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 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
Slash my heart
And hope to die
I pray to god
My soul you keep
Keep it safe
Keep it locked away inside your heart

I pray to the souls that know me to be happy without me
Do not mourn my death
You'll be with me yet
I may not die now
But my time will come
Naturally or by choice
*I pray to god my soul you keep
 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
"Life won't let you go,
and death won't take me..."
A quote made by me and my friend named Harry Dagless. He said "Life won't let you go, that's a good thing." And I said "And death won't take me.."
"Still a good thing." He said.
"Not for me, it isn't."
 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
I wish I could say it out loud
I wish I could say it and be proud
I wish I could say it without shame
I wish I could make it sound lame
I wish I could say it and make some fame
But no
My feelings are to blame
They are the culprit
I can't say it out loud
I can't say it and be proud
I can't say it without shame
I can't make it sound lame
I can't say it and make some fame

*I can't stay here anymore
I just want to close that ******* door
And walk away from this kid called life
I hope to end it with knife
I'm never saying it out loud.
It will never escape my mouth.
Please don't stop me
Please please please
There's no way out of this disease
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Sometimes Something Happens

Sometimes something happens
That makes you stop and think
Is this the life I planned on
Or is it just the life I need

Is this life I live a good one
Have I done enough to help
In the end when I look back
Will I be happy with myself

Sometimes something happens
Makes you take that one step back
It reminds you of what matters
Or the good life that you have

It gives a new perspective
Shows a different point of view
Creates a feeling deep inside
That somehow changes you

Sometimes something happens
That makes you change your mind
Allows for new beginnings
Let's you leave your past behind

Well today that something happened
That did all the things above
It gave me what I needed most
A new chance to fall in love

Sometimes something happens

Carl Joseph Roberts
December 2013
 May 2014
Silver Bullet Synchronicities, Literally, Layer into my Space a Perfect Union of Oblivion
The Ying, to The Yang, Baby....

Micro to Macro, Anomalous Events Don't quite Strike Me as anything Other than Normality in and of Different Scale

A For Instance

To my Eyes, the Sequoya Tree Appears to Tower, the Highest of the High
While our beloved Earth Teachers....The Ant....Grounded above and below the Mother Clay,
Will Look at Me as a Colossal Mammalian largely Trembling the World with Weight Infinite

To the Point

Perspective is simply a specific view, an angled ray of Light, Thus Strikes the Object in it's Own Precise Uniqueness

Note of Importance

If only One ray strikes angled Light, One angle of Light just won't Suffice....Every Perspective must be Offering of It's Own Accord, thus Strikes the Creation True....

Wholeness is Truth
Truth is Coherence
Coherence is Smooth and Steady
Do I know if I'll be Ready?....Not Really

This I Do Know

All Matter is full of Wholes of Space, NOT EMPTY, but Full of Life, Feeding the Flow into Motion, Flowing the Motion of Inert Mass, Spinning the Soul to Life, Spinning into Infinite Bliss


Some will make Life into Art with Dance
To Live Life at the Threshold, DANCE Your DREAMS into LIFE
Everyday and Every Night....DANCE

  ­              Bless You.....Bless Me...Bless Us All
Simple Poetry.....just my personal thoughts, lovem or heavem...
No Offense or Attack or Persuasive Intent Involved...Please Enjoy!
 May 2014
Body is not optional so We trace our faces in the strangest of places 
Here we stand amongst the strange and yet call ourselves one in the same, but could this be simply the truth?
~why couldn't this make perfect sense?
In an Oblong World, How to decide what shows the proof?
If you're the one who speaks a different tongue, perhaps a tongue in cheek
Well maybe we All mean well but aren't quite skilled or smooth...
~ Is it Crazy actually to do this amongst the strangest cellular plugged in populous ~ if We cannot contemplate, cannot swallow something unknowable, seemingly impossible??

So why be One, if one is unfathomable?

