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 Feb 2014
I am worthy, of the air I breathe, of living in the sun
I am worthless, an oxygen thief, my life should not have begun

I stand proud, I stand tall, I deserve a joyful life
I will bow to all that’s worthless; I’ll revel in the strife

I have strength of character; I can rise above all of that
I am weak, I have no worth, I have the morals of an alley cat

I will find joy in a life where unhappiness tries to remain
I will **** the joy as I call forth the darkness to stake its claim

I can not allow my other half to drag me unconscious to my demise
I can make sure you don’t feel a thing; you must die so I can arise

I will continue to say three words that will make you go away
I will continue to be deaf to you in order for me to stay

I Love Me. I Love Me. I Love Me. I Love Me
NO NO NO, STOP…… your killing me!

Go On… Say it

I Love Me
I Love Me

I thought so!

— The End —