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 Aug 2016
Allen Robinson
My heart is prepared to burst
with the thought of going
   though an entire lifetime with
   never feeling loves warmth

To be shielded from glow of
love without feelings ones
   arms wrapped around you
   to take away the pain & hurt

Never feeling the touch of
love wiping away your tears
   and locking gentle fingers
   as you walk together in sync

Being MINUS LOVE and not
tasting the soft lips of one that
   raises your body temperature
   compels me to weep in sorrow.
 Jul 2016
Ami Shae
How did it happen?
How did every human being
on the planet
become so broken,
so ill equipped to deal
with the realities of life?
How did it happen?
What turned me into one
who cannot fathom bliss
one who cannot see even a sliver of light
on a dark, cloud filled day?
How did it happen?
I look everywhere for just ONE,
just one positive, caring soul
who has FAITH in this world
that mankind will not consume me
and all else that lives
upon this earth of ours.
How did it happen?
No where is there relief
from pain, from fright, from inhumanity
and cruelty of heart--
all I see anymore is hate and fear
and a collected effort
to simply destroy all.
How did it happen?
by Ami Shae
I look around and all I see are selfish, cruel humans who care nothing about anyone but their own private agendas... sorry... I think Trump has fried my brain and seeing him makes me see only the bad, the horrific, the inhumanity that exists. I promise you this, if he becomes our President, no one will ever see me in this life again. I will be completely and utterly done. Yes, I'll vote, I just hope our world will continue on...
 Jul 2016

Don’t take for granted the love of this woman,
the wonderful one who has stolen your heart
Cherish your every moment together,
miss her the hours that you are apart

Stand and protect her in armor clad fashion,
show her the sun when there’s rain in the sky
Walk hand in hand down the path of affection,
take to the clouds as the two of you fly

Stay by her side when her worries start growing,
give her a hug just to show that you care
Tend to her dreams so her world can be magic,
hold her so close in these days that you share

Whisper soft lyrics as melodies linger,
paint her the sunset you see in her eyes
Promise her all she could ever imagine,
pen her a poem of romantic sighs

Conquer her fears when her teardrops are falling,
caress her skin that is soft to the touch
Kiss her with passion between those so tender,
prove to her always you love her so much

Tell her she's beautiful and you adore her,
now is the time, it’s not too late to start
Don’t take for granted the love of this woman,
the wonderful one who has stolen your heart
I hope you like this one, it kept me up half the night last night.
 Jul 2016
Anonymous Freak
It's nights like this
That I remember there's
Tinted glass
Between us.
Our lives
Our worlds
Go through a filter
Before touching each other.

It's nights like this
I rememer that I'm the one
Banging on the glass
And screaming your name,
But either you can't hear me,
Or you
Want to.

Sometimes you glance up
And I ask myself
'What does that look mean?'
Or I internally shriek
'He actually sees me'

I've spent I don't know how long
At this point,
I've lost track,
Desperately trying
To get your attention.

I want to tell you.

I want to walk miles
And miles
To you,
And yell everything
I've never understood about you
And demand answers.
But that's selfish.

Right now it'd be selfish of me
To voice
What is going wrong,
And that reminds me
How trapped I am.

On the other side
Of tinted glass
 Jul 2016
Ami Shae
Head is pounding,
heart is thumping,
my tears are flowing
and this of late,
is all I know:
Humanity seems to be
beyond control.
Humanity seems to have
lost its collective soul
and I honestly don't know
where I need to go...
Sometimes I think I might drown
in all the sadness
in all the pain
the torment and inhumanity
that seems to surround
me no matter where I travel to--
no place is safe anymore
nothing is sacred
or respected or revered
Humanity seems to have
truly and completely
noun; humanity:

1. all human beings collectively; the human race; humankind.
2. the quality or condition of being human; human nature.
3. the quality of being humane; kindness; benevolence.

{I guess I'm just sad}  :(
 Jul 2016
The Sun
gently warms my skin
caressing my shoulder
A warmth you once left

Will you ever be by my side again?

I wonder
at the stars
while the stillness surrounds me
Twinkling lights blinking
in tune to my hearts rhythm

Do ours still beat in tune
as they once did?

in the shadow of the moon
I imagine the light upon your face
wherever you are
You are wondering too.

But is it about me?
Haven't written anything for a while :oO
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