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 Jul 2019
sandra wyllie
same as it was yesterday
the same as it will be tomorrow
and every day that follows
she makes it in the morning

so, it will be waiting
as soon as she gets home
anticipating the tartness of
the sour apple
the sea-green in the triangular glass
the cherry fishes that sit on their rounded ***

bobbing up and down
as she takes a swallow
to fill up the hollow of what’s left of her mind
she reclines on the chocolate couch
that has a lever on the side
to stretch her legs out wide

as she drains the glass
her blue turns green at last
she gets giddy and laughs
before she transcends to some other

though she tells herself to stop
the hurt’s tight as a knot
in her heart
and there’s just one way to loosen it
so she takes another sip
 Jul 2019
Ryan O'Leary
Quickness of the hand
deceives the eye.


Donny T has discovered
the ends of our Irish rainbow,
each extremity of our border wall,
which, he maintains, is going to
be good for us, yes good for us,
great mines either side of it, yes
it is going to be good, for US.
 Jul 2019
Courtney O
What is it about men
what's wrong with them?
Why do we rotate around - if they never respond?
We love too much, never get back
We gave it all, you never grew up

Is it the zeitgeist, the sign of times
or what is it like?
why all of you look so fine
but break hearts despite
and you stay all perfect in one piece
because you never dared to bleed
Is it Tinder? Is it capitalism?
Is it Catholicism? Is it egoism?
It is despair? Is it the true nature of ***?
Is it the loss of family values, is it ****?
Tell me, then!

Why do we fall hopelessly
it's not commitment it's not a ringwish
Affection and closeness - all I need

Girl get free!
don't fall prey for his tricks
do not ever sink
under the spell of
unknowing the true nature of love
Which I can't express, but I can know

I touched sky, with your hand
But you never dared to fly, stayed in the ground
We could have been bigger than the world
But you didn't want

Girls let's get free and get away
we don't need them to feel great
Keep your fears on check
Never run away
Don't let yourself be played

What about girls and men
in the XXI century?
How to make sense of this topsy-turvy?
 Jul 2019
Megitta Ignacia
You're Vincent Vega
I'm Mia Wallace
Plunged the needle to my chest
Adrenaline injection it is
Significant other or a guardian angel?
Baby, you're my 24/7 bodyguard.

You saved me
You saved me
I thanked God, He sent you
I don't need Marsellus Wallace anymore
Completely healed
This immidiate
This instant.
060619 | 18:35 PM di office, lagi hari lebaran hari kedua, bentar lagi mau makan ketupat bareng keluarga kecilku di bali. Tuhan maha baik. Akhirnya kuserahkan diriku pada dia si scorpio yang satu ini :) fully committed now
 Jul 2019
Megitta Ignacia
di ruang 3x3 meter
kusesap lagi secangir kopi yang sudah tak lagi hangat
masam terkecap, pahit tersisa
buih-buih krema berjejer rapi di ujung mulut cangkir
menggetarkan diri
menciptakan nada detak jantung yang semakin tinggi
dan mengundang semut-semut emosi pada ujung jemariku

kebencian bersarang pada ekor jiwaku yang semerawut
semakin hari, semakin menjadi-jadi

amarah yang tak terbendung
perkara hati bukanlah sebatas ruang
bukan juga sekedar sudut yang bisa disinggahi, diacak-acak, lalu ditinggal begitu saja tanpa dibereskan
ibumu saja marah kalau kamarmu berantakan

debaran  demi debaran
candu pada cairan pekat ini terkadang mengundang rasa kantuk
bagai lorong tanpa ujung
pikiranku melayang masuk ke masa lampau

amarah dan kebencian mengombangambingku
belum reda kesalku
kutuk bertaburan dari bibirku
ada rangkaian rencana cela yang menari-nari di kepalaku

apa warasku pergi?
apa warasku pergi?
apa warasku pergi?

benci ini tak perlu lagi disiram
terjebak realita semu, mantra-mantra sukar dipahami tetapi nyata efeknya
betapa sulitnya meracik ramuan ketenangan jiwa

kalau kamu jahat, lalu aku balas jahat
apa bedanya kamu dan aku?
aku tidak mau sepertimu
bukan pilhan pasif, dengan sadarku
warasku ada
aku pemenang petak umpetnya!
040719 | 00:55 AM pertanyaan tadi malam, seperti rokok yang kubakar diujung meja, kubiarkan mati dihisap angin.
 Jul 2019
i crave a love
that is other worldly,
you are the cosmos
i long to explore.
 Jul 2019
James Floss
I usually do due diligence
For most every major purchase
Eschewing the apples of my eye

Sound, round, research
That’s what I’m known for
Predictably, boringly prepared

Whiff of cheese
Trap snaps! Now:
Purchasing peripherals
 Jul 2019
sandra wyllie
Fill up the basin, see it drain
your dreams –
circle around the white porcelain
like watching the headless horseman, carrying the weight
of its thoughts in its hands and riding hard until
they go out through a vacuous shard.

Every afternoon is the same
Fill up your purse with things so diverse –
as cosmetics, alcohol, candy and clothes and rush out the door
without being exposed for the illicit stunt.
Another victorious scavenger hunt!

Every evening is the same
Fill up the martini glass with enough *****
to make you pass-out on the couch so you can forget
about your useless life as each poem you write
wilts. Besides, they only think you’re made of fluff. You’re dead as the skin cells that slough off in the bath.
There can only be one Sylvia Plath.
 Jul 2019
When people look at the ocean,
They only see what’s on the outside.
Only a few brave souls are willing to take the plunge,
Into the vast beauty of the ocean.
Only few will ever know the true beauty of it
With their own eyes.
There is something about it,
The ocean,
That makes it seem sad and longing.
Maybe the ocean is blue, because of that.
It’s so undiscovered, and unexplored,
Maybe the ocean is just waiting
For someone brave enough
To find the real beauty
Hidden within.
The ocean and I have a lot in common I guess.

I wrote this about 2 years ago but thought it was worth sharing. Enjoy i guess
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