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 Feb 2017
Mysidian Bard
You are my moonlight,
the darker that my life gets,
the brighter you shine.
 Feb 2017
Butch Decatoria
Broken pieces shape
the Cathedral of your soul,
stained light still shines true.
 Feb 2017
once sane twice bitten
leaves never fall far from the tree
I sit and await
 Feb 2017
Pinup girls swinging from the trees
Rosy cheeks and shiny knees
Flickering lights behind my eyes
Rolling clouds hanging in the sky
Closing my lids to the sweet respite
Beautiful euphoria sweeping through the night
Twinkling stars burning up in light
Lovers basking in the moon's delight
Cotton sticking in my throat
Like the words I never spoke
Dragonflies humming above the pond
Fleeting notes of lovers song
I feel the nerves beneath my skin
Alive and buzzing from the warmth of winds
Kissing collarbones with empty lips
Like it did when we were kids
Bees crawling up my neck
With fragile wings and dainty legs
I dreamed I was the queen of them
Proctecting me in the face of death
 Feb 2017
Butch Decatoria
Such buttery lips
Sweet cream-silks, wrapping our tongues,
Je patisserie.

Red rose and sweet prose
Cyrano DeBergerac's
Moonlit balconies.

Burning in goose flesh
Yearnings with caldera-thirst
Your kiss is like rain.

Dean in gabled suits
Eloquent body, jazz-smooth
Sweeps her off her feet.

Friday night space lights
As we caress the hours
Streaks across the sky

The creases of us:
Tales of dragons and white ships
Neatly folded sheets.

Romance thru sun roofs
"Hallelujah" honeymoons
Marriage number two.

Like wide sails that cup
The high winds of this marriage
I'm at Love's mercy.

*Warm whispers my lips
Down smooth meadows of your neck,
Sweet familiar bed.
 Feb 2017
Butch Decatoria
"Who?" rather than tweet
in the dark, keenly will see
all her nameless prey.
 Feb 2017
Dead Account
Tell me is it strange
to be someone I am not
to find my true self?
First haiku.
 Feb 2017
Butch Decatoria
Friday night space-lights,
As we caress the hours,
Streaks across the sky.
 Feb 2017
Butch Decatoria
She clenches her jaw.
Inside, avoiding the heat,
While fighting with him.
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