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 May 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
Who am I?
I don't know
Is my life just for show?

Things I wasn't able to achieve
It's almost over I can't believe

Started out with such potential
But oh the decline was exponential.

I was stubborn and wouldn't stop trying
I couldn't accept everyone was lying

But as the years would progress
There is something I must confess

As I approach the eternal end
you have been my only friend

So when who am I is the question
I will give you a suggestion

Find a person that makes you whole
and let your destiny take control
 May 2016
Akira Chinen
Terrified... no... not terrified
Mad?  Of course I am mad!
Stircken with madness!

My every emotion heightened
I can hear and feel every sound from heaven, earth, and hell

Impossible to describe when or  how she started to haunt me so.
All day and night in dreams she walked with me.  
Something in her voice... something dancing there in her words
And those eyes, eyes more endless than the oceans
Yes, her eyes!

Yes, her eyes drove me into this insanity.
Her eyes, heavy in dark storms, dancing with demons,
Hiding beauty not meant for mortals to gaze upon
And in their darkness hides something more
Something covered by such black grace
Guarded and tormented by devil and beast


I dare say this
In no napping nor no dreaming
Will you find
No treasure, no paradise, no living creature
Could be as lovely
As her heart
And her poor heart trapped there
In this private hell

What was I to do?
She hardly knew my name but already
I found myself desperate for her affection...

I awoke in the middle of the night
My soul on fire
My body drenched in longings warmth
My chest ready to burst with madness
The devil sitting at the end of my bed
Politely sipping tea
"Bad dream?" He said with a snicker in his teeth
" I know..."
He inhaled deeply,
"I can smell it on you."
His teeth growing wider with his smile.
"Love...that's it, isn't it?"
I answered not...
Nothing good would come of it...
He had murdered my heart and soul before
More than once or twice
"Come, come now, son... you know I mean no harm."
The devil continued
"What a beautiful sight, this dream of yours.  Oh... those eyes... You poor boy, you never had a chance"
He laughed and sipped and sipped and laughed.

"Love sweet love... Is there nothing more sickly heavenly than love.  You fools will do everything and anything for it...
Lie, cheat, steal, ******...
Anything that is, accept,... treat it well

And ****
He was gone

He was right though
My own heart
Dead and buried beneath the floor boards of my soul
Hidden in the darkness
Safe from the ills and pains and beauty of  


And it was my own hands
And sinister villainous laughter
That had murdered and buried it there
So long ago
Never never
Wanting to feel its beat again
Its foolish beating

Beat beat

Too high and too quick
Had it flown
Loving and then breaking
Leaving me alone to
Its heartache and woe
Too many times
Too many times to bare
So I hid in the dark from it
Standing still for many days
So still for many nights
Until it knew not where I was
It trembled to think itself alone
It cried there and I nearly laughed
Frozen I remained
Listening to it beat and cry and cry and beat
Then quickly I leapt upon it
And grasped it with both hands
Suffocating the life from it
Holding it down waiting
For its beating

Its beat beat
Beating to stop

And it slowed
And slowed and slowed
Until at last
It stopped
And I knew, oh I smiled to know
I knew I was forever more
Safe from the ills and pain and beauty of


I wept, oh how I wept
Why is a heart so magnificent
So lost and troubled in despair
Her heart, so weary
So dreary
Such painful beating

Beat, beat

Right outside
My dreaming

Dream, dream

What could I do
Other than sit and watch
The horror of this show
My hands no more than ghosts
My voice ached to silent screams
If I could only help
If I could only love


And then I heard it...
My dead heart

My dead
Dead heart

Pounding gently beneath the floor boards
Lost in the darkness of my soul
It grew louder
It grows louder still
I must be hearing its ghost
It cannot be

My dead
Dead heart

But louder and louder
It rang in my ears
My soul trembled from the sound of its beating

Its beat beat

For the ills and pains
Of love
This could not be
I paced the darkness
In nervous strides
My heart
Was to forever
Remain lifeless and lost
Beneath forgotten floorboards
Deep deep down
In the bowels
Of my lonely soul
I felt its death
Felt it give its last breath and beat
In mine own murderous hands

The ills and pains of love
Macking ridicule of my past deed
No! No... it mustn't be...
Louder... louder... it rang
Sound reverberating from
The hollow of

My dead
Dead heart

Faster and harder and louder
It pounded relentlessly
Pounding like the wings of a mad black bird
Echoing laughter from its beak made of devils horn
I heard... I knew...

