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 Oct 2017
Make your day lovely
Fill it with big happy smiles
And cups of coffee
Smiles and coffee :)
 Oct 2017
It smells like loneliness outside.
The smell of a hot dog on a grill after a storm,
mingled with propane and cigarettes.
The smell of solitary.

A string of “cold and broken hallelujahs”
no longer dulls the senses.
It’s senseless anyway.

I eat my brown rice in front of the sink
and I am reminded of the taste of Play-Doh.
It’s funny how loneliness creeps in on the wind,
the cars’ wheels in the rain,
the braking of the bus,
scuttling of squirrels...

Maybe a hot tea or toddy
(maybe something stronger)
will keep this autumn-ness at bay.
 Oct 2017
I love it when my
kids come home after
being at work all day
They say 'mum what's
for dinner' I say I'm
only cooking a omelette
tonight for dinner
since your all off down
the pub with dad to
play snooker , even though
your all colour blind
thank god dads there
to tell you colour of the *****!
Anyway I will see you off
and wave goodbye to you
for a few hours as I am
going to read my book
which as gripped me
to read till the end!
Hey when you come
back later pick up some
macdonalds please..I'll
have a chicken wrap with
chips and a Diet Coke..

Well that sums up my night
tonight pretty well :)
My lot always go snooker Thursday night and tonight I'm catching up on my book x
 Oct 2017
Francesca Anderssen
The rope that you’re using to hold me
I crave as my very own,
for I am your woman desiring
and submissive is now what I am.

Your whip might hold such terror
for one who knows not of pain,
for me it’s an object of wanting
that drives me to seek it again.

The gag that holds me in silence
so my protests cannot be heard,
arouses me more than I tell you
as screams are held deep inside.

So much of me needs all this from you
making me want in this way,
I cannot find it with others
only you can control how I play.

The torture you give is sublime now
such suffering drives me insane,
my mind goes deep into meltdown
and beyond anything I can explain.

The force of your lash overwhelms me
with agony driving so deep,
yet I must take all that you give me
as you dry the wet tears when I weep.

‘Tis then that you hold me so softly
with arms around me so tight,
to know that I am your slavegirl
and suffering for you is so right.

From the Francesca Anderssen collection of 101 **** Verses 2017
I write of what I know from life as I have lived it. ***** yes, but in the company of liked minded people who have invariably been kind and courteous in parallel with their sadism.
My book of collected verse is on Amazon (Francesca Anderssen)
on kindle and paperback, together with my **** Novel "Need" which is semi autobiographical.
cannot be fully comprehended
by using words alone,

Love's true depth
can only be accurately measured
when it is shown,

True love
can be fully recognised,
and felt by the heart,
without needing
the slightest of touch,

When love is expressed
through caring gestures -
it is within actions that real love
is sown and grown;
I truly believe this
to be such!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Sep 2017
h m w
He smiled at me and said 'here, take this'

It was a happy little pill of his and it would feel bliss

I smiled and gave him a kiss saying, 'thank you baby'

But what happened next forever will drive me crazy

Next thing you know I was spinning in my head

Then he wanted to bring me to a bed

His friends walked in and wanted more

So they all called me a ‘***** little *****’

My body was numb and I couldn’t move

I let out a scream but they didn’t approve

Everything went black but then again I woke

But to them it was nothing but a funny little joke

They locked me inside of a walk in closet

So if there was a stir I sure wouldn’t cause it

I blacked out again and woke in a different place

Treating me as if my soul were missing and my body were a case

Still I was unable to move nor speak

But he still said he loved me and kissed me on the cheek

I counted five inhumane beings on top of me moaning

One was even playfully groaning

I was disgusted and wanted it to end

But I knew that after this my mind would never mend

By now it would have been a little past three in the morning

Earlier I should have taken that adorable face as a warning

When they realized I was sobering up

They had an alibi saying they’d call this a hookup

When I could finally move my mouth again

I realized what had happened and felt heavy chest pain

They heard that I was muttering words that were incomprehensible

They saw me as nothing more than a body and that I was dispensable

They came up with a plan to hide my body in a ditch

I even heard one say, 'she deserved it, what a stupid *****'

I hit my head when they threw me on the ground

I only saw black in front of me and around

I woke up to a woman asking if I were okay

I only said one phrase and it was that 'I was betrayed'

What happened after that is irrelevant at best

All I will say is that I was nothing but stressed

This is my story and it happened two years ago today

Nailing an image in my mind that I was a targeted prey

I know now that I hold so much more worth

And I love myself more than anything on this Earth

Just know that these words have come straight from my heart

No matter how vile and disgusting this memory is, I can never restart

So I tried to make it a poem so it seems like some kind of art.

I am a ****** assault victim and I never received justice.
 Sep 2017
Dhaara T
Cow dung
She hung
Between her legs

Dry leaves
She'd weave
Into disposable wear

Even second hand sanitization
Was considered better condition
So she ducked into the safety of unknown risks

Absorb, if it could
Wear it she would
No space for concerns, no choice

On one hand they say
Empowered today, we women, stay
On the other, stands she, in rural patches of ignorance
It's sad to know that even today, as what not happens in the name of "feminism", there are still women in my country who cannot even afford sanitary napkins, let alone clothes. As a result, many rural women use substitutes, but it's heartbreaking to see the extent they would bend to, only because they cannot afford anything more.

Yet, I feel just as proud as I am angered by the story of such people (vs the wasteful lives of the 'haves'...a gap that huge is unfair!) -
proud because of people like Anshu Gupta (founder of Goonj, a not-for-profit organisation), who, along with his team is working towards changing this scenario with the distribution of biodegradable and affordable sanitary napkins, amongst other commendable initiatives.

This is not a collaboration or anything of that sort, neither am I associated with them in any way (other than supporting their causes), I am genuinely touched by their efforts and naturally, feel like spreading the word about their work. It would be great if you too could have a look at their website (, and if you're convinced, monetarily or non-monetarily, support their cause?
 Sep 2017
Melissa S
I know you can stimulate me with your hands
that's easy....:)
Now I want to see what you can do to my mind
Let's have a stimulating conversation
****** me with your words
Tease me with some ****** poetry
Sing to me a song from your heart
Tell me what you want to do to me....
Be VERY descriptive
Take your time with me ~let it last a little longer
The bond between us will only grow stronger
The lesser known erogenous zone for women is the mind... :)
 Sep 2017
Poetry First
splayed splashed and splattered she
shades of ebullient blue on skies languid
and as glided and rolled and pirouetted her spirit
swirled beauteous clouds in bounteous ecstasy
pigments of hale she lent to rainbows pale
as sparkled in sun her tinted wings
nurtured beneath them her burgeoning dreams
unbridled in vastness soared her flights a many

Girlhood years ~
                                  ~spirits                     ­ ~ rocking
                                              ~  frolicking
                                                   ~like mirthful waves

thence came the age of early youth
when sprouted an ogre from thicket of rules
born of patriarchal seeds devoured her open sky
space where her spirit sang danced and grew

coerced to gulp a concoction made from
meaty pulp of social codes to her hitherto unknown
transformed she into an ‘ideal’ woman
- compliant, subservient, submissive and meek

wishes waned
dreams drained

little remained
of the blue in her skies
and of rainbow hues
Reflections on times when women were deemed fit solely for raising children and doing household chores... And groomed accordingly... Defying their defined role and stepping outside seemed almost unimaginable...

Inspirations from Simone de Beauvoir's quotes-

“One is not born, but rather becomes a woman.”

“Her wings are cut and then she is blamed for not knowing how to fly.”

“Woman is shut up in a kitchen or in a boudoir, and astonishment is expressed that her horizon is limited…..Let but the future be opened to her, and she will no longer be compelled to linger in the present.  ”
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