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 Aug 2015
was it the dream that recurs itself even during the day
the love I once held & lost quite inexplicably
the prince charming I lost
the thoughts that haunt me .....
I wonder
I only wonder....was I still dreaming when everyone was
up making their dreams come true......

 Jul 2015
Keep I love you from
ever becoming a reflex response.
It's the Monday Blues.
 Jul 2015
When hope is lost
And the map is torn,
When you bear the cross
And are crowned with thorns,
When the love has gone
And the tears dried out,
When your steadfast faith
Has been turned to doubt,
When your joy is done
And you smile no more,
When you long for the sun
But the rain does pour,
Know that I walk with you,
You will come to no harm.
And should you get too weary,
I will carry you in my arms
 May 2015
kaylene- mary
Let the poets write with fractured wrists
And bleeding fingers
Let them utter through broken lungs
And splintered tongues
About a lover they once had
And how they tossed their voice in the ocean
Because of misplaced devotion
Let the poets sever the silence
That spills from the sheets you lay upon
Where passion is long gone
Now you're wondering if this constitutes as love
But you've merely forgotten that his skin
Is a pretty cover for the bones that rot within
*Let the poets love you
Agonisingly sweetly
But never as discreetly
 Mar 2015
Her exterior showed defense
Allowing only the boldest to get close
An example of fear
Representing weathered
With a side of independence

So I bit into her pain
To find life inside her hollow
Water waiting to be swallowed
She is a savior in a barren desert
Waiting to give the right man life
 Feb 2015
Ami Shimo
Because getting away from the world for six hours is so amazing. You feel like no one exists and it's just you and the person whom you take with you.
Because the four mile hike up hill, is like the four thousand mile hike to the real life you dream of.
Because the top view is so breathtaking that you feel the air being ****** out of your lungs, but you don't need that oxygen. You just need the sight in front of you and for it to never leave.
Because pushing yourself to not stop in the middle of the hill and making it to the top shows that if you push yourself, you can go farther than you originally planned.
Because you don't need drugs and alcohol and *** to feel alive. You just need to let go of all the poison in your life and just breathe in something new.
Because the stories you make in your youth, will bring happiness to your future.
Because freedom comes when you aren't asking for it.
Freedom is at the top of the mountain. You just have to push yourself to keep going.
 Feb 2015
I only tell you because you've never asked.
I only tell you because I don't think you seem to have the slightest idea of who I am.

Would you believe me if I did tell you?

The only clothes on my body were those of my 4 year old brothers.
The only shoes on my feet were so weathered and torn I could feel the cold concrete with every step I took.
The meals on my plate were only those from the school in which I begged for seconds and dreaded the empty weekend.

Would you believe me if I told you that the only food that filled our cabinets were expired cans given from the food bank.
Dinner time meant hiding under the table, avoiding the drunken blows of Mom's new boyfriend.

Would you even believe me?
Months would go by without water or lights.
Our home was no home.
But a shelter for those who had dragged their bodies to the bed of an 8 year old girl.
My mother was no mother at all but a slave to a chemical mixture.

Would you believe me if I told you?

I fought my fight.
Through blood and tears, I fought my fight.
I chose to stand in the crashing waves against me.
I chose to stand strong with the heaviest weight resting on my shoulders, I fought.
& I won.
 Feb 2015
Bashful Liar.
The world is evil,
You took the walls inside my heart the day you left.
Under my eyelids are your initials,
I wake up,
Only to think about you.
I used sharp glass to carve our date on my forearm,
I sent my veins the wrong message.
My good weaves all have doubt,
They vent on paper when I write forever,
my veins notice as I smoke.
My smile was light to your eyes,
as your eyes would light,
My eyes would tear with joy.
Catching that same guilty taste on my tongue.

I'm walking down the fishing pier at this moment,
I'll dip the jar I have been using to save the tears I shed for you,
I'm watching them go down into the water now,
Like my body going towards hell,
when it dies because of you.

This is a response to the link above.
A magnificent poem leads to an engrossing one
 Dec 2014
Mom says it's teenage hormones. Dad says I'm over-dramatic about it.

But I'm getting worse, not better. I'm anxious constantly, suffering from attacks ranging from small to so severe I grow ill. Thinking I could end my life should any of my fears become real was my only comfort, but even that has abandoned me. For I am a coward who cannot take her own life for fear of the unknown. A craven, afraid of deaths pain but still longing for his freeing slumber.

Apparently this is something all teenagers go through. Wanting to stay in bed all day playing dead and pretending the world can't hurt me when it can break through my windows and torture me to death whenever it pleases. Apparently every teenager sits around, wanting to die but too afraid to end it. We all cry from our pure terror of things we are too afraid to speak of, too afraid to make real with words, too afraid to even think of for too long.

I've been practicing this breathing exercise. I do it in sets of 3, sometimes sets of 5. It's funny, because usually when I do things in sets, it must be 4 or 14 or 24. Move my fingers from pinky to thumb 14 times on both hands in synch. Things like that. I don't like 3, and 5 is iffy. But the breathing exercises that distract me from wanting to rip my own flesh off must be done in 3s or 5s, apparently.

My mind is not my best friend, but sometimes, it pretends to be. It tries to convince me that mother is right. That I'll outgrow suicidal thoughts spanning as long as I can remember and severe anxiety and depression so intense it eats me alive and makes me want to gnaw my skin off, but it makes me want to float to the bottom of the ocean or fly off a cliff and be free in much quieter ways.

Falling from a cliff wouldn't be quiet. It would be messy and the wind would be in my hair and I'd make a splat as I hit the ground. But I imagine drifting down like a feather, my soul leaving my body before the destruction and my body dissolving like dust, scattered to the wind.

I am thinking of flying and vainly wishing my parents are right, that I will outgrow mental illness and that I'm over-dramatizing it somehow, because my feelings and thoughts are overdramatic and counselors and therapists are liars, since according to father they're wrong when they say they're afraid I'm becoming a danger to myself, because mom and dad say they're wrong, mom and dad say I'm not dangerous to myself I'm just stupid and senseless and an attention ***** who is too scared to die, while other, much more vibrant and amazing people are dying and deserve the air in my lungs and aren't getting it.  

This is turning into a mess, like the one I'd make if I threw myself off a cliff. So I'll stop here and wonder if my heart can stop from the empty hopelessness choking it, as well.
 Nov 2014
Depression is the view from a plane.

Far away.
Too close.
Out of reach.
Below us.
And above us.

Depression is something all around us.
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