That beat
Beat beating

Death had released my heart
Unable to hold and hide and keep it safe from
The ills and pains...
And most of all...
The beauty of


No slower than lightning
My heart burst forth
Shattering the hidden floorboards
Splintering the depths
Of my soul
With new ills and pains and beauty of


Off it flew
Such foolish flight
Drunk with courage
Oh that stupid stupid heart

Beat beat

A fools quest
A knights death
Off it went
Beating its black wings
Off toward devil and beast and despair
Guided by the sound
Of her heart
The painful

Beat beat

That beautiful sound
Right outside my

Dream, dream
 May 2016
Karina Norris-Veirs
She sits as she holds a paper thin hand
She hears the labored breathing
She tells the others it's near the end
No family to be there
No mournful wails
It's just the nurses and aids to offer care
Slowly the breathing sings the song of death
The grip on her hand becomes less and less
Finally the hand loses all strength
The room becomes quiet
No one dare breathes  
Sound returns of the bustling in the ward
The others leave letting her mourn
She did not get to save a life that day
Instead she helped a soul because she stayed.
In honor of nurses week..
 May 2016
Valsa George
With the peak of spring in the month of May
In the early hours of a pleasantly sunlit day
Two kids sat cuddled on a swing
Feeling as though they were taking on wing

Swinging in the air, they began to sing
Their sweet lay breaking the silence with its ring
They kicked their legs in rising delight
And felt like thistledowns ever so light

Up and down on the swing was fun
They closed their eyes on being face to face with the sun
Felt the swish and sway of the buoyant air
And knew the light tug of breeze on their curly hair

As the air got caught in the frills of their frock
Their eyes gleamed bright in delightful spark
Imagining themselves to be astronauts in space,
An ebullient excitement lit up their face

From a raised angle, they saw the Earth in green folds lie
Watched the surrounding hills standing awfully high
Saw a small stream flowing as a slow moving train
With trees lined up on its banks in unbroken chain

Longingly I watched these children free of all worry and pain
Also their aerial feats, not tainted by any melancholy stain
How I miss these childhood days of innocent fun
As my hours, towards the sunset, quickly run
I envy little children and their care free days......! They leave me immensely nostalgic as I had a joyous childhood in a large happy family !
 May 2016
Stranger Blue
Why are hearts so disconnected?
Why is hate so persued and
love so neglected?
Why are smiles so rejected while a
grimace is thoroughly respected?

How is it that common courtesy
Is so hard to be projected?
When rudeness and pompousness
are praised and erected?

Why are good deeds and hard work scrutinized
and dissected?
When selfishness and greed are voted on and elected?

Why do the needs of the many go so undetected?
While the wants of the few are sought out and collected?
Why are the rights of some being constantly injected,
while the rights of others are going unprotected?

I guess humanity has been misdirected.
Technology has replaced what really makes us
socially connected.
Is there any way for the family unit to be resurrected?
For us ...the human race to truly be interconnected?

I don't know...Why is life never what is expected?
 May 2016
Anig Muh
I'll always miss the light in your eyes,
sweet distance I've cherished from you and your lies,
but you're not Malicious, it was me who was lost.
I'd hesitate and stumble not knowing the cost.

My heart's still beating so fast-
Stationary Vibrations
That I thought wouldn't last.

and I'm not even moving, anymore.

Is this not over?
My stomach feels like a washing machine,
as I await a gain of closure,
but from action. If you only knew what I mean.

A rainy night like this, so dark and familiar.
My intentions are 180,
yet I still lack an emotional filter.

What's done is done,
but my mind won't stay in line,
it wanders, and wonders.
Did I even make you ponder?

Message from a bottle, a bracelet to give away,
an apology off my chest,
and an instrumental sentiment to replace what I had bust.

Although I'm still hectic,
I've learned through times chaotic
that there is controlled madness,
a deep understanding found in the most lingering sadness.

I will always forgive you, even though I mean nothing to you.

I'll always miss the light in your eyes,
sweet distance I've cherished from you and your lies,
but you're not Malicious, it was me who was lost.
I'd hesitate and stumble not knowing the cost.

Now photos haunt me like corpses,
memories frozen in time.
Souls at some point in their lives
both melancholic, and sublime.

Trying to be free spirited,
is harder with a heart of lead.
I shut down, quiet but responsible
for the thoughts in my head.

My biggest weakness,
I don't leave things in silence.
Even if they're past pretense,
you can't humiliate someone who has no shame.
I'm so done with this game,
but I can't stop playing for fear of not breathing.

So I'll isolate in my leaving,
and wait til I rot down to my core.
No matter how many books I read to escape,
I'm still haunted by the symbols within the lore,
a foretold romance gone black and full of sorrow.
Give your mind a break, but emotional scars will still be there tomorrow.

There is no cure, that is for sure
to rid me of this sadness.
I've perhaps died in another dimension,
or reality and my life is purely bogus,
a dying dream.
You were thing the only thing as real as you seem.

Although I'm still hectic,
I've learned through times chaotic
that there is controlled madness,
a deep understanding found in the most lingering sadness.
 May 2016
Clare Coffey
In me all your strength lies
The source of your bright power
Come then oh Lord of the Night
Seek me in my tall tower

All your beloved essence
Courses through my veins
In the blackness of my blood
Not a trace of light remains

You drink me like a fine wine
Heady and sweetly perfumed
Swallowing deeply slowly
Until all of me is consumed

Your words echo out to me
Searing silence like a knife
Calling to the dark within
Extinguishing all my life

I give myself completely
Each moment till I grow old
You take all your heart from me
You command my very soul

In me all your strength lies
The source of your bright power
Come then oh Lord of the Night
Seek me in my tall tower
 May 2016


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Picked suggested by Thomas
Drained suggested by Lady RF.
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