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 May 2016
Terry Jordan
I change my shoes and attitude
But say I hate surprises
Desiring things to stay the same
Anxiety arises

Change a job, a change in age
Change your view or change your tone
The Age of Aquarius turned the page
To change your tune-you’re not alone

Do I fight the change, ignite the change
The change I fear, so hard so cruel
You can win a war yet take the blame
When Yin and Yang begin to duel

Like loose change dropped in a jar
Changing partners, changing clothes
Change my house and buy that car
Bless the highs but curse the lows

Pain and Joy, so intertwined
A change of heart, a change of flight
Accepting wisdom, change my mind
A shift to the left, the change feels right

The change I see, or don’t see comin’
I move in a different direction
Confidently whistling and hummin’  
Too late, upon closer inspection

Change for the better or change can ****
Lead in the water has been unfurled
Change means growth-you cannot stand still
Change our position and change the world
Inspired by David Bowie's 'Changes' lyrics
 May 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
You were there
from day one  
You are my father
I am your son

First taught me to walk.
Then taught me to run
You are my father
I am your son

Fished with me
in the hot summer sun
You are my father
I am your son

Gladly accepted
each girls heart I won
You are my father
I am your son

Taught me to drive
that stick it was fun
You are my father
I am your son

Saw me off to the army
my adult life begun
You are my father
I am your son

Now I am married
perhaps a grandson
You are my father
I am your son

The angels came calling
your time here is done
You are my father
I am your son

I really miss you
this grief weighs a ton
You are my father
I am your son

You'll always be my father
now I've become one
I am the father
I have a son
 May 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
Words can cut you
to the core
leaving you lying
on the floor

When they're spoke
it can make you cry
makes you feel like
you want to die

Other times
they can make you feel love
delivered on
the wings of doves

Words of love
and sweet romance
feeling like
you're in a trance

Another way
they can be spoken
feeling like
you're sad and broken

Hearing them spoke
can make you smile
even if
for a little while

Raising you up
or making you sour
they have such
incredible power

Some are true
and some are lies
hits you right
between the eyes

Careful of what
you say or write
it can cause
an ugly fight

All us poets
we are not zeros
we are literary
super heroes

Using our words
to express our feelings
there's no floors
and no ceilings

So keep on writing
till you die
making them laugh
making them cry
 May 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
This is the ride
that I hate to take
Somber feelings
heart going to break

Time to leave
our little abode
Pulse is racing
I'm going to explode

In the car
I'm going to work
these aching feelings
hard to shirk

The miles are passing
each one like years
Down my cheeks
streams an ocean of tears

Is this the one ?
Is this the ride?
The last time
I'll feel you by my side

If this is the day
If this is the time
Never again
will my words rhyme

For you are my world
my life's destination
Without you in it
I'd have no inspiration
 May 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
Poor black crow
Broke it's neck
Flying into glass

Kind of like
Me and you
Sorry to be crass

I'm the crow
Midnight black
Into love I fall

You're the glass
Crystal clear
With an emotional wall

I'm flying fast
into you
Emotions start to reel

Your heart is hard
Cold and gray
Seemingly made of steel

Hit so hard
Broke my neck
Ending with a crack

Left me there
On the floor
Never looking back
Sometimes sunshine streams through the windows,
like a tousled head of hair. Bright and solid light

that opens the room to dangling frames of dust.
The dust collects itself under the furniture.

Hiding, transforming, resisting change. It becomes
its own entity, its own statement. Gradually the dust

overcomes the sunshine and the room is again bleached
in bleakness. Voices are gradual, distant sounding, as they

try and survive in the ***** room. Sometimes sunshine
streams through the windows like a growing sense of doom.

Hard and harsh vibrancy that collides with the anticipation
of the occupants. They are uncertain how to proceed with

their daily routines. Like the dust, they collect themselves into
arbitrary points of views. Mangled intentions that are never

stated, but instead are felt like rotting fruit in a basket.
The smell permeates all areas of reality as it dominates the

passion of the souls. They moan in obligation. They whine in
muted patterns of surrender as they whip around the room

like the dust floating painfully in the air. Sometimes sunshine
streams through the windows, like a bloated body in water.

The beginning of the race always promises to have an ending.
The ending always promises to begin again. But the room will

always stay as it is, dust and doom its statement to the world.
And, sometimes, sunshine streams through the windows.
 May 2016
I wished for you,
On a winters falling star
I wasn't waiting for it
It just shot
Clear across the sky
Then faded to nothingness
As all things do
It took a second for me to realise
What I'd just seen
I've seen so few
Never bothered to wish on any
I didn't wish for money or fame
I wished for you

My eyes squeezed shut
Then right out loud,
I wished for you
It was so cold that night
The star had come from the dark
Leaping out of the night sky
With your name on it

I kind of got my wish
You see, I didn't wish for your love
Only for you
And with YOU
Came tears, loneliness,

Next time I wish,
I wont wish on a falling star
Because they are dying
Leaping from eternity
My next wish
Will be on a living,
Twinkling star
Staying firmly in place,
Shining brightly
 May 2016
If you were granted the gift of temporary flight...

     Would you ascend...
          Just so you could feast your eyes
          on the horizon,
          beyond the confines of weather-worn tiles
          set upon unsuspecting rooftops.

     Would you take soar...
          Just so you could briefly leave the ground
          And as the land beneath you diminishes,
          all that's you tethered to your earth
          almost instantly would turn into nothing
          but specks of insignificance.

     Would you fly free...
          Just so your heart could entertain the possibility
          of being ensnared by the breathtaking
          view of the sun,
          as it rests its pompous girth upon its bed of
          Like a bratty king sprawled over lavish sheets.

     Would you burst through the boundary...
          That separates heaven and earth.
          Just so you could be bewitched by the full blown
          be enthralled by the siren calls of the stars,
          and be a part of the spectacle that is the

If you were granted the gift of momentary flight...

     Would you still ascend?
          Knowing full well that soon gravity would claim
          you with less than no pity nor remorse.
          And all that you had complacently forsaken...
          Will greet you with the harshest of punishments.

                    *I would.
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