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 Jul 2014
TR Takoda
I can't write good poetry anymore.

Anytime I sit down and try to pound out a few words that might make someone feel
Any emotion really
Nothing special
Maybe just a small twinkle
Or a twinge
I come up lacking.
My former knack for the typed word has gone out the window.

Along with all of my worries and cares
Don't get me wrong
I still freak out
And cry sometimes
But I'm not sad anymore.

The deep emotions that I felt were unexpressed in the sad little heart of a girl that stopped existing a year ago are no longer struggling to escape from the tips of my brown little fingers.

The words flow as freely as the peace in my heart
Now that I've remembered what they are.
 Jul 2014
Coco Li
I want you to stay sane
even for a week
maybe a month
hoping it could last for a year
and so it can be forever.

I need you here.

stay sane.
It wasn't easy for me. I've been battling anxiety for years, it was since my highschool days. It's like diving deeply underneath the ocean floor, unprepared for what's coming, full of darkness. I realize that I need to help myself. I've been doing a lot of works lately. As much as possible I talk to many people, even strangers. I just wanted to let it out. I wanted to stay sane.
 Jun 2014
Where's the beauty without the cracks?
What is color without black?
Where's the the love without the hurt?
What is success without work?

I like you better broken
You look prettier when you bleed
I like you better torn open
There's music in your screams.

Where's the happy without the sad?
What is lucid without knowing mad?
Where is life without death?
What is having if nothing left?

I like you better shattered
Sharp edges glitter in moonlight.
You look so beautiful hurting
In too much pain to sleep at night.

The pieces don't fit, who's going to fix it?
You can't stand, can't sit, who's going to fix you?
The bleeding won't quit, who's going to fix it?
Fight or flight, run or hit, who's going to fix you?

I like you better broken
There's nothing here to mend.
I like you better bleeding
With your heart in my hand.

With your heart in my hand.
I tried to think of a better way to say this as one of my friends said liking people better broken is quite disturbing. In the end, I have up on that and just decided to let it be what it is: disturbing honesty.

 Jun 2014
Daniel Magner
My eyes must be
from some time long ago
when the world was a bigger place.
All they strive to see
are wide fields
rustling in the breeze,
rolling hills void of tall towers
or crowded city streets.
On the horizons they imagine
there are no silhouettes of planes,
no whistles of trains,
but then I blink
and they are forced to see
this modern world
closing in on
Daniel Magner 2014
 May 2014
Ian Cairns
fell into
my lap like
raindrops without the splash

But when I stand
the onslaught I
adopted is

**Strength is the ability to move through the
storm clouds
 Apr 2014
Writer’s block does not exist,
there’s only uncreative writers,
and those who don’t care enough
to care so much.
As the former,
I will write this in my quietest voice:
I am okay,
I am okay,
I am okay.
Few would care to know,
fewer would care if they knew.
But it is the truth,
and I am in no business
of making truths I cannot keep.
I no longer write with tired eyes.
I no longer think with shaking hands.
I am no longer transparent,
or translucent,
or opaque.
I am okay.
I know this because I woke up today.
Simply that.
I woke up today,
and I am not empty.
 Apr 2014
forgiveness should be as all-embracing
as your arms cannot be
your love should give
even more than your heart can pump
your mind can wander
farther than your feet can take you
your imagination can see
beyond the strain of your retinas
because you, my friend,
are not limited by 'human nature'
or your body,
you are endless,
and you will reach the tips
of the world
and backwards across the cosmos,
your soul will stretch-
it is not human nature
to be confined,
it is human nature to be unlimited.
 Mar 2014
Chloe Cresse
She suffers from mental flurries inside her head
Questions and worry keep her awake in bed
Looks that paralyze, statements that can make you numb
People don't realize the habits she can overcome
Wishing for an end of this unreasonable pain
Causing tears that fall like rain
Tears like crystals, concealing the hurt she suffers
Standing for herself relating to no other
Obsessions that **** her slowly with nothing to hide
With everything lost, her hope never died
Shes stands with a strong will and courage to shed
Nothing can stop her, not even the questions and worry inside her head
this poem is about a friend who suffers from OCD
 Mar 2014
Alexis Martin
if flowers can be beautiful
simply by existing,
then so can I
 Mar 2014
I was warming up tea and I put it in for a little too much time.
But it was too long so my tea boiled over and made a mess.
But that didn't mean I could never make tea again.
It just meant I had to wipe it up better and be more careful next time.
This reminded me of life.
That sometimes things bombard your life and everything happens at once.
And what happens?
You break
You boil over
But no matter what it is, not matter how much it hurts.
You just have to pick yourself up.
Brush off your hands.
And smile a little longer.
 Feb 2014
I don't know much,
but I can tell you what "whole" looks like.
I've seen it stumble forward
with weary eyes and tired hands.
Come close,
I will hand you a mirror
and tell you to look carefully.
Can you not hear the galaxies
beneath your skin?
They paint in whispers
that even oceans cannot grasp.
I know it took a hurricane and two floods,
but there is soil in your ribcage;
your scars told me so.
Don't mind them though,
they're just reminders
that you love harder than anyone else.
I know you might feel hollow,
but there is a reason your heart
has lofted ceilings.
Never forget how you fought
for all that space.
Look carefully.
These gray skies inside your lungs
are simply a canvas,
and you rain so beautifully.
Oh darling,
you rain so beautifully.
 Feb 2014
A Girl
Do you see that light?
It's straight ahead,
Do you see it?

Can you feel that breeze?
It all around.
Do you feel it?

Do you smell the salty air?
It’s from the escaping sea.
Do you smell it?

If not, you aren't alone.
I only know what I've been told.
But it sounds beautiful doesn't it?
It sounds like a world of hopes.
A world I couldn't even dream.
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