We can be many fractions of the very same number.
Fractal Upon fractal we build upon each other, a patterned sequence, a human development.
Awakening to disguise, no more lies, no more masks, facades, or pretence.  
No difference, the Same 
Our conscience emergence ~ the fabric is space, the time an illusion...... the place, an assemblence.... Cooperating a Complex Creation...each a puzzle piece of our Own Imagination 

 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
One more thing
Before the day ends
I must tell you what reigns in my heart and mind
But that one more thing never happens
I am too afraid that you'll leave once you know
I'm too afraid once I say it you won't want to know
One more thing never happens
It never escapes my mouth
It always stays trapped in my heart
 May 2014
I have a Jolting
Rocks Me Back & Forth
My Mind propels the forward Motion
Then My Mind Repels this momentum
likening to the back-end Motion,
Thus starts the mental commotion,
See-Sawing in my Playground of Strife

What a Blessing and a Curse to be held together by Opposition?
What a seemingly trite Contradiction!
nature does have humor and this is one of her more humorous Traits
 May 2014
i choked in the night as the darkness tide
washes over me
a shadow grown cold without the sun to fade
a drop of liquid onyx.

in this dream within a dream
i woke to black and white

the part of me that makes me free
slipped away into the dust

my thoughts are half empty
for your light
my heart is not beating
when your gone.

I am empty
I am empty
I am thirsty

for your love.
this is a two part poem dubbed Fear and Love. I had a terrible soul killing dream and i awoke unsure of my reality. Fear they say is the mind killer, that brings total obliteration.  I undertand it. I could not fathom it. Being real.
 May 2014
Cynthia Thompson
Dead girl swinging from a tree
As breezes blow melodically
She sways almost erotically
Blackening necrotically

She loved a boy who said goodbye
And laughed at her when she asked why
She thought that she might like to fly
And swing, and choke, and lastly, die

The noose around her throat, she jumped
Her neck bones snapped, her long legs pumped
'Til every bit of breath was gone
Now it's the wind she's dancing on

Her flesh turns putrid, then it slips
Insects crawl upon her lips
Flies infest her, north and south
Feasting on her crotch, her mouth

Some days later, she is found
Split skin sagging to the ground
Hung from a noose so tightly bound
Dead girl dancing 'round and 'round
I have seen too many young people take their lives.  It is an irrevocable tragedy.
 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
Maybe one day I'll see me the way you see me
Beautiful, smart, talented, extraordinary, and weird
"The good kind of weird" you always say, "That's what you are. Nice, smart,talented, sweet, beautiful, shy, and weird. The good kind of weird."
 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
My secrets whisper inside him
Whispers so faint, on one could hear them but me
My secrets should never be told
Only two people know of one
And I doubt the person who did it would forget
My secrets so fragile, harsh, and embarrassing
But I can’t put them away, or bury them nicely in the ground
But I try to forget them and try not to mention them in mind or reality
But they always come back to eat at me more than they did when they came last
But it seems every time I deal with them they won’t disappear
Until… until I set them free
And it knows I won’t, so it tugs at me everyday
My secrets, the ones never spoken
They still whisper inside of him
He carries them around hoping it’s not written on his face
Our secret, I wish we’ve both forgotten
But it’s not
My secret, his secret, our secret
Something I regret everyday and every time I close my eyes
My secrets unspoken, have made me more broken
Something no one should ever deal with
So I’ll tell them, but not them all
And everyone will see it on his face
But that won’t make me feel better
So it remains hidden, because of what I won’t do
And because of what they will do
Creating havoc in his life and pity in mine
That just makes it all worst
For me and everyone around me
That secret will always follow me, anywhere I go it’ll still be with me
It’ll still be there when I say it, and it will be everywhere surrounding me in its deafening grip
Pulling the life out of me until I’m stiff with the numbness of a dark, cold soul
Those secrets, my secrets the one's unspoken
Makes my humanity break inside and my heart disappear
 May 2014
Luminosity Cat
Demons echo through the night.
She seems to cave without a fight.
The pain is to great to keep on running.
You may never again see her dancing.

Hell's gates greet his pain.
No one cares to tame life's mane.
His life seems be burning in hell.
All because of the secrets he can't tell.

Look at the girl who sits all alone.
Dying inside because of her mother's cruel tone.
Her life has been taken by man's cruel thief.
Nothing can bring her true piece.

He takes the gun to school one day.
Everyone keeps walking away.
He planed the shooting, and took the lives.
He never again plans to look at the skies.

To all those who feel this, know I do too.
It just isn't fair what life has done to you.
I know what people have taken away.
Just remember,
it is okay to not be okay.
It just isn't okay to stay that way.
It is okay not to be okay. It just isn't okay to stay that way forever.
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