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 Jan 27
Pagan Paul
A ghost walking the day
like a spy upon a dream,
she stares out of a window
arrayed in black bombazine.
Hair tinged with a little grey,
such sadness she bears alone,
drifting through the quiet rooms
of a cold and empty home.
Saving her love for loneliness,
wrapped in an airy husk,
night cannot come to soon
and the veil fall with dusk.

© Pagan Paul
No one knows what goes on behind closed doors
What some people go through for years and years
It brings me to tears

When it’s a friend
You want to rescue them
Take them under your wing

But it’s not enough to just care
Specialist care is what’s needed there
Professional help

You can only advise
To be wise
And hope they find their way
And pray!
 Dec 2024
vienna bombardieri
What really matters
is not what happens to you
but how you experience it.

Don't let the world assault your soul, protect it if you can  
Don't let life beat you down, get up for the second round
Don't sit and stew on it, have a good cry then move on
Don't leave words unsaid,  "Say what you need to say."
Don't be a victim of circumstance just pave a new way.
 Dec 2024
Stephen E Yocum
A light cold rain began to fall, I could see my
breath like smoke in the air, our brief Fall had
become our early Winter, I chill quivered in
response, and zipped up my jacket. Also, my
aging legs required a brief respite, I had not
intended to walk so far.

Taking shelter under a river birch tree, I huddled
and shivered beneath the hood of my rain parka.
The creek less than five feet away flowed briskly
past, swollen with three days of rain, all around
me falling like confetti, golden Birch leaves slowly
fluttered down upon the surface of the creek,
glimmering on the dark water like so many tiny
glowing Japanese lanterns, quickly swept away

Within minutes, those leaves that made it that far
would float, or flow into the Willamette River,
and by nightfall some would find their way into
the mighty Columbia River, forty miles distant.
Just maybe, perhaps by tomorrow a few might
actually, find their way West to reach and mix
into the salty Pacific Sea.

What a nearly wonderous journey to behold and
contemplate, one tiny footnote in the many chapters
and story within the pages of nature's earthly playbook.
All things in balance, all with a purpose.
Little observed moments in time, tiny fragments
that hold my life together. I wonder if without
them I could even survive or would want to.
 Dec 2024
beth fwoah dream
the moon, shrunken, faint
as pencil, as if the wild nettles
of night carried her loads.
her glazes the raptures of
dancing stars.
her stencil mark a white crescent
leant on cloud.
the trees shudder in the
wind, break their promises,
forgive no one.  
the tide listens to her rhythms,
traps them in water, distils
her victories, unwraps the dark,
stretches it out.
hi, everyone - i am sorry to report that S R Mats has stolen one of my poems (this one) and tried to rewrite it under the title Strength to Strength. i blocked S R Mats when she said she wanted to steal my work which i was not happy about - she said all poets steal each others work which i disagree with- also she seemed to think my originality was ok to steal. i have advised eliot and will take this note down when she takes down her very poor attempt at a poem. not sure what else to do

You left Your Throne for me,

Yet never lost Your sacred essence.

You came with purpose, burning bright —

To rescue me, to bring me light.

You are the Most High, the Messiah,

All power beneath Your sovereign feet.

No force, no darkness, no hellish scheme —
Nothing can sever what’s ours to keep.

The Cross is more than wood and nails,

It’s where You bled for all my sins.

You, Heaven’s Beloved, pure and true,

Yet still You chose to die for me too.

How unfathomable Your love is,

It floods my soul, a boundless sea.

I tremble, awestruck, in Your grace,

For You have made a way for me.

My love for You, I claim again,

And lay it at Your feet.

My days are far too few, I know,

Yet You promise me eternity
 Apr 2024
Sally A Bayan
(haiku x 3)

Life is a river
we swim, we drift...a cycle
of rising....falling.

is ******* soft riverbed
we reel....sometimes drown,

we give up, they dry
we fight...we breathe....rivers flow!
ripples do follow.

Copyright March 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(Wrote this a long time ago, and while writing, I thought of a fellow poet, our good  friend, Harlon Rivers.)
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