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 Jan 2021
If you can’t justify
The beliefs and actions
Of your own spouse
All that is left
Is a contradictory
Traveler Tim
 Jan 2021
It’s merely the fabric of reality
It was meant to bend and shape
Just as the white background
By words has been displaced
So is your tomorrow
An opus to be painted
I would gladly guide you along
But I wouldn’t have the faintest
Traveler Tim
 Jan 2021
Hey Siri’s
write a poem for me

Never mind Alexa
Traveler Tim

Someday technology’s going to  catch up
Then where will we be
 Dec 2020
Oh my Love
Let us Lovingly Love
Our Lovely Love

And with our Lovingness
Our Lovicity will
Love the Love of Lovers

Love only Love
And the Love of Love

With Loving Loveliness
And Lovitude Lovability Lovishness Lovaroni Loviquity






Where was I?
I sometimes suffer from what some consider an odd sense of humor
 Dec 2020
Thomas W Case
She was too drunk.
She had drank a fifth of *****
over the course of four hours.
Oh we tried, but it wasn't happening.
It was sloppy and cumbersome;
we were like two hippos wrestling
in the mud.
I got up and left her to her
impotent dreams.
I made a cup of coffee, and
sat in the dark.
Images ran through my mind.
I turned on a light, and started
writing.At least something was working.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
 Dec 2020
grumpy thumb
Bah humbug it's Christmas
Time to panic and purchase extra ****
Time for adverts to hype kids to pester parents to scavenge shelves. Time for painful smiles to be painted and pretend all is well as kin folk gather.
Worry about bedding, and seating and gravy boats and tangled lights and sellotape and hiding spaces they want to sink into.
Time for the lonely to feel isolated and the happy to be oblivious.
Time for excess and ** ** **. Christmas songs relentless grinding through bones while millions go without.
Time for charity boxes to rattle because governments ignore.
Time for hangovers and walks of shame.
Devouring more than is needed. Consumed by the season's abused meaning.
Then once done and discarded we have January, Billuary ready to ****** up the spoils.
And the New Year foolishness of resolutions, and lose weight, get back in shape, sales and sales and holiday dreams until the old valentines rolls in, then Paddy's day and Easter, then pressure for the perfect beach ***. It goes on chipping away and chipping and chipping.
Yes I'm grumpy
 Dec 2020
it always feels like a scream-
too silent, but trying
to break free.
inside of my heart.
inside of me.

and then it makes it's way into
the world, in forms
intangible but deadly.
flowing water,
sharp air.
sharp silence.

an absence.

i don't care.
do my friends think of me
at all?
besides when they're
looking for a good time,
a free spliff,
a hot touch, a tear.

i just wish
they would.
 Nov 2020
In the views of hindsight
Suffering extends
Should have just let it go
The victim within

Love and wonder
Beyond hope
You gave your all
It’s how we cope

They wither on
And leave you
The ones that once
Held you tight
You are but
The black sheep
In a hierarchical
Traveler Tim

It’s all good
Shake it off
 Nov 2020
It’s soft red rubber friction
Wearing away my existence
The editor of this play
Writing my character out

Out of their minds
A ghost of a memory
My character
Deleted from the screen

Unlike most
I cannot dissolve into this dream
And so shines the god in me!
Traveler Tim
 Nov 2020
You paint a very pretty picture
But can you see through the sky
The darkest night of soul
Has yet to past us by
We’re but dreamers
Slumbering in an array of desires
Starving in a garden paradise
We choke on the manna from heaven
Devour the milk and honey
And drown on the wine of divine

We are merely the human kind
This round is on me this time!
Traveler Tim
 Nov 2020
Five different species of animals
evolved into 🦀 *****
Why Hell’
King crab pinchers can sever a limb!

So perhaps
have a little ✨sympathy
When I tell ya
Lately my girlfriends been acting
A bit crabby again

Invisible snappers
Ripping tearing
Traveler Tim

Don’t take my word Google it
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