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 Jun 2015
Inflating the kitchen with popcorn
oh so help me
 Jun 2015
I make violence look good.
I wonder who's more evil.
Shall I say I'm the queen of death?
My heart has barb wire around it.
Your life was just a blank canvas until I made art out of it.
 Jun 2015
Vinay Kr
What long term travel does to you,
As time passes,
You begin to forget who you were.
You go on.

Now, your base, you constantly change,
You have hardly any time to become someone else.
You go on.

You lose identity,
You drop the ego,
There is nothing left onto which you can hold.
You go on.

A true witness you become of yourself,
Of cultures, of people and their emotions,
Of the constructed world that surrounds,
You go on.

Suddenly, this is the most liberating experience you have of life,
Your life becomes beautiful without a reason,
No festive, but your life, a constant celebration.
You go on.

Ecstacy becomes yours,
The highest bliss,
The ultimate joy,
And still, you go on.

You become a Parivrajaka,
The eternal wanderer,
A pure spirit,
And there is no you anymore,
It all just goes on.
Parivrajaka is a sanskrit term. It means " The wandering monk".
Name of Teacher:*___________________________________________
Teacher/Course Evaluation: Fall Semester, Humanities Block (History & English) Hopi High School, Keams Canyon, Arizona, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).

_______________ (1) This course was: (A) always different; never boring; sometimes even enjoyable (B) like a sleeping pill, an experience similar to having narcolepsy (C) like being sentenced to a maximum-security penitentiary for a semester; what did I do in a previous incarnation that stored up so much bad karma for me to deserve being here?   (D) a semester living under a totalitarian regime; this teacher would have fit right in with ******’s “Gestapo” (E) what I imagine it would have been like at Herot, Hrothgar’s royal mead hall in Beowulf, whenever the monster Grendel came calling.

_______________ (2) This teacher:  (A) knows how to teach, knows a great deal about this subject and others, creates a classroom atmosphere that resonates with teenagers and truly cares whether I show up ready to learn (B) never remembers my name, let alone my birthday (C) actually hates me and has made several attempts on my life (D) should have his license to teach revoked; can wiring my desk for electric shocks be legal?
(E) often wanders off, leaving us alone in the classroom for as long as 30 minutes at a time while out in the parking lot screaming about aliens and/or Bolsheviks.

_______________ (3) Compared to all other teachers I’ve had since kindergarten, this teacher: (A) is one of the best, certainly in the top 10% (B) has the worst personal hygiene; aren’t teachers required to bathe at least once a month? (C) has the least credibility; he tells me nothing but “lies, ****** lies and statistics” (D) frightens me the most, particularly whenever the moon waxes full (E) is obviously the one most in need of a good 12-step recovery program.

_______________ (4) This teacher’s grading system:   (A) is objective and reflects what I earn; not subjectively based on whether he likes my face or not (B) is based on a point system that is clearly explained and fairly administered (C) is based on assignments that are challenging but not impossibly difficult (D) includes opportunities to earn at least some extra credit (E) A, B, C & D (F) none of these; sometimes I think he pulls my grade out of his ***.

(5) If I could change one thing about this teacher or his class, I'd: (A) change nothing: this teacher belongs in Sir Thomas More’s Utopia (B) insist that he use English in the classroom, not that "clicks and pops" sound-effect language he learned while backpacking in sub-Saharan Africa one summer (C) tear down that rice-paper-thin, cardboard wall separating his classroom from the one next door (D) demand that an FBI Trained and Certified Document Examiner review his BIA job application, teaching credential, college transcripts and fingerprint card (E) remove sheep and goats*.
 Jun 2015
William A Poppen
Tornados excite, attract
become a vortex for life
A swirl of busy days
sleepless nights
and nagging headaches --
voices from the head
spread the guilt --
plenty to go around

Our grandparents strew the seeds
our parents cultivate the crop
feeding us the fruit
We taste and devour, seldom does
ripe yield rot on the vine

Cherish moments when energy
pumps from wells
special drinks to ****** us
after our passions, our goals
Cherish moments when
we forge ahead
free from remorse
Passion, Living in the Moment, vortex
 Jun 2015
Dan McGowan
down by the brum dimwiddy

where we got all giddy

sat the massive planq

with god awful stank

her shimmy playzit soloose

situation diffuse

we beg fumdilly

witout seeming chilly

she unfastened minert

couldi squirt

undoubted nixnot

from within it shot

hrmfff okydoke

andwe smoke
As you can tell it was a situation of emotion that got me writing this.
 Jun 2015
Rob Rutledge
There is a certain kind of terror
Found only in species that truly think.
It comes in moments of peace
When our guard is down,
Thoughts away on the breeze.
An unnamed notion,
An unwanted feeling of foreboding.
Waiting for the sky to fall,
Petrified as to why anything exists at all.
 Jun 2015
I'm born when the leaves are smokey brown and burgundy red.
I'm around the time with wool sweaters,
The time when girls wear boots for styles.
This is the season to drink hot cinnamon spice tea,
Jump in heaps of leaves till you sink.
My month is warm, crisp, soothing, fresh,
It's a fresh new start.
Ripe plump pumpkins and sweet baked potato pie,
Jean weather and hat weather.
This month only comes around when there's a new start in life,
And that's me.
 Jun 2015
I’m thinking, contemplating,
Walking in the empty space surrounding me,
I’m twisting, churning, and arching my back.
What to do.
Pulling loose threads off my sweater,
Biting my bottom lip,
I’m sweating, pacing, thinking,
I have a fever.
My fingernails are to the rim,
The anxiety is killing me.
My hair droops to my face, sticking to my soaked skin.
I scratch, voraciously blink,
Looking at the clock,
Where do I start?
Where do I end?
I check my phone.
I sit on my back with my eyes on the ceiling.
Veins swelling,
Blood rushing,
Palms sweaty,
My stomach aches. My heart breaks.
Is it 5? Is it 10?
My eyes water, my teeth chatter,
There’s nothing else in the world that hurts more than this
Knees trembling, spine tingling, heart skipping,
When will it end?
I start to see my shadow go against me
Why did it have to happen to me?
I fall back and let the words whisper out my mouth,
I’m still into you.
 May 2015
People draw with silver.
It comes out red.
People walk with gravity.
They end up weightless.
People eat a day
The food disappears the same day.
People have good balance.
Yet end up on the ground.
People aren't magicians.
They use what's around them to get out of life.
 May 2015
sound of running puddles• the          as they make
window pane•             their way out
   pelting my                         of stagnant
       the rain•                    troubles•listen
            sound of         the calm
          the                calling of
               listen                     the moist
            •                          breeze•as it
                 whispers its hopeful
        promises and decrees• the chaos in
   my heart •  heals it-    
self everyday  be-    
fore again it gets    
torn apart      

Begin reading from mid left of the poem
and work your way round.
 May 2015
Don't be mad, just feel.
Feel how I felt those days ago.
Don't care, learn.
Learn what you did so I don't have to say it.
Don't worry, realize.
Realize your wrong doings you didn't know before.
Don't say "okay," prove it.
Be a mature man and take full responsibility of your actions.
Oh wait, you're still a immature child.
You shouldn't be riding the big boy bikes if you can't handle it.
 May 2015
You thought we were friends.
You thought we were cool.
You thought you had the world in the palms of your hands.
You thought things were given to you so you can break them.
You thought love grows on trees.
You thought you were a man.
You thought everything was okay.
You thought a smile and a wave can help.
You thought life would move on your way.
You thought you could run away from your fears hoping to ignore them with a false smile on your face everyday.
But guess what,
You thought wrong.
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