it

believe that things will be better

and eventually they will be

if you never stop believing
love, #life, #sad, #you, #depression, #pain, #hurt, #death, #heart, #heartbreak...  

I wish these were not trending tags,
this makes my heart ache.
I understand life has hardships but,
this is just hard to see every single day.
All  of  you who post things like this,
know that I am here for you  all.
I love and care for each and every one of you,
known and unknown you all have someone who cares.
I want to reach out to all of you please know that I am here for you, all of you!
 Sep 2014
Shannon Jeffery
To be what they want
Is to win a battle
To be who you are
Is to win a war

— The End —