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 Jun 2021
Hadrian Veska
Be still for a moment
Listen for an hour
Calm yourself
Commune with your heart
Release your fear and doubt
Your anxiety and pain
Spend time seeking
Spend time waiting
Wait upon the Lord
Be still and know
That He is God
Receive His peace
The joy of his Spirit
And His love everlasting
Do you
ever feel,

Life is
this huge
tidal wave

That sometimes
wants to drawn
you throwing
you around
testing you.

It feels like
your under
water some

My air seems
to be God nature
classical music
writing praying,

And the storm
calms when God
grabs the wheel
when it's all
surrendered to

All rights and
Copyright belongs
to ©BSM

Getting through
the storms of life
 May 2021
David P Carroll
Take my hands and
Let us pray to the
Lord Jesus Christ today
And we'll smile so bright
Feeling the Lord's love
Touching our heart's
In life and every day
We'll stop and pray
And in your everlasting arms
We'll stay and in your
Heart we'll be smiling
Away and loving each other every day
And we'll cherish you
In our heart's day and night
And with the Lord's guiding light we'll sleep soundly in our beds every night and Lord Jesus Christ hear
My prayer tonight
A Prayer Used In Church Mass Today. ❤️❤️
 May 2021
WendyStarry Eyes
Pain conquering
I have found truth in the Holy Spirit's presence within me
God's way of saying I am just another step along a journey He has set fourth in me
A lesson of Faith I am forever being tested to create
His strength, to endure a never-ending journey
A realization I now can see
His route to use me to guide others down His path of glory
Faith building as I travel along
Pain set as a reminder that I am strong
As long as I trust in my Father above
Sharing knowledge of the glory
Of His everlasting love
 May 2021
John F McCullagh
It was simple curiosity, I have just myself to blame.
I was not the man’s disciple, though of course I knew the name.
I could see that he’d been beaten, saw the cruel marks of the lash.
I was told he’d fallen more than once on the steep and stony path.

So when the Centurion beckoned me, I hurried to comply.
I have a healthy fear of swords and was in no rush to die.
He bade me to take up the cross, to put my back into it.
I took the Prophet’s burden on; he could no longer do it.

Most of his friends abandoned Him, this man from Galilee.
He who soon would breathe his last stretched painfully on this tree.
They did not wish to share his fate, a death upon the cross.
They scattered into hiding just as soon as all seemed lost.

This work was hot and difficult for one man all alone
I struggled up the incline, Stepping carefully, stone by stone.
The Prophet was a beaten man whereas I was young and strong.
He came to this place to die, but I would get back home.

I saw his look of gratitude as I put my burden down.
I ‘ll not forget the dripping blood from down his thorny crown.
He said I’d be remembered for this thoughtful, kindly deed.
I told him notoriety is the last thing that I need
A man named Simon of Cyrene has a date with destiny at a place called Golgotha  outside Roman occupied Jerusalem
 Feb 2021
Han Jin
He sat down
by the bar with a bottle of
And while the angels sang
he listened
to the preachings
of a crooked bartender
Whose days were filled with drunk forgotten nights,
and he knew
for first time
that he has
never felt more
close to God.
 Jan 2021
CEReyes ABCsOfLife
The universe is listening
You have been working so hard
For so long, you have longed for that success
That achievement you wished to come true.

You have not stopped
You have faith it will soon be realized
You are taking things slow
You are making things worth it.

The Lord above can see your
He can hear you
He has seen your struggles
He has witnessed your pain.

Go on
Never stop aiming
All your hard work will pay off
Soon you will reap the fruit of your labor.

Keep fighting
Keep growing
Keep believing and you will receive
 Dec 2020
Alyssa Underwood
Wait on the Rock Who is your strength
and on His all-sufficient grace rely.
Each body-ailing, pain-prevailing,
stamina-failing groan or sigh
consider now at greater length
in light of heaven’s eternal stock.

"I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
~ 2 Corinthians 12:7b-10

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
~ 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."
~ Romans 8:18

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