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 Nov 2015
Victoria Jennings
I'm tired of hearing
You're beautiful

Of hearing
I love you

With no intention
Of meaning it
 Nov 2015
Victoria Jennings
All those years we were together
All those times you thrusted into me

You were always wanting more
Wanting anyone and everyone else

You stopped appreciating me

I was just there because I was


Always attainable

And you felt like you owed me

Like somehow

Giving it to me every night

Would make up for the fact

That you couldn't stay faithful

Or that it would seem like you loved me

Like somehow being there

Would erase all the bad things

They didn't though

They still linger in my past

Where you now reside

And I'm not going back.
 Nov 2015
Victoria Jennings
I hate myself
Because I love those
Who can never love me

Because somehow
I always do what's wrong
Instead of right

Because in the end
I'm the one left alone

Holding only myself.
 Nov 2015
Victoria Jennings
I am a fool

I have always been a fool

For I love those

Who will never love me.
 Nov 2015
Victoria Jennings
I need a hug
And not just any hug

One of those tight
Concerned hugs
That say
It will be okay

One of those hugs
That make you feel
Like you can let all the tears
Just fall.
 Nov 2015
raine cooper
you cannot burn down history
it's not made of wood,
but hearts, skin,
and that empty feeling in your chest
 Nov 2015
Victoria Jennings
I won't apologize
For standing my ground
For the first time all these years
I will say I'm sorry I expected more
That I assumed you would
Actually fight for me
We were suppose to marry
And we were suppose to hold
Little spence or serenity
Suppose to argue over
Santa and the tooth fairy
Somehow we lost it all
All that's left is the duffle bag
In what was our room
In the end
I missed you
Because you had checked out
6 months prior to leaving
Slowly we died
Our dreams melted away
And I stood in the puddle of it
You stopped calling me beautiful
Started insulting the way I dressed
You stopped kissing me
And got angry when I asked
You stopped making love
And wondered why I cried
You stared at the television
As you thrusted into me
Did you love me then?
Do you now?
Because even though
I hate what happened
What we became
I still remember
The day we ditched school
With no money
And explored
And I was freezing
So you offered me your leather jacket
That was always too small for me
I remember kissing in snow
And sunshine
I remember the way you wanted me
The hunger in your eyes all consuming
I remember the way
You held me
The way you laughed
And dreamed of fatherhood
I remember us in love
And I wonder
How could something
We fought so long for
Suddenly not work
How could you hold me
That night
Only to wake up
And leave me
How could you leave me
When all my life
I have asked for you to stay.
 Nov 2015
I tell myself I will write something new everyday but it's all a lie.

Oh dear, I have become a monster to my self.
In other news, my depression has gotten out of hand and I feel demotivated to write poetry.
 Nov 2015
Miranda Renea
Falling in the melody
Of each chilly breeze;
The subtle rustling of
It's decaying brethren
Match each soft beat.
Finally fading into a
Hallowed harmony as
It settles among those
Already lost; there is
Nothing more serene
Than Death's silent
Lament to leaves.
 Nov 2015
Victoria Jennings
The wounds will dry

The memories will fade

But somewhere in my heart

You will always remain.
 Oct 2015
Victoria Jennings
And she watched

As each one of her dreams

Came c r a s h i n g
Around her

And all she had left was the dust

Of a fallen star

She once wished upon.
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