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 Oct 2020
FS Antemesaris
I once was afar off but now am near
O God, have mercy on me, a sinner
My vision, once blurry, is now so clear
Through thy son I am proclaimed a winner

Perfection died and bled upon that tree
So that I may one day enter your rest
Perfection died that I may perfect be
Dear Lord, please now hold me close to thy breast

Since all the world will one day go in flame
And one day all will bow before thy Son
I should dare not trust in my own vain fame,
only boasting in Your victory won

O dear Lord, I pray for my enemy
I pray that one day he too will be free
Thank you, Lord, another chance to praise.
Thank you, God, Look at me, this is how I praise.
Yes, I am the heaven type, and here is my dance for my Lord.
Yes, I look upon the sky and smile for my creator and my God.
Thank, Lord, hold on and look at my woofer heart while I praise.
Thank, guitar man, hold on, and touch your heart and praise.
What a praise from the bottommost of my heart, come on guitar man.
What a day of praise, let me tell you, my lord, hold on guitar man.

God of David and God of Elijah, I love you!
God of mercy and God of love, I know you adore me too.
Guitar man, come on, lets praise like this praise-praise.
Yes, praise-praise, thank you lord of mercy-mercy!
Yes Lord, keeps me on your lane as I praise (What a Day).
Hello Devil, are you ashamed, what praise indeed what a day!

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
-The Survivor
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