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 May 2016
Pauline Morris
There in the belly of the city
Way down there where it's dark and gritty
Lives a very complexe man
There in his Window he stands
Watching the atrocities that parade down his street
He's seen the dealer's and the junkies meet
The homeless that set at their feet
The thugs that prey on the weak
Children abused that turn them meek
It plays out every day of the week

He's seen it all
He's watched humanity fall
It's hard for him to digest
On this life's problems his mind rest
He knows there's not much that he can do
He watches and writes it all down, he's one of the few
Sent to bear witness to the inhumanity of man
To make us think of where in this life we stand

Yes he is a poet
His watched it all and wrote it
He has a big heart
Which makes it hard to play his part
Of watcher in the tower
As those below cower
But his calling he is sure of
To watch the dying of love
To watch the darkness closing in
To watch all of man's sin
To sound the alarm
Of humanity going wrong

He stands at his Window and cries out
But no one pays attention to his shouts
So he soaks the page with ink and tears
Hoping that at last somebody hears
 May 2016
Marissa Kohlman
Alluring maiden
Skirts of green foam flash and twirl
Her song draws me in
Arms of sweet salt embrace me
Silken promises whispered
Originally published on May 6, 2013 on the Helium website in the "Tanka About the Sea" competition.
 May 2016
The stranger entered through the gate
He walked down Crimson Street
He stopped, and all around him wait
He heard the ceasing feet

The stranger said, “All who are near
Gather, hear my cry
I have an elixir here
Drink, and never die”

The people looked at him and thought,
“This man must be lost”
Then one said, “Can it be bought?
How much does it cost?”

The stranger said “The price
Is lower than you’d think
The requirements are concise
Quite simply, drink”

The people said “This can’t be true!
Surely it is fake!
He cannot bring us immortality
If we simply partake”

“Hear me, please!” he cried aloud
The people stared in despise
He was swept up by the crowd
Violence met his eyes

The curtain of mercy we will today
Over this scene bring down
It sufficeth me to say
They chased him out of town

Outside the city gate he sobbed
And wrung his beaten hands
He was bruised, abused, robbed
So he went to a different land

Fifty years, few more had passed
Until he returned again
He hadn’t aged, this old outcast
Though he lacked a single friend

The people, old and weary now,
From fifty years and five,
Saw his face and shouted, “How!
“How is he still alive?”

“The elixir” he said, his voice soft
And trembling with pain
He thought of these people oft
Though they thought him insane

For their frail bodies he could not
Help but shed a tear
They refused before, and now they rot
And still death they fear

Their shaking voices he heard
And his heart did sink
“It’s so simple,” the man whispered,
“They only had to drink”
How slow we are to trust the purest forms of truth.
 May 2016
Sandra Kosgey
I feared to feel
My soul too young to resolve
Cold as snow,the tale of my heart
Bitterness and anguish the tune of my music

Then paths crossed with Him
A teacher to my heart, a new rythm born
A wave of the most pure
Yet happiness braced with fright
The freedom too unreal

A deadly  ring in mind, was i playing too naive?
Mama's story, Cousin's story
Where they felt solitude when love ran out
I couldnt, I shouldnt
Forced to forget

Sorry doesnt mend this
I was a fool to believe
The story unfinished
Maybe we will meet and make history
When the heart is brave
Brave for love.
 May 2016
Valsa George
While it was raining heavily outside,
Two children in shabby, tattered dress
Stormed into our glass roofed patio
And at the door, for mercy did pause

They said they were out to buy empty cans
To make a living and support their family
The only work they could do at their age
And it was not their intent to dilly dally

I was in no mood to entertain them
As my hands with pending works were tight
A week’s laundry and some shopping to do
But was rather indisposed to send them outright

As I looked onto their starved faces
I felt a hard tug deep from within
After a moment’s thought, when I invited them in
In innocent mirth, their eyes did spin

When I brewed for them two cups of coffee
And gave some homemade snacks to munch
Their little faces bloomed in joy
As if savoring a favorite fruit punch.

All the while their curious eyes went
Flashing from nook to nook and every corner
On my well stacked shelves of china pottery
And the costly gadgets and the gas burner

When they were about to leave
They simply said- “Oh! You are rich!”
Of course a new revelation, it was to me
Something I had never thought over much

Yes, with a roof overhead
With enough means to feed my kids
And with a steady income every month
How rich I am compared to those hapless lads

Now, though many years have slipped by
I reiterate to myself what those children said
‘Oh! You are rich’ lest I shall ever forget again,
How rich I am and this thought keeps me ahead!
 May 2016
Valsa George
When I look into the mirror
And stare at my own reflection
I see a stranger sneering at me
I see the patch of dark around my eyes
I see my hair going grey
I see the blotchy skin and wrinkles on my face
It all makes me think
How rapid is the flight of youth

Once I was a bubbly girl
Full of charm with dreamy eyes
The golden vistas cheered my heart
In my dreams I scaled to touch the skies
Love vibrated every nerve
But now a sad change has come over
It all makes me think
How rapid is the flight of time

Once I thought how bright and sweet was life
Agile were my movements, could walk miles
Fatigue I never knew, supple limbs never ached
Life was a roller coaster ride
Today when I look at the young
With wind in their skirts and sunbeams in their eyes
I see the stark change that years have brought
And wonder how rapid the onset of old age is

Though my beauty has burnt away
And my bones have a brittle grate
Still I would like to hold on stubbornly
Looking at each day for what next day brings
As I still have a hopeful heart
And wish to embrace life as it comes
To make it a sweet labor of love
So I ‘rage, rage against the dying of light’!
 May 2016
South by Southwest
In my calm
The ache arises from the ground
Where it remains buried during the day

A lone siren sings in chorus
to the choir of cold stars
Whose heat cannot be felt

Nor the heat of your warm breath
Upon the memories made
Still twinkling in my winter's night

Oh the hollow thud
Of a heartbeat devoured by love
For you were a soul eater

My black heart's hole opens
Swallowing all of the winter's
Cold forsaken images

And as the seas of demise
Flood my icicles of despair
I will no longer shed a tear
 May 2016
Akira Chinen
You know...

You know when
You wake up with that stupid drunk smile spread across your face
As if you had been drinking all night in your sleep
You know when the days pass in a blink and you feel high from just breathing air
Like the air is ****** and your lungs are some desperate junkies arms covered in track marks
You know when the explanation to the unexplainable isn't an answer but the question
You know when your hand trembles every time you go to write
You know when your heart races too quickly with fear and exhilaration
You know when your soul burns and all of hell starts to sing at the sight of it
You know when you feel that your body, your heart, your spirit, your entirety is no longer yours
You know when the madness is coiled around you robbing of your breath and your senses
When the madness seeps in and out of your every heart beat
When your scared and terrified and frightened of how good it feels
And when it feels so good that you're miserable with the hurt and the pain and the beauty of it all
That's when you know...
You know...

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