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Karl Franssen aka Bryson Flegg
That Place Where I'm From    "I am the very model of a scientist salarian" “I don’t care about anyone, and the feeling is quite obviously mutual.” Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged …
Revane Franssen
Revane Franssen   Editor
In a Bottle   
Angel R McCall
Angel R McCall   Member
Cinnamon Honey-Glacé
26/Trans/B'ham    workshopping a new project....
Levi Andrew   Member
21/M    I'm Levi. I'm 21 years of age.
ilina286   Member
Kagami   Member
19/Gender Fluid   
Latiaaa   Member
26/F/Chicago    Mephobia; Fear of becoming so awesome that the human race can't handle it and everybody dies.
---   Member
I'm done with this.
Porsche Newell
Porsche Newell   Member
California    Moved to :)
Emma S   Member
Have a great day, or night, or life.
Daisy C
Daisy C   Member
Definitely Somewhere    Hello everyone! You may call me Daisy C. that's what I go by :-). I enjoy writing poems and reading. I write to vent out …
Tark Wain   Member
D Loup
D Loup   Member
They'll never find me here
Love   Member
If I haven't posted in a while don't think of me as gone. I remain here waiting for my inspiration to hit me in the …
Nostalgia   Member
“I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. …
Elizabeth Lawrence
Elizabeth Lawrence   Member
Massachusetts    Lately I can't tell if I'm tortured or numb, but not knowing which has somehow made me both.
Vanessa Gatley
Vanessa Gatley   Member
27/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
Mariève D
Mariève D   Member
Found myself loving poetry... And I guess I kinda fell for it. A bit too much.
Seed Of Death
Seed Of Death   Member
In a house    I'm actually Spider-Man and i'm awesome
Kenshō   Member
M    Have you not learned yet that my words do not suffice? Thank you so much for viewing.
Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden   Member
Virginia    I hope you don't regret me
Cassandra Nicole Pelkey
Ottawa    Most of my poems were written years ago - I've probably only written a few recently, trying to add more as I go. I want …
BaileyBuckels   Member
in my house on a streat    eh, what gives
Tommy Johnson
Tommy Johnson   Member
New Jersey    I'm a twenty one year old psych major living in Bergen county. I've always loved writing, it always seemed to be the only way I …
Brandon Corrie
Brandon Corrie   Member
South Africa    Nothing to say about myself. Lol..
Manonsi   Member
Madrid    Hi there
Skip Ramsey
Skip Ramsey   Member
McConnellsburg, PA    Trying to become hopelessly entangled in enlightenment. I've been writing as long as I can remember... The quality has fluctuated and I am my own …
em   Member
PA    em
PrttyBrd   Member
My words may not always be eloquent, but they are true. Writing to purge my soul rather than to please another is cathartic. Enjoy my …
Ronald D'Aguilar
Ronald D'Aguilar   Member
Windsor    It shouldn't be a labour, to love thy neighbour, There is still time, for us to think of a rhyme, That can defy the lie …
Spencer Craig
Spencer Craig   Member
new york    i am a 16 year old guy just looking for a way to leave my imprint on this vast world. i know that is a …
Liz And Lilacs
Liz And Lilacs   Member
America    My writing is from the heart. I spend little time planning my poems. A thought pops into my head and I give it freedom. All …
Ellie Geneve
Ellie Geneve   Member
"It's poetry if it makes sense to you."
Poppi Mae
Poppi Mae   Member
London    "dissatisfied and angsty, but not damaged"
lost in thought
lost in thought   Member
21/F/Pekin, Illinois    So I'm 21. Proudly engaged. Message me if anybody has a question about the style I write or just about anything really.
Greyson Fay
Greyson Fay   Member
America    I've always found beauty in poems,and I hope that you can find some in mine, Thanks for reading :) If any of you ever want …
Jennifer Weiss
Jennifer Weiss   Member